Methodology of prospective and current research in finance

dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorAlieksieiev, I.
dc.contributor.authorMazur, A.
dc.contributor.authorMoroz, A.
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with issues related to research methodology in the financial field. An important aspect of the author’s approach is a new look at the research, which is proposed to be considered as prospective and current. The argument for this approach is the need to combine traditional basic and applied research into a group of prospective, ie those that result in some long-term goals and can usually result in scientific novelty. Instead, current research is no less practical. It is through current research that the necessary measures are being implemented. This applies to technical, technological, organisational, economic and financial measures, which ultimately provide some improvement in the activities of any entity. The characteristics of prospective and current research are given, which determine the differences between them. In particular, such characteristics are: the expected result, the tools for the study and the composition of researchers – performers of prospective or current research. Based on the division of research into prospective and current, the different directions of these types of scientific and practical research are determined. It is noted that the formulation of tasks of different purpose and nature requires the definition of certain predefined sets of research methods. Narrowing of methodical tools can lead to erroneous results. Instead, an integrated approach, formulated not only for a hypothetical goal and potential outcome, but also for the choice of research methods, is an important safeguard against erroneous conclusions. To do this, a matrix has been developed, in which complexes of research methods (for several examples) have been formed, which will allow to obtain the most substantiated result of the research, both prospective and current. Such examples are: economic and social efficiency of financial research, public policy in the field of finance, funding schemes for research. A study of well-known empirical and theoretical research methods has been carried out, from the standpoint of the peculiarities of financial research in scientific and practical activities. In particular, examples from the financial sphere of possible searches, with the help of general methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and analogy, are investigated and given. From empirical methods examples of directions of possible researches, with use of comparison, experiment, modeling, are considered and resulted. The generally accepted and special characteristics of research in the field of finance are considered. Among them are important for financiers the concept of science and the need to master the scientific approach to financial research; the nature and characteristics of the research process; scientific (theoretical) base and financial aspects of research; research priorities; directions of research of natural and social sciences; stages of scientific research; methodological approach to the study of efficiency in finance. These issues are important for researchers, as well as for students and graduate students studying in financial educationalprofessional and educational-scientific programs.
dc.identifier.citationAlieksieiev I. Methodology of prospective and current research in finance / I. Alieksieiev, A. Mazur, A. Moroz // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 7. — No 2. — P. 46–60.
dc.identifier.citationenAlieksieiev I. Methodology of prospective and current research in finance / I. Alieksieiev, A. Mazur, A. Moroz // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 7. — No 2. — P. 46–60.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEconomics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 2 (7), 2020
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dc.relation.referencesen38. Reinhard H. Schmidt. (1982). Methodology and finance. Theory and Decision, 14(4), GoetheUniversität Frankfurt am Main.
dc.relation.referencesen39. Sean, Peek. (2020). Small Business Financing Options That Bypass Traditional Banks. Business Neus Daily.
dc.relation.referencesen40. Volokhova, I. (2014) Metodolohiia vyznachennia stupenia finansovoii detsentralizatsiii po vudatkah [Methodology of determination of degree of financial decentralization on charges]. European Journal of Economics and Management, 1, 84–90. [in Ukrainian]
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dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2020
dc.subjectresearch methodology in finance
dc.subjectprospective and current research
dc.subjectgeneral scientific methods of research in finance
dc.subjectempirical methods of research in finance
dc.subjecta complex of research methods in financial policy
dc.subjecteffectiveness research methodology in finance
dc.titleMethodology of prospective and current research in finance


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