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    Економічне оцінювання та державне планування трансформацій власності
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021) Познякова, Олена Ігорівна; Алєксєєв, Ігор Валентинович; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"; Шкільняк, Михайло Михайлович; Юринець, Зорина Володимирівна
    У роботі досліджується сутність поняття власності, трансформації власності та її значення для національної економіки. Розроблено модель оцінювання трансформацій власності, яка враховує зміни як у володінні, так і користуванні та розпорядженні власністю. Визначено таке поняття як «цикл трансформацій власності». Удосконалено систему оцінювання трансформацій власності за допомогою Єдиного реєстру власності, що передбачає збір даних щодо майнових трансформацій на основі матричного підходу. Система індикаторів планування трансформацій власності доповнена запропонованим Індексом фондового ринку UPA, що може використовуватися для оцінювання доцільності відчуження державного майна, контролю за його управлінням та базується на визначенні динаміки вартості державних корпоративних прав. В работе исследуется сущность понятия собственности, трансформаций собственности и ее значение для национальной экономики. Разработана модель оценки трансформаций собственности, которая учитывает изменения не только во владении, то и пользовании и распоряжении. Определено понятие «цикл трансформаций собственности». Усовершенствована система оценки трансформаций собственности с помощью Единого реестра собственности, который предусматривает сбор данных по имущественным трансформациям на основе матричного подхода. Система индикаторов предупреждения и планирования трансформаций собственности дополнена предложенным Индексом фондового рынка UPA, который может использоваться для оценки целесообразности отчуждения государственного имущества, контроля за его управлением и базируется на определении динамики стоимости государственных корпоративных прав. The paper presents the investigation of the concept of property, transformation of property and its significance for the national economy. Property is seen not as a thing and not just the relationship of people to things, but the relationship between people that may be related to things. These relations express not material, but socio-economic meaning. Transformation of property is presented as a system of continuous relations regarding the change of type, form, features and any properties of the property itself. The research includes the analysis of the socio-economic consequences of property transformation from the point of view of the state for the development of tools for assessing and forming property transformations at the state level. It is specified that an important part of reforming the economy of Ukraine is the restructuring of the property system based on the transformation of both public and private property, ensuring equal functioning and competitive development of its various forms. The author believes that the continuation of the process of change of ownership and modern state economic policy should be aimed at restoring the country's potential and ensuring its effective and efficient development. The author differentiates between the economic and legal content of property. The relationship of appurtenance, ownership, use and disposal of property in a legal context characterizes property in a passive form without the process of its implementation. Separately, these relations do not create an economic effect, which becomes noticeable in the process of property transformation. However, the consolidation of all three components of property rights provides generalized and more detailed information for the economic valuation and planning of property transformations. The author represents the concept of «property transformation cycle», which should be understood as a number of changes of property forms that have a historical tendency to recur, which is influenced by a political factor in the form of the constant continuous dialectic between political changes and changes of proprietors, as well as by the impact of new technologies on the cyclical development of productive forces. Among the consequences of property transformations are problems associated with inefficient management of state-owned enterprises and the lack of timely reorganization, monitoring of financial condition, and control over privatized enterprises. Also, from the point of view of uncontrolled concentration, it is possible to allocate a problem of accumulation of property not only in the part of ownership, but also the order connected with widespread practice of trust management. The example of the banking system shows that the monopoly position of the state-owned banks can have negative consequences for the economic development of the country. The participation of the state in the property transformation processes is analyzed. The importance of the public sector of the economy is estimated. In our view, the regulation of the scale of the public sector can be carried out not only by privatization as a form of alienation, but also by a number of forms of appropriation. The state can influence the investment process in the country in such a way as to strengthen or fully restore its influence on the business entity. This can be achieved by using a number of forms of property transformations. The improved system of property valuation includes a proposal to create the Unified Property Register of Ukraine, which is formed based on a matrix approach; the UPA (Ukrainian Public Assets) stock index, which is formed of the most successful joint stock companies with state ownership; the index of industrial production reflecting the consequences of property transformation in regions. The effects that can be obtained from the application of the proposed UPA Index can be the result of both the impact on property transformation processes and the impact on economic infrastructure. It is revealed that an important aspect in the activity of state authorities exercising management in the field of state corporate rights is the creation of preconditions for transparent property valuation, which requires the formation of a single valuation base. We assume that the creation of the Unified Property Register as a basis for using tools to value, plan and control the transformation processes of various forms of property would adequately monitor the transformation of property not only in terms of ownership, but also use and disposal. The register offered by us, from our point of view, will help to formalize and value the process of property transformations in dynamics. Such an instrument of valuation, state planning and control over corporate rights could become an integral part of the national system of state property management. We assume that the formation and use of a common unified property register should bring positive results. In general, one of the problems of property accumulation is not only in terms of ownership, but also the order associated with the common practice of trust management. As a result, hidden monopolies are formed, which are most often formed due to abuses in property management, difficulties in identifying the final beneficiaries. This confirms the need to consider property and its transformation from the standpoint of the triad of property rights. The model for valuation of the indirect form of property transformation through the allocation of matrices of signs of ownership, use and disposal of property is proposed. Valuation of property transformation is also proposed based on the industrial production index, which provides an opportunity to estimate capital migration. Such an assessment is of some importance for regional governments, as it reflects trends in the growth or reduction of property potential of industry, the agricultural sector, and the potential of community development.
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    Екологічно безпечні технології біологічної рекультивації із використанням осадів стічних вод
    (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2020) Шквірко, Оксана Михайлівна; Мальований, Мирослав Степанович; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"; Архипова, Людмила Миколаївна; Крусір, Г. В.