Особливості викладання курсу історії Стародавніх Греції та Риму для студентів спеціальності “Музейна справа та охорона пам’яток історії та культури”
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Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Проаналізовано методи та методики викладання, а також особливості організації вивчення курсу історії
Давніх Греції та Риму на основі робіт студентів спеціальності “Музеєзнавство та пам’яткоохоронна діяльність”. Studying the course in Ancient Greece and Rome history primarily is associated with the departments of History in
Ukrainian classical or pedagogical universities. However, with the advent of new specialties of humanities in higher
education in Ukraine, the problem of adapting teaching of these subjects for students studying related to the craft of history
specialties and in some form involve ancient history and culture studies. An examples of such specialty area of training are
Museum management and Protection of historical monuments. The purpose of this article is to study the characteristics of
teaching course in the history of ancient Greece and Rome for students of Museology and Protection of monuments
specialty and finding the methods of adaptating these training courses to students.
The best way to cover the discipline that now dominates in the world of science and teaching practice is not factual
or sociological but civilizational and humanitarian. Thus in the center of attention appear the complex characteristics of
ancient societies with a focus on culture and religion, on the people and their behavior, lifestyle or mentality. Special
attention is paid to the study of material culture of ancient civilization, preserved monuments of art, military affairs and
economy. It has a dual role: on the one hand, students became better acquainted with the achievements of ancient culture
and the other is based on the cultural achievements of ancient civilization that help students to learn how to distinguish
directly in practice the concepts of cultural monuments, historical heritage and became aware of the importance of activities
related to the preservation of the past.
Teaching the History of Ancient Greece and Rome course for students studying the Museology and Protection of
monuments specialty comes from the thesis about the role of the course in the system of students’ professional training. The
course has to form not only a basic knowledge of the history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, but also to shape the
needed for further learning process skills and for the full development of the specialist in field of Museology or Monuments
preserving. Searching the methods of teaching the history of ancient Greece and Rome for students of Museology and
Protection of monuments specialty is in the process of dynamic development. Learning not only history but also the culture
of antiquity for future specialists in this field encourages to test the methods that involve obtaining historical knowledge
through actualization knowledge in culture and monuments.
історія Давніх Греції та Риму, музеєзнавство, музейна справа, the course in Ancient Greece and Rome history, museology, museum study
Лисейко Я. Особливості викладання курсу історії Стародавніх Греції та Риму для студентів спеціальності “Музейна справа та охорона пам’яток історії та культури” / Ярослав Лисейко // Historical and Cultural Studies. – 2015. – Volume 2, number 1. – P. 61–65. – Бібліографія: 20 назв.