Прояви «музеальності» в історичній ретроспективі: від античності до ХІХ ст


У статті здійснено спробу проаналізувати, на фоні ключових етапів цивілізаційно-культурної історії Європи, прояви музеальності від античної доби до епохи націоналізму в ХІХ столітті. Увагу акцентовано на причиннонаслідкових зв’язках між потребою у відборі та зберіганні певних видів музеалій та релігійно-світоглядними й суспільно-політичними обставинами конкретної історичної епохи.
The concept of «museality» is one of the main theoretical constructs in the modern museology. Museality means that a person considers selected subjects as such important testimonies of a certain state of things that wants to keep them as long as possible and to disseminate knowledge about them in the society. This particular relation of a person to his world is connected with the material objects, which are called «musealias». «Museal need» to take from everyday use some monuments of antiquity had various motives in different historical periods. The latter were connected with prevailing moral and religious guidelines, political conjuncture, cultural stereotypes and myths dominant in the public opinion of a certain historical epoch. Therefore, the purpose of this scientific research is the attempt to follow the manifestations of the «museality» in the key stages of human history from the time of Antiquity to Romanticism. The «museal need» in ancient Greece was connected with the cultural and religious sphere of human existence (votive subjects). The collecting in the Hellenistic world and ancient Rome became its certain continuation.So, for example, the kings of Egypt from the Ptolemy dynasty, Roman patricians and emperors had collected and preserved the collections of Greek art trying to imitate the traditions of the Greek Museyon. The «museality» in the Middle Ages was primarily related to Christianity, which was reflected in the collection of church-religious objects and things that were real or invented related to the life of saints.The Age of Humanism and Renaissance revived social interest to ancient cultural heritage and the «musealias» associated with Greco-Roman art. The rationalism and universalism of the Enlightenment led to the fact that collecting and preserving of the historical and artistic monuments was combined with the mission of enlightening of population. The epoch of romanticism and nationalism combined the «musealias» first of all with the creation of the historical national narratives and myths. In general, the «museality» has become an important link in the ensuring memorial heredity (from antiquity to present) and a channel for the transfer of material and intangible cultural heritage to the next generations



музеальність, музеалія, музей, колекції, Античність, Середньовіччя, Ренесанс, Романтизм, museality, musealia, museum, collection, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Romanticism


Банах В. Прояви «музеальності» в історичній ретроспективі: від античності до ХІХ ст / Василь Банах // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 7–12.



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