Моделювання плазмової ребристо-стержневої антени
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Досліджено вплив параметрів плазми на просторовий розподіл поля плазмових
антен. Розроблено числову модель плазмової ребристо-стержневої антени завдовжки 4λ
з поперечним розподілом поля за значень d1/λ = 0,62 та d1/λ = 0,63. Адекватність
чисельної моделі плазмової ребристо-стержневої антени перевірено експериментально.
Наведено діаграми спрямованості плазмової ребристо-стержневої антени, отримані в
результаті чисельного та експериментального моделювання.
This paper regards modern state of plasma antennas and the main modeling methods of electrodynamic parameters of radiative means based on plasma discharge. The author gives several references on the works which have been dedicated comparison analysis of metal and plasma antennas, where it is shown the main advantages and disadvantages of such antennas, basic usage ways and software tools for automatic calculation of electrodynamic parameters of plasma antennas such as radiation patterns and return losses. As a result of the done theoretical research the author have proposed to use surface wave antennas for creation of principally new plasma antenna construction. As a prototype of surface wave antenna it has been taken traditional metal corrugated-rod antenna. To achieve this goal it is necessary to change the central metal rod by plasma discharge. HFSS technology has been used for numerical modeling of the investigated plasma antenna. The main constructive parameters of plasma corrugated-rod antenna are width and period of radial inhomogeneouses. As a result of numerical modeling, the plasma corrugated-rod antenna of relative length 4λ with a transverse field distribution at relative constructive parameters d1/λ = 0.62 and d1/λ = 0.63 has been developed. The plasma parameter influence on the spatial field distribution of the plasma antenna was investigated. The author has used Drude theory for development of new material that has electrical parameters like plasma. If plasma discharge is missing in the antenna structure the transverse field distribution will disappear, but the radiation level of side lobe will increase by 30°. The numerical model adequacy of the plasma corrugated-rod antenna was verified experimentally. Amplitude normalized radiation patterns of the plasma corrugated-rod antenna, obtained as a result of numerical and experimental modeling, are presented in the paper.
This paper regards modern state of plasma antennas and the main modeling methods of electrodynamic parameters of radiative means based on plasma discharge. The author gives several references on the works which have been dedicated comparison analysis of metal and plasma antennas, where it is shown the main advantages and disadvantages of such antennas, basic usage ways and software tools for automatic calculation of electrodynamic parameters of plasma antennas such as radiation patterns and return losses. As a result of the done theoretical research the author have proposed to use surface wave antennas for creation of principally new plasma antenna construction. As a prototype of surface wave antenna it has been taken traditional metal corrugated-rod antenna. To achieve this goal it is necessary to change the central metal rod by plasma discharge. HFSS technology has been used for numerical modeling of the investigated plasma antenna. The main constructive parameters of plasma corrugated-rod antenna are width and period of radial inhomogeneouses. As a result of numerical modeling, the plasma corrugated-rod antenna of relative length 4λ with a transverse field distribution at relative constructive parameters d1/λ = 0.62 and d1/λ = 0.63 has been developed. The plasma parameter influence on the spatial field distribution of the plasma antenna was investigated. The author has used Drude theory for development of new material that has electrical parameters like plasma. If plasma discharge is missing in the antenna structure the transverse field distribution will disappear, but the radiation level of side lobe will increase by 30°. The numerical model adequacy of the plasma corrugated-rod antenna was verified experimentally. Amplitude normalized radiation patterns of the plasma corrugated-rod antenna, obtained as a result of numerical and experimental modeling, are presented in the paper.
плазма, ребристо-стержнева антена, діаграма спрямованості, plasma, corrugated-rod antenna, radiation pattern
Тепляков І. Ю. Моделювання плазмової ребристо-стержневої антени / І. Ю. Тепляков // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 909. — С. 10–15.