Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET’2012). – 2012 р.
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У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.
Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали XІ Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2012, присвяченої 60-річчю заснування радіотехнічного факультету у Львівській політехніці, 21-24 лютого 2012 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 552 с.
Item Research of dynamic microobjects of the various sizes and forms with the help of a scanning television optical microscope(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Matiieshyn, Yurij; Storozh, Volodymyr; Tebenko, JaroslavQuestions of use of a scanning television optical microscope for research of dynamic microobjects of the various sizes, forms and with any distribution of a transparency are considered. Influence of the sizes, forms and distributions of luminescence intensity of a scanning element to a received signal to an output of the photoelectronic multiplier is shown also.Item SpO2 and PetСО2 signal analysis in closed-loop mechanical lung ventilation systems(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Bodilovskyi, Oleg; Popov, Anton; Zakorchevnyi, MykhailoEmployment of SpO2 and PetСО2 signal analysis for setting parameters of mechanical lung ventilation in closed-loop systems is considered. Results of time-frequency representation of such signals are presented and discussed.Item Theory, topology and building technology of multibasis specialized processor(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Albanskiy, Ivan; Humenniy, Petro; Volinskiy, Orest; Zavedyuk, TanyaTrends in theory of methodology and technology of computer system processors set by the theoretical and ideological saturation in potential options of application for the Rademacher’s basis for building a logic-arithmetic processor component, which include more stringent requirements for performance, improving regularity and enhancement requests.Item Analysis algebraic system of arguments for prime size DHT(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Prots’ko, IhorArguments of discrete harmonic transforms (DHT) for prime size specifying partial case of algebraic systems - abel groups is analyzed. Features of generate elements this algebraic systems are determined.Item Phase-filter method of monitoring a carrier frequency(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Borsuk, O.; Bondariev, A.This paper describes the results of monitoring a modified device for tracking objects that move with variable speeds and Doppler shift.Item Multimatrix processor for cyberspace analysis(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Hahanov, Vladimir; Chumachenko, Svetlana; Baghdad, Ammar Avni; Maksimov, M.The structural model of high-speed ultimatrix processor designed for fast and accurate earch of information objects in cyberspace is described is proposed. It enables to increase considerably (x10) the speed of diagnosing single and/or multiple faults.Item A problem of providing of coherent treatment of signals is during realization of non-coherent methods of radio-location(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Shyncaruk, Oleg; Chesanovskiy, IvanThe questions of rise of coherence processing of radiolocation signals are examined in non-coherence impulsive facilities of radio-location.Item Modeling of the air duct is for the selective serve of air to the radio electronic blocks(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Fast, Volodymyr; Yangursky, Kostyantyn; Atamanova, IrynaMathematic modeling is applied to identify the specificity of designing an air duct of constant cross-section with apertures different in area.Item Influence the bonding jumpers characteristics on the microstrip coupler lange parameters(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Furmanova, NataliyaIn the paper effect of the bonding jumpers characteristics as the shape, diameter, material and the number of jumpers on the microstrip coupler Lange parameters was investigated.Item Immunity-based security architecture for active switch(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Jingsong, PanThis paper proposes one kind of active network security technique which combined artificial immune intrusion detection system (IDS) and firewall, it can omni-directional carry on protection to the computers and networks.Item Probability gain of external signals(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Rozorynov, Georgiy; Tolyupa, SergeyIn this work a property of macroobjects which consists of randomly cooperating microelements with accidental parameters that stochastically amplify external impacts was discovered. It is shown, that under precritical variance of accidental parameters of microelements increments of probability distribution functions of these parameters exceed corresponding increments of initiating external impacts on macroobject.Item Application of the symmetrical and non-symmetrical models for innovative coded design of signals(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Riznyk, VolodymyrIn this paper the innovative coded design techniques for improving the quality indices of data coding (e.g. self-checking codes) based on the “perfect” symmetrical and non-symmetrical relationships, namely the concept of Ideal Ring Bundles (IRBs), are given. These design techniques make it possible to configure high performance coded systems and design of signals for communications and radar, visual coding systems with respect to redundancy, signal reconstruction and low side lobe antenna design.Item Magnetostatic waves in single crystal barium hexaferrite platelet with in-plane c-axis(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Kostenko, V. I.; Sorochak, A. M.; Chevnyuk, L. V.; Chamor, T. G.; Pyatnitsa, A. I.In the paper for the first time it is shown that a single crystal barium hexaferrite with an easy axis (c-axis) lying in the sample plane can be used as a self-biased mm-wave ferrite resonator with two intensive resonances. It is experimentally established that the domain structure (DS) of this sample in a completely demagnetized state is the closest to the structure of parallel strip domains structure (PSDS).Item Image retrieval by intensity segments features(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Melnyk, Roman; Kalychak, YuriyThe method for distributed features of visual pattern extracted from intensity fragments and segments is considered. The features of intensity, pixel coordinates and mixed ones are calculated. Some main image features as well as results of contentbased image retrieval fromknown databases are presented.Item Mathematical modeling of the algorithm of special points dispersion distribution for biometric identification systems(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Dorosh, O. I.; Shelestak, I. M.; Kuchmiy, H. L.This paper deals with basic methods of biometric identification and considers the algorithm of dispersion distribution of the special points around their imaginary centers of gravity.Item Information security system designing method(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Garasym, IuriiIn this paper survivable information security system designing method is given.Item Research of multimedia streaming transmission in multiservice networks(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Romanchuk, Vasyl; Chervenets, Vladymyr; Polishuk, ArturIn order to forecast the quality of media streaming in multiservice networks under conditions of high load of network resources the research of the influence of network circulating traffic on streaming video and the efficiency analysis of existing protocols for transmission of multimedia data is held.Item High-reliable temperature systems for sensor electronics(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Klym, Halyna; Katerynchuk, IvanTemperature-sensitive thick-film systems based on spinel-type NiMn2O4-CuMn2O4-MnCo2O4 manganites with pand p+-types of electrical conductivity were obtained. All elements are shown good electrophysical characteristics before and after long-term ageing test at 170 оС. It is shown that in two-layer p-p+ systems are typical increases of electrical resistance during ageing test, while three-layer type p-p+-p structures are high stabile.Item Influence of optical signal self-phase modulation on a channels quality of DWDM system(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Reshetnikova, OlgaThe problem of optical signal’s self-phase modulation influence estimation on the optical channels quality in the system with a spectral channeling is considered. The simulation model of one DWDM system channel is constructed in the MatLab environment taking into account the amplified spontaneous emission noise of optical amplifiers as well as linear and nonlinear distortions in optical fibre. Comparison of the obtained results with the similar researches in this domain of science is performed.Item Service-oriented applications design tool(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Maksymiuk, Ie.; Kot, T.; Globa, L.Paper presents tool for service-oriented applications design, which will improve the overall efficiency and reduce the time for development and adaptation of such applications in constantly changing environment.