Розвиток компетентностей менеджера завдяки застосуванню коучингу в організаціях

dc.citation.issue897, випуск 2
dc.citation.journalTitleВісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.contributor.authorПрокопишин-Рашкевич, Л. М.
dc.contributor.authorДемків, Я. В.
dc.contributor.authorБлинда, Ю. Д.
dc.contributor.authorProkopyshyn-Rashkevych, L.
dc.contributor.authorDemkiv, Y.
dc.contributor.authorBlynda, Y.
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто різні підходи до трактування коучингу як стратегічного ресурсу підприємства. Визначено, що коучинг є основним інструментом особистісного та професійного розвитку, який спроможний забезпечити менеджерів знаннями та навичками як надихати своїх підлеглих на нові ініціативи. Обґрунтовано застосування зовнішнього коучингу, який сприяє розвитку компетентностей менеджера, його лідерських позицій, а також породжує внутрішній коучинг у компанії, який повинен спрямовуватись на команду працівників, на розвиток їхнього потенціалу та ефективного використання на благо організації.
dc.description.abstractCoaching has been identified as the main tool for personal and professional development that can provide managers with knowledge and skills. It can also show the way how managers have to inspire their employees to new initiatives, so that work brings satisfaction and opportunity for them and allows to reach the appropriate results. The manager’s leadership styles and the conditions of their using have been analyzed in this work. In order to choose one or another style of leadership effectively, the manager has to consider the internal and external factors that affect the company’s activity, team performance, the employees’ competence and their ability to realize the potential actively. It is emphasized that each management style has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the coaching style of management has much more positive features and can only be used by a leader-manager who really has professional competencies, innovative approaches and organizational ability. Only such manager inspires employees and helps them to develop their potential, improve their quality of work. In this case, the motivation of subordinates lies through providing them with opportunities for their professional development. The managerleader must create a supportive environment in which the team and employees gain their knowledge, skills and motivation to generate new ideas and get the ability to implement them. It is indicated that the manager is not always able to take a leading position, choose a leadership style properly. Therefore, the author suggests engaging the external coaching in order to improve the manager’s leadership skills. It is clear that during the coaching the manager gains qualitatively new competencies, his/her professional level is increasing and in this case the manager will have the opportunity to act as an internal coach. Only the manager-leader can act as a coach. To do this, the manager must get some support from the management of the company and be aware of all barriers that may arise in the process of coaching. It is important to identify the basic needs of the employees, why they need to be trained, how to manage and develop their potential. Each feedback from the coach must be reasonable, if it is even critical, it must be constructive. The author encourages applying the internal coaching in companies. The main goal of the internal coaching is the revelation of people's potential and its orientation towards achieving the purpose and effectiveness of performing the tasks, assigned for the team of employees. It is substantiated that using of the external coaching promotes the development of managerial competencies and leadership positions, besides it generates internal coaching in a company, aimed at a team of employees, and ensuring the growth of their knowledge, skills and abilities.
dc.identifier.citationПрокопишин-Рашкевич Л. М. Розвиток компетентностей менеджера завдяки застосуванню коучингу в організаціях / Л. М. Прокопишин-Рашкевич, Я. В. Демків, Ю. Д. Блинда // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 897, випуск 2. — С. 77–85. — (Проблеми управління).
dc.identifier.citationenProkopyshyn-Rashkevych L. The development of manager’s competencies through the use of coaching in organizations / L. Prokopyshyn-Rashkevych, Y. Demkiv, Y. Blynda // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnia. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2018. — No 897, випуск 2. — P. 77–85. — (Problemy upravlinnia).
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.relation.ispartofВісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління, 897, випуск 2, 2018
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dc.relation.referencesen6. Grant, A.M. (2014a). The Efficacy of Executive Coaching in Times of Organisational Change.
dc.relation.referencesen7. Hamlin, R. G., Ellinger, A. E., & Beattie, R. S. (2009). Toward a profession of coaching? A definitional examination of “coaching,” “organisation development,” and “human resource development.” International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 7(1), 13–38. Retrieved from http://www.business.brookes.ac.uk/research/areas/coaching&mentoring/.
dc.relation.referencesen8. Milner, J., McCarthy, G. & Milner, T. (2017). Training for the coaching leader: How organizations can support managers. Journal of Management Development, 37 (2), 188–200.
dc.relation.referencesen9. Burdett, J.O. (1998). Forty things every manager should know about coaching. The Journal of Management Development, 17(2), 142–152.
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.rights.holder© Прокопишин-Рашкевич Л. М., Демків Я. В., Блинда Ю. Д., 2018
dc.subjectзовнішній коучинг
dc.subjectуправлінський коучинг
dc.subjectлідерські якості
dc.subjectexternal coaching
dc.subjectmanagerial coaching
dc.subjectleadership skills
dc.titleРозвиток компетентностей менеджера завдяки застосуванню коучингу в організаціях
dc.title.alternativeThe development of manager’s competencies through the use of coaching in organizations


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