До питання нормування сільської садиби

dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”uk_UA
dc.contributor.authorГнесь, Л. Б.
dc.description.abstractРозглядаються закономірності і тенденції нормування сільської садиби в Україні, залежно від соціально-економічних трансформацій суспільства, що відбувались в ХХ–ХХІ ст. Висвітлюються актуальні проблеми розпланування села в епоху ринкових відносин, обґрунтовуються пропозиції щодо оновлення містобудівних проектних норм ДБН 360-92** “Містобудування. Планування і забудова міських і сільських поселень” стосовно розпланування сельбищних територій сільських поселень. The article raises the issues of updating of urban design standards DBN 360-92** “Urban design. Town and Village Planning” in the part of residential areas planning of a Ukrainian village and a farmstead as the basic structural unit that forms these residential areas. It has been revealed that the project of new town planning standards do not consider the fact of radical changes in the social and economic structures of the country, it has not been taken into consideration that there was a transition to a market economy, that the land and administrative and territorial reforms were made, that Ukraine has joined the WTO and headed for EU integration and also other innovations. However, the planning of rural ares is still being proposed to base on outdated socialist approaches which were grounded on the ideological postulates entirely oriented towards collective forms of agriculture and which did not take a villager as a farm owner but, in fact, destroyed the sence of being an owner. Therefore, for a more complete understanding of how to develop new urban design standards it is important to track regularities of evolution of formation in Ukraine of traditional rural buildings, farmsteads, streets and also standards features of rural development and farmsteads particularly in XIX–XX centuries in different social and economic formations (Russian, Austro-Hungarian building standards and regulations in XVIII–XIX centuries, Soviet standards in the twentieth century). It was established that during the NEP, when 98 % of farms were individual homesteads, area norms (0.35 hectares) and estates parameters met the needs of a household maintaining and mainly followed the tradition of international standardization. Retrospective of socialist standardization of farmstead development during collectivization (from 30th to 80th years of XX century) in Ukraine showed a gradual reduction of a farmstead area (up to 0,12–0,08 hectares) and parameters. Such areas and parameters minimization of farmsteads made impossible doing of traditional expended household and actually resulted in the destroying of a strong Ukrainian owner, which was a goal of socialist ideology, indeed. Then, during the next two or three generations Ukrainian village lost its identity as a formation which combined functions for dwelling and agricultural production. In fact, nowadays a village is transformed into a cottage sleeping settlement, in which features of agricultural production no more exist or they are within the limits of old generation enthusiasm. This situation leads to breaking of traditions and farming culture, lack of work in countryside, which in its turn leads to alcoholism, migration of young people to cities and finaly – to further degradation of a village. In conclusions there are amendments to the new design standards “Urban design. Town and Village Planning” which would encourage designers to create such planning solution that would provide two main functions in a rural settlement – dwelling and agricultural production (and not only agricultural), and also stimulate creation and development of extended services like social and consumer services, recreation, farm tourism which could be formed on the basis of self-organization of rural communities and business activity of local people.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationГнесь Л. Б. До питання нормування сільської садиби / Л. Б. Гнесь // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура. – 2016. – № 856. – С. 114–123. – Бібліографія: 10 назв.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехнікиuk_UA
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dc.rights.holder© Гнесь Л. Б., 2016uk_UA
dc.subjectсільські поселенняuk_UA
dc.titleДо питання нормування сільської садибиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeOn the issue of standardization of a farmsteaduk_UA


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