Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія. – 2016. – Випуск 77
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Міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник
Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник / Міністерство освіти і науки України ; відповідальний редактор Б. І. Стадник. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – Випуск 77. – 198 c. : іл.
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Item Зміст до збірника «Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія» Випуск 77(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016)Item Дослідження електричної та математичної моделі контролю якості овочів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Мідик, Ігор; Чабан, Олеся; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Львівський національний медичний університет імені Данила ГалицькогоСкладено електричну та математичну модель контролю якості об’єктів неелектричної природи, враховуючи відомі сьогодні прототипи та результати проведених експериментальних досліджень зміни активної та реактивної складових провідності (адмітансу) в частотному діапазоні тестового сигналу. Проведено математичне моделювання складових адмітансу в разі зміни ємності приелектродного шару, опору та ємності об’єкта неелектричної природи у частотному діапазоні тестового сигналу. Опрацьовано отримані результати зміни активної та реактивної складових провідності, подано рекомендації щодо оптимального частотного діапазону проведення вимірювань та особливостей конструктивних елементів електричної моделі контролю якості об’єктів неелектричної природи. Составлено электрическую и математическую модели контроля качества объектов неэлектрической природы, учитывая известные сегодня прототипы и результаты проведенных экспериментальных исследований изменения активной и реактивной составляющих проводимости (адмитансу) в частотном диапазоне тестового сигнала. Проведено математическое моделирование составляющих адмитанса при изменениях емкости приелектродного слоя, сопротивления и емкости объекта неэлектрической природы в частотном диапазоне тестового сигнала. Обработано полученные результаты изменения активной и реактивной составляющих проводимости и даны рекомендации относительно оптимального частотного диапазона проведения измерений и особенностей конструктивных элементов электрической модели контроля качества объектов неэлектрической природы. Operational control of quality vegetables can be made using the method immitance control their electrical parameters.Vegetables – are objects of non-electric nature, and their juices – this electrolyte solutions, where there are free charged particles – ions, and it immitance method is based on measuring the electrical conductivity control objects. Therefore, research is relevant electrical parameters vegetable juices as well as development of electric and mathematical models immitance contact transducer. The object of the research is the process of measuring electrical parameters of objects of non-electrical nature. The study examined the features are measuring electrical parameters of the objects of nature electic primary contact transducers. The aim of the research is to identify the influence of parameters of contact transducers for measuring electrical parameters results electic nature objects in a frequency range test signal. Main tasks: – Make electric model quality control facilities electic nature; taking into account known today prototypes; – Make a mathematical model of quality control facilities electic nature; – Assess the impact of the model parameters (resistance and capacitance facility and capacity electrode layer) on the results of measurements of electrical parameters electic nature objects in a frequency range test signal. To study the electrical parameters of vegetable juice prepared generalized electrical equivalent circuit system “sensormeasuring tool”. Based on the equivalent circuit constructed system “sensor-measuring means” formed mathematical model of the transformer primary object of control. Informative electrical parameters are immitance components (active and reactive component) primary converter with vegetable juice (non-electric research object nature). Make up electrical and mathematical model of quality control objects non-electrical nature, taking into account known today prototypes and the results of experimental studies of changes active and reactive components of the conductivity (admittance) in the frequency range test signal. Using the experimental results of change of active and reactive components of the conductivity (admittance) using Solve Block in the software package MathCad Prime 3.1, values obtained resistance and capacitance object electic nature and capacity electrode layer in a frequency range test signal. Done mathematical modelling of admittance components with changes capacitance of electrode layer, resistance and capacitance of object non-electrical nature in a frequency range test signal. Processed obtained results of change of active and reactive components of the conductivity and provides guidance on the optimal frequency range of measurement and features of structural elements of the electrical model quality control objects non-electrical nature. The results of mathematical modeling components admittance was concluded that with increasing frequency electrode layer capacitance Cn frequency from which the active component is independent frequency decreases.And for independence measurement result object nature electic resistance Rx = 46 ohms and a capacity Cx = 1500 pkF (eg Carrot juice) at lower frequencies necessary to increase the capacity electrode layer, using a sensor with a greater area of the electrodes.Changing the capacity control object Cx does not affect the value immitance (this follows from the analysis of the expression of the active component of impedance as Cn >> Cx). Frequency from which reactive component is practically constant, slightly increases with increasing facility capacity control Cx. With the growing resistance of the control object Rx = 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ohms (this range of resistance values corresponding to different vegetable juices) curves active component of impedance shifted downward by the value of active component of impedance and left in frequency, that frequency, from which the active component is independent frequency decreases. Therefore, for the independence of the measurement result object electic nature with less resistance required measurements at higher frequencies. However, with increasing resistance Rx frequency control facility from which the reactive component is practically constant, unchanged.Item Встановлення параметрів мікробіологічних ризиків у критичних точках контролю технологічного процесу виробництва пастеризованого молока(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Остап’юк, Соломія; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Встановлено критичні точки контролю у харчовому ланцюгу виробництва пастеризованого молока на етапі одержання сирого молока і до готового продукту. Також визначено у виробничих умовах мікробіологічні критерії (РО) для кількості мезофільних аеробних і факультативно анаеробних мікроорганізмів (КМАФАнМ) у критичних точках контролю технологічного процесу виробництва питного молока до та після пастеризації. Установлены критические точки контроля в пищевой цепи производства пастеризованного молока на этапе получения сырого молока и до готового продукта. Также определены в производственных условиях микробиологические критерии (РО) для количества мезофильных аэробных и факультативно анаэробных микроорганизмов (КМАФАнМ) в критических точках контроля технологического процесса производства питьевого молока до пастеризации и после пастеризации. The quality and safety of dairy products largely depend on the conditions of milk production, which acts as raw material for dairy industry. Milk that is produced under any conditions and ways of keeping cows, is always exposed to microbiological risks. Microbiological risk assessment is one of the most important developments in the field of food safety management. Among the regular main risks during the collection, primary processing, storage and transportation of milk, of course, is the microbiological. In the production of food raw materials and food products in General and obtaining raw milk, in particular, reliable means to control hazards are the HACCP system, in which risk management is carried out at critical control points (CCР). To install the CCP at every important stage of milk production it is necessary to develop specific settings for all of them to a manufacturer is able to implement properly the relevant processes. This will allow you to achieve effective ensure that targets regarding quality and safety of their products, which installed the relevant requirements in the regulations. Special control should be carried out in primary – care production of raw milk. Today, Ukraine has not yet developed the management measures in the technological process of production of raw milk for all microbiological parameters. Based on this, you need to install the relevant production, the so-called informal settings that will achieve the established official criteria of quality and safety. each CCP producer is forced to have a corresponding value of PO-microbiological criteria in respect of all safety indicators. At the international level, these parameters are necessarily required and they are called Performance Objectives (PO) as well as on every critical precise control of the manufacturer should be guided by the indicators that he can reach values,which are called Performance Criteria (PC). According to the requirements of the state standard for milk cows microbiological safety is a comprehensive measure that includes the total number of microorganisms, that is, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM), the presence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Total bacterial contamination of milk (QMAFAnM) should be monitored throughout the entire production process of dairy products to prevent food diseases-diseases and bacteriotoxicity the consumer. It is particularly hard should be control of the food chain – at the stage of receipt of raw milk to the finished product. It is necessary to develop measures for management of CTC in the production of pasteurized milk at stages before and after pasteurization on total bacterial contamination (QMAFAnM). The article shows the established critical control points in the food chain of production of pasteurized milk at the stage of receipt of raw milk to the finished product. Also defined in a production environment microbiological criteria – RO for the quantity of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM) in critical control points of technological process of production of drinking milk before pasteurization and after pasteurization. This will allow you to achieve effective quality assurance of milk, will allow to guarantee the safety of dairy products and to create conditions for mutual trust and a civilized market.Item Аналіз похибки вимірювання кута напряму на ціль розподіленою системою звукової артилерійської розвідки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Трембач, Богдан; Кочан, Роман; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Проаналізовано похибку визначення кута на ціль у системі артилерійської звукової розвідки. Досліджено обчислювальну складність формули для визначення відстані між звукоприймачами. Проаналізовано основні джерела похибки під час визначення кута напряму на ціль. Показано залежності складових похибки визначення кута на ціль. Проанализирована погрешность определения угла на цель в системе артиллерийской звуковой разведки. Исследована вычислительная сложность формулы для определения расстояния между звукоприемниками. Проанализированы основные источники погрешности при определении угла направления на цель. Показано зависимости составляющих погрешности определения угла на цель. The analysis determining the angle error on the target system artillery sound intelligence. Studied computational complexity of the formula for determining the distance between the sound receivers. The basic source of error in determining the direction angle to the target. Showing error components depending determine the angle to the target. Sound is a type of artillery reconnaissance and combat support artillery units [1], which uses acoustic stereo to determine the direction to the target. Means sound intelligence forces Ukraine is sound-metric-type filling station AKZ-7. However, their condition technical readiness can not effectively carry out the sound of artillery reconnaissanc. In [4] proposed a distributed sound system of automatic artillery reconnaissance using a plurality of independent sound receivers located on the ground and combined with wireless network using cellular channels. Sound acoustic receivers provide environmental monitoring and the detection of sound of a shot or pass to break the sound server system time and their geographic coordinates. The server system provides data aggregation sound receivers and presenting the results of the system to authorized users. The aim of this work is to investigate the accuracy of measurement of the angle to the target in the implementation of systems based on advanced cellular terminals (smartphones). In [5] analyzed the errors of determining the angle to the target system artillery sound intelligence.Analiz showed that the computational complexity of the formula used to estimate the error of the system is unnecessarily high. Analysis of distance between two geographical points that are scattered over a distance of 3 km (expected maximum allowable distance between the sound receivers, they hear one goal) showed that it corresponds exactly service Google Maps. Function arguments are: the distance between the sound receivers during the fixation of sounds goals sound receivers and the speed of sound in air. Error of these variables will determine the angle error of the target. The dependence on the angle determining the distance between the target sound audio receivers distributed system intelligence based artillery systems provider. It tested a new method of determining the distance by geographical coordinates and compared the results with the service Google Maps. Established that the accuracy of the distance, the new method is not inferior to existing ones. This allows you to determine the distance to within 1 meter. The greatest influence on the resulting error gives a measure of time. Therefore, a further step to improve the determination of the angle of the target is to reduce the error determination time.Item Антропогенна трансформація властивостей екотонів захисного типу на шляхах залізничного транспорту(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Обшта, Анатолій; Сорока, Ірина; Руда, Марія; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Національний лісотехнічний університет УкраїниПодано результати досліджень щодо формування екотонів захисного типу та створення інформаційно-аналітичної системи підтримки управлінських рішень для забезпечення рівня їх функціонування, який відповідає міжнародним стандартам, що регламентують сучасні вимоги до систем захисту довкілля. Представлены результаты исследований по формированию экотонов защитного типа и созданию информационно-аналитической системы поддержки управленческих решений для обеспечения уровня их функционирования, который соответствует международным стандартам, регламентирующим современные требования к системам защиты окружающей среды. The influence of rail transport on the environment creates many problems as it includes violation of the stability of natural landscapes transport infrastructure through the development of erosion and landslides; air pollution by exhaust gases; permanent increase in oil pollution of earth, lead, blowing products and shedding of bulk cargo (coal, ore, cement). Along with the benefits offered by the railway transport, there arise accute lssues of environmental safety during its use, which is caused by its negative and even destructive impacts on the environment. Sanitation methods provide for mandatory monitoring of the environment. The object of study is the quality of protective ecotones of the Lviv Railway. The forest shelterbelts, investigated in the railway sections Lviv – Sambir, Lviv – Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv – Rava-Ruska, Lviv – Kovel, Lviv – Krasne, Lviv – Mostyska, Lviv – Stryi, Stryi – Mukachevo, and Ivano-Frankivsk – Chernivtsi, are mainly double-row ones (except natural forests growing along the railway lines) of 200 m in width on both sides of the track. The species composition of the stands is characterized by its diversity depending on forest site type. The trees are often top-drying, from the side of the railway tracks they have windfirm and dense crowns. The undergrowth is suppressed by snow drifts. The protective ecotones are characterized by the distribution of precipitation, soil moisture, and productivity of the adjacent agricultural lands. As a result, a kind of parademe system is formed along the Lviv Railway lines,consortium, that significantly differs from natural one due to overlapping ecological niches. This consortium has much in common with conserved (ecological) corridors because the integrated assessement shows increasing species diversity of agrosystem flora by 17 – 73%, entomofauna – by 27 – 62.5%, zoofauna – by a factor of 2.7 times. According to the field studies, we have classified the protective ecotones of the Lviv Railway by characteristics of profile, i.e. the structure and composition of plantations by their origin. Full-profile protective ecotones are plantations where the structure of shelterbelts (ecotones) can be clearly seen, they can be found in all sections of the Lviv Railway where the protective forest plantations were artificially created. Predominantly, they consist of one or, less common, three strips. Ecotone is formed at the boundary of two different anthropogenic tracts in a railway precinct. Across the study sections of the railway lines, only mixed stands were observed, no pure stands were found. A field study of ties between morphology and function of cumulative and ecosystem engineer; statistical methods investigated the potential protective effect of ecotones Lviv railway. The complex and differentiation characteristics of cumulative function of protective ecotones depends on the morphology and composition of forest communities –edificator. In the structure of vegetation in the consortium of protective ecotones, there is a significant amount of synanthropic and acclimatized species. Active processes are currently observed of human-induced changes in primary stands to form natural-anthropogenic stands in a wider array. The aggregate of protective ecotones at the Lviv Railway is functioning as a single system or forest reclamation complex that serves as the ecological framework where elements and subsystems interact providing a synergistic effect. Proceeding from the necessity of shifting to landscape-ecological principles of management and ensuring the maximum possible protective effect, the creation of a system of protective ecotones is one of the most innovative ways of ensuring ecosystem sustainability, in particular, enhancing their buffering capacity due to partial renewal of forest ecosystems as an integral component of natural landscape, which will provide for environmental safety on railway lines using only natural mechanisms of environmental protection. Method of investigation of environmental safety in railway transport is of great polyfunctional importance as this enables, on the basis of the landscape-ecological methods, to form consortiums of protective ecotones that will provide the maximum spatial-temporal efficacy.Item Ітеративна модель управління ризиками приготування небезпечної продукції ресторанного господарства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Сусол, Наталія; Микийчук, Микола; Львівський інститут економіки і туризму, кафедра харчових технологій та ресторанної справи; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"Розроблено модель управління ризиками небезпечності продукції на стадії виготовлення, що є уніфікованим підходом послідовно інтегрованих ітерацій з комплексом заходів: ідентифікації, оцінювання, моніторингу та контролю ризиків, які ґрунтуються на взаємозв’язку принципів і завдань теорії управління ризиками. Запропонована модель управління є системним підходом постійного визначення ризиків в умовах щоденної виробничої практики підприємств галузі, що є комплексним з набором процедур контролю та моніторингу ризиків. За аналітичним оглядом науково обґрунтованих фактів, доведених результатів лабораторного дослідження, на підставіаналізу їх джерел, можливого впливу на здоров’я та життя споживачів, причин та потенційних наслідків визначено види ризиків небезпечності продукції: ризик харчової токсикоінфекції, ризик токсичного отруєння та ризик невідповідності технічним вимогам. Разработана модель управления рисками опасности продукции на стадии изготовления, является унифицированным подходом последовательно интегрированных итераций с комплексом мероприятий: идентификации, оценки, мониторинга и контроля рисков, основанных на взаимосвязи принципов и задач теории управления рисками. Предложенная модель управления является системным подходом постоянного определения рисков в условиях ежедневной производственной практики предприятий отрасли, имеет комплексный характер с набором мер контроля и мониторинга рисков. Согласно аналитическому обзору научно обоснованных фактов, доказанных результатов лабораторного исследования, исходя из анализа их источников, возможного влияния на здоровье ижизнь потребителей, причин и потенциальных последствий определены виды рисков опасности продукции: риск пищевой токсикоинфекции, риск токсического отравления и риск несоответствия техническим требованиям. The model of hazard risk management of products at the manufacturing stage is designed, which is a unified approach of the consistently integrated iterations with a set of measures of identification, assessment, monitoring and risk control based on the correlation of the principles and objectives of risk management. The offered model of management is a systematic approach to identify the risks in terms of daily production practices of the industry enterprises that have comprehensive nature with the set of controls and risks monitoring. By the analytical review of scientifically based facts proven results of laboratory research, based on the analysis of their sources, possible effect on health and lives of consumers, causes and potential consequences, the types of hazard risk of products are defined: the risk of food poisoning, the risk of toxic poisoning and the risk of the technical requirements inconsistency. The branch specificity of the manufacturing a dangerous product risks is defined which is expressed in multi-spectrality multiplacativity of the threats that complicate risk hazards complementing each other. The effect of multiplacativity of risks as a result of each other complementation or various risks blending, their dispersion in time and space, can significantly complicate the effects of risks. The research results underline that the responsibility for risk emergence during manufacture and sale of dangerous products is up to the producers. The risk of dangerous sources and factors is different. However, the most frequent causes of increased risks of manufacturing dangerous products are as follows: the violation of cooking technology and culinary products (ways and processing methods, thermal regimes, etc.) improper manufacturing and hygiene practices; cross-contamination due to violation of production facilities; violation of production sales requirements. The most typical risks of dangerous products manufacturing in the enterprises of restaurant business are considered, depending on the origin, and are grouped into three main groups of risks: · resource (poor quality of raw materials, inadequate storage conditions of goods in stock); · production, technical and technological (manufacturing and hygienic practices (Good Manufacturing Practice – GMP, Good hygiene practice – GHP), appropriate methods of technological processing of raw materials in cooking); · improper maintenance and sale of finished products. Defining the indicators of danger of the restaurant industry products was made by major types of raw materials, by the mass fraction, by the acceptable levels of normalized indicators. The hazard of products of the restaurant industry by the level of the hazard severity can be described by the following risks: § the risk of food poisoning (caused by microbes, viruses or protozoa or their metabolic products); § the risk of toxic poisoning (after chemical toxins, heavy metals, toxins, pesticides, nitrates, nitrites, food additives get into the body through food, the use of herbs, plants or inedible mushrooms); § the risk of the technical requirements inconsistency (discrepancy of energy value, organoleptic characteristics, conditions and methods of sales, etc.). Designed iterative model of risk management involves continuous determination of possible risks covering all stages of production and sales which allows minimizing or preventing the emergence of danger.Item Класифікація ризиків комунікацій під час надання освітніх послуг(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Бойко, Тарас; Сищук, Ольга; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Проаналізовано суть терміна “ризик” та суміжних понять, запропоновано їх однозначне трактування. Розроблено класифікацію ризиків, які можуть супроводжувати навчальний процес на всіх його етапах. Встановлено основні причини виникнення ризиків. Охарактеризовано небажані чинники, втрати і властиві їм ризики, а також можливий спосіб оцінювання ризиків комунікації під час надання освітніх послуг. Проанализировано суть термина “риск” и смежных понятий, предложено их однозначную трактовку. Разработана классификация рисков, которые могут сопровождать учебный процесс на всех его этапах. Установлены основные причины возникновения рисков. Представлена характеристика нежелательных факторов, потерь и присущих им рисков, а также возможный способ оценки рисков коммуникации во время оказания образовательных услуг. To minimize the effect of unwanted factors and losses in the provision of educational services are important because they directly affect the level of training and their ability to carry out professional activities. Therefore, the investigation, analysis and classification of the losses and the risks involved in the learning process is an urgent task. In General, the risk is the estimated loss as a result of adverse factors that can accompany any production process and its participants, in particular the process of providing educational services. The value of the loss of information is characterized by uncertainty. And the possibility of loss of information associated with the reason, place, time and conditions of its occurrence, characterizing uncertainty. The General notion of risk is using to determine the size of the information uncertainty together with the uncertainty of its occurrence. Here risk communication is to evaluate the result of the negative impact of the loss of information caused by an undesirable factor, to achieve the purpose of communication. Evaluating loss of information possible to create the conditions for the effective management. Managing risk losses and to improve the quality of educational services. As a result of observation of the process of exchange of information was revealed six groups of undesirable factors, induced respectively by the two types of problem situations that can accompany the process of communication. We will distinguish between two kinds of problem situations, the first of which concerns the participants in the exchange of information, and the second concerns the process of information exchange between them. Overall, the above problem situations lead to a theoretically unlimited number of undesirable factors. However, in the process of researches it is established that the list of losses that are the result of adverse effects of unwanted factors is limited, and therefore is limited and the amount of risk communications. The results of the analysis of all possible communications were summarized only five of the typical losses and their risks: the risk of transportation; the risk of apperception; didactic risk; the risk of misinformation and the risk assessment. Describe more undesirable factors and the risks generated by them. 1. Undesirable factors associated with the essence of information arise due to the fact that the received listener information is essentially one that does not contain training material or the material is inaccessible to perception; entail these risks: the risk of apperception, teaching risk, the risk of misinformation. 2. Undesirable factors associated with the personality and the professional level of teacher, which is the information provider, in particular with the state of his mental and physical health, individual traits, temperament, oratory skills, professional skills, qualifications, knowledge, teaching skills and teaching abilities, as well as the motivation of these abilities to use in the process of delivering information to the listener; entail these risks administrative risk; risk of misinformation; risk assessment. 3 Undesirable factors associated with the personality of the listener who is a consumer (receiver) information, in particular, individual traits of character as psychological and physical health, motivation, training skills, advanced training; entail these risks: the risk of apperception; risk of misinformation; risk assessment. 4 Undesirable factors associated with language, which is the main communication tool and information display. As to convey to the listener information, it is crucial that there is a need to allocate a separate group unwanted factors that can arise through language barriers or barriers of the culture of speech; entail these risks administrative risk; risk of misinformation; risk assessment. 5 Undesirable factors associated with non-verbal media, which are not the main means of communication, but significantly affect the communication process. Also in this group are undesirable factors, which can occur because of related actions, deeds or circumstances accompanying the communication parties; entail these risks: the risk of apperception; didactic risk; risk evaluation.6 Undesirable factors associated with the means of delivering information from the "source" to "receiver", which are objective. Basically there is a question of the technical means by which information make it easier to understand, illustrated visually or by voice; entail such risks: the risk of transportation; the risk of misinformation. All except the last listed of the impact of undesirable factors lead to losses of educational information. The latest factor – for qualifying losses that may occur in the appraisal process level of the student. As any process of providing educational services contain a certification component, and an incorrect assessment of the level of assimilation of information by the listener makes impossible its logical conclusion, such loss must also be taken into account.Item Вплив технічно-естетичних показників якості паковання на попит продукції(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Калініна, Олена; Байцар, Роман; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Розглянуто вплив естетичних показників якості паковання на конкурентоспроможність товарів і їх просування на споживчому ринку, значення низки чинників у формуванні художньо-естетичної складової паковання, а також чинні нормативні документи, які регламентують стандарти на паковання. Рассмотрено влияние эстетических показателей качества упаковки на конкурентоспособность товаров и их продвижение на потребительском рынке, значение ряда факторов для формирования художественно-эстетической составляющей упаковки, а также существующие нормативные документы, регламентирующие стандарты на упаковку. Demand for consumer goods is quite difficult socio-economic category. In the decision to purchase a particular product objectively influenced by factors such as the usefulness of product, price and income of buyer. Appearance of packaging, largely must to help shoppers navigate in the ocean products, introduces him to the principal advantage of goods and helps to make the right choice. Packing regarded as artistic and functional complex that includes three interrelated components: the material and constructive, communicative and informative and artistically shaped. Along with certain characteristics that a quality modern packaging must have , such as environmental friendliness, reliability, lightness, ease of use, portability, possibility of recycling, the expressive aesthetic appearance is prerequisite for competitiveness. When creating attractive, positive for consumer visual "picture" of packaging should take into account certain characteristics of consumer audience. Unconditional and unquestionable influence on visual perception packaging design has national mentality and traditional features, characteristic of the population of a country and certain stereotypes in the perception of the visual image. Yes, always negative impact on demand of commodity will have colors, symbols and signs on the packaging, which historically perceived negatively by citizens of the country, and, conversely, the positive experience of the people, their traditions cause positive emotions, to encourage purchases. For example, in the Middle East blue color associated with mourning, but in Europe it is called royal, red symbolizes the loss in Turkey, while in China it is perceived as a symbol of goodness and joy Age of consumers affects visual perception packaging and hence on the demand of goods too. Thus, the packaging products for children should be attractive for them to have a bright, saturated colors, pleasant to the touch surface. For packaging of goods for teenagers would be appropriate concise, accurate slogans slang phrases, positive characters which common in subculture of teenagers. Brand designers must also take into account the objective gender differences in the perception of packaging for men and women. Also physiological characteristics of men and women directly displayed on differences in purchasing behavior. Color, size, shape of packaging "female" goods traditionally associated with elegance, beauty and charm of women, while the visual image of the "male" goods must emphasize poise, courage, determination of man. So, the shape of the male deodorant "24/7" has restrained rectangular silhouette and a bottle designed for women mimics the configurati of female body. When developing packaging designs undeniable influence on his visual image has a price equivalent of product which this packaging has positioned . Dear goods require of expensive, high-quality, sometimes of exclusive means of its representation. Packaging of luxury goods should speak eloquently about his status. Today designers and marketers to attract buyers are use innovative, increasingly expressive and creative packaging solutions of visual image, using innovative and sometimes extraordinary general idea. Containers used for packaging products must comply with the current standards or specifications and provide storage and immutability of their properties during the warranty period. Type of packaging determined by current regulations. Ukraine's WTO membership and ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU obliges Ukraine to the implementation of international standards governing the modern requirements for packaging consumer products.Item Математичнемоделювання якості підземних трубопроводів в умовах корозійної втоми(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Юзевич, Лариса; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”Розроблено рекомендації щодо оцінювання довговічності та якості підземних металевих трубопроводів в умовах втоми. Встановлено особливості раннього виявлення кризових (передаварійних) ситуацій. Розроблено методику розрахунку ризику в смузі проходження траси трубопроводу з урахуванням його технологічної специфіки і впливу місцевих чинників різної природи на можливість розвитку аварії. Разработаны рекомендации относительно повышения качества математических моделей мониторинга сложных объектов техники с низким уровнем динамики процессов, которые характеризуются особенностями раннего выявления кризисных (предаварийных) ситуаций. The presence of fatigue cracks on the surface of metallic underground pipelines sharpens the problem of calculation values of strength characteristics at the action of corrosive environments, that did not find the complete decision nowadays. In this connection it is needed to correct the row of defects and normative and technical documents related to insufficient actuality of corresponding. In normative documents from exploitation of construction elements on this time the reasonable norms of legitimate values of corrosive damages, reduction of bearing strength of construction elements are absent. It creates complications in the ground of normative terms of exploitation and evaluation of the maximum state of metallic constructions, in planning of charges on exploitation of construction elements and repair and restoration work. An object of researches is underground metallic pipelines that are in the conditions of corrosion-fatigue destruction. The subject of a study is normative document. It is expedient to specify and perfect on the basis of the information got on results monitoring of functioning of underground metallic pipelines. Aim of this article – formulation of criteria and scientifically reasonable recommendations for providing of quality of underground metallic pipelines exploitation in the conditions of fatigue and influence of aggressive environment, and also forming of normative principles in sphere of pipeline transport. Only underground main gas pipelines in the ground electrolyte in the conditions of low cycle fatigue should be considered. For the improvement of normative documents it is expedient to build a complex mathematical model, that will unite the physical and chemical model of corrosion-fatigue processes, model of piling up description of damages in metals and elements theory of risks. For the modeling of speed increasing of fatigue crack on the middle rectilineal area of kinetic curve equation that binds length of fatigue corrosive crack and amount of cycles of loading to the coefficient of intensity of mechanical tensions is used. Corresponding equation is improved for a metal in corrosive environment and the pH-value of environment, and also electrode potential of metal, is here taken into account. For the base model of damage accumulation for metals in the conditions of irregular deformation a model that is based on the curvilinear change of damages, and power going is used near description of process of low cycle fatigue, that is a base on criterion of fatigue strength of V. T. Troschenko. Critical specific work that answers the origin of fatigue crack is included in a criterion. For description of the irregular cyclic loading of metal expression, power descriptions of metal and function of relative value of amplitude intensity of tensions, that characterizes the degree of mechanism influence of fatigue on the fatigue curve is also used. Evolutional equation is written in for the modeling of low cycle fatigue of metals. Lviv Polytechnic National University Institutional Repository http://ena.lp.edu.ua Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія, №77, 2016 р. 137 Correlation for description of low cycle corrosion fatigue of material in metallic underground pipelines is complemented by equations for the evaluation of risks within the limits of investment project that executes corresponding organization (enterprise). For optimization of informative streams of enterprise and improvement of the defence system of metallic underground pipelines from a corrosive fatigue the quality functional is used taking a feed-back in methodology of risk evaluation of investment project into account. The aim of that application is the improvement of the corresponding normative and technical providing. In zones with non-stationary plasticity strain it is expedient to use the criteria of adhesion strength, biocorrosive aggressiveness of soils, mechanical criterion for the coefficient of intensity of tensions (the overstrain of corrosive process takes into account), the criterion of corrosive stability of pitting, criterion correlation for the evaluation of speed of stability corrosion of metal in the defect of isolating coverage together with entered by diagnostic weight of signs and diagnostic value of inspections, that will complement, will specify and will perfect the system of the corrosive monitoring of pipelines and able to be used for control of corrosive process. With their help optimization of terms of construction elements defence of oil and gas industry, that is described and regulated by a state standard, can be conducted. As a result a new complex mathematical model is offered in relation to upgrading of corrosion protection of metallic underground pipelines from positions of corrosion fatigue, electrochemistry, physics of surface processes, mechanics of destruction and theory of risks. The conducted modeling takes piling up of damages in metals into account and allows to study the mechanisms of distribution of corrosive fatigue cracks in underground metallic pipelines that are in aggressive environments, in particular, in saltwater and ground electrolyte. The results of mathematical modeling are the basis of methodology development and improvement of normative and technical documents for metallic underground pipelines, that are under the action of the regular and irregular cyclic loading in the conditions of low cycle corrosive fatigue. The joint use of corrosive fatigue criteria and corrosive monitoring criteria of pipelines offered in this article will allow in detail enough from positions of corrosive fatigue, electrochemistry, physics of surface processes, mechanics of destruction and theory of risks to study the mechanisms of distribution of corrosive fatigue cracks in underground metallic pipelines that are in aggressive environments.Item Метрологічне забезпечення вимірювання вмісту загального органічного вуглецю у мінеральних водах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Кисилевська, Альона; Коєва, Христина; Тонкус, Олексій; Державна установа “Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології”; Одеський національний політехнічний університетРозкрито сутність метрологічного забезпечення визначення органічного вуглецю в мінеральних водах. Проведено аналітичний огляд відомих методів та засобів метрологічного забезпечення визначення загального органічного вуглецю в мінеральних водах. Детально розглянуто конструкцію, технічні вимоги та принцип роботи аналізатора загального органічного вуглецю ТОС-V фірми “Shimadzu”. Виконано розрахунки щодо визначення міжкалібрувальних інтервалів приладу. Окреслено основні переваги методу інфрачервоної спектрометрії. Наведено дані щодо валідації методики, розраховано основні метрологічні характеристики. Побудовано контрольну карту Шухарта. Раскрыта сущность метрологического обеспечения определения органического углерода в минеральных водах. Проведен аналитический обзор известных методов и средств метрологического обеспечения определения общего органического углерода в минеральных водах. Детально рассмотрены конструкция, технические требования и принцип работы анализатора общего органического углерода ТОС-V фирмы “Shimadzu”. Выполнены расчеты по определению межкалибровочных интервалов прибора. Определены основные преимущества метода инфракрасной спектрометрии. Приведены данные по валидации методики, рассчитаны основные метрологические характеристики. Построена контрольная карта Шухарта. The studying and standardization of the mineral waters requires mandatory content control of their chemical indexes. Nearby with the dissolve salts there are always exist the organic substances. The mineral waters with high organic substances (Corg, total organic carbon no less than 5,0 mg/l) are used for treating the hepatobiliary system deceases, urinary tracts deceases, and genital and metabolism disturbances. The researches of safety and quality of the mineral waters relate to the area of the state`s metrological control and supervision. The pledge of adequate assessment of the organic substances content is proper metrological provision, the analysis of the reasons that caused an error, the comparison of reliability criteria and accuracy of the analysis methods. Among the number of the methods of measurement the organic substances content in the mineral waters most of which are durable and are not precise are distinguished the infrared spectrometry method. The methods provides the acid analyzer usage, whose working principle is based on high-temperature catalytic carbon compounds oxidation in the water sample till carbon oxide hereinafter its determination in usage as ultra-red rays detector or flame-ionization detector. There was considered in the article the principle of TOC-V analyzer construction action that belongs to “Shimadzu” company (Japanese). It was calculated calibration interval for this device. According to the calculations of the laboratory, that exploits it, this interval varies in one year. It was also assessed the validation characteristics of the methods of the total carbon determination with the infrared spectrometry method for the mineral waters by means of the total organic carbon analyzer TOC –V “Shimadzu” company. It was presented in the article the data on the subject of the methods of measurement total organic carbon validation. The methods validation is necessary for persuasion until the beginning of its usage, that the results, that are got by means of usage of this methods, satisfy the goals that have been established. Besides this, the validation enables to: cut down the quantity of mistakes during the methods usage, detect and correct the methods gaps on the nascent states, optimize and determine the operational characteristics, process and confirm the equation for determine the result, invite other test laboratories, that will be able to escalate the confidence in the methods. The laboratory has to make sure that the methods can be used in the proper way, to achieve the conformity the operational characteristics, that have been established and to get satisfactory results. In the test laboratory that has been given at the validation of previously mentioned methods is conducted the evaluation of results precision. It was conducted ten similar measurements the index contest (standard sample 200 mg/l), it was also calculated the precision. The standard deflection is 0,56 mg/l, relative – 0, 28%. The convergence – 1,57. As a control tool of stability the results, the Shuhard`s controlled cards were used. Therefore, the determination of organic carbon in the mineral waters is an integral part of their quality monitoring. There was disclosed in the article the sense of metrological provision for identifying the organic carbon in the mineral waters and it was evaluated the validation characteristics of the determinative methods of the total organic carbon by the infrared spectrometry method for the mineral waters by the means of TOC-V analyzer that belongs to “Shimadzu” company. The validate researches that have been conducted, showed that the methods is characterized as a rather selective, repeatable and precise and may be recommended for using in any test laboratory, which conducts the researches to determine the organic substances consent in the mineral waters.
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