Право та психологія (LPS-2013). – 2013 р.
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Матеріали І Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених LPS-2013
У збірнику опубліковано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі права, психології, журналістики та масових комунікацій. Видання призначено для науковців, аспірантів, студентів.
Право та психологія : матеріали І Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених LPS-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 року, Україна, Львів / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 88 с. : іл. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.
Item Парадигма національного упередження(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чорна, Марія; Швед, ОльгаMaterial is devoted to the problem of racial prejudices. The notion of prejudices is given. The origins of racial prejudices and discrimination are analized. The results of latest Ukrainian researches of the topic are presented. They pointed to the worsening of attitudes of Ukrainians to the people of other nationalities. Most low level of tolerance Ukrainians have to the representatives of black race – only 22% consent of their living in Ukraine. Discussed the ways people can overcome the stereotypes and become more tolerant to the ones of other nationalities. There are bringing in the informal personal contacts, general labour and direct commonunication, realization of interdependence within worldwide community and supremacy of law.Item Теоретичний аналіз схильності до девіантної поведінки дітей шкільного віку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Келюх, Анна; Сазонова, ОленаWe need to work hard with the problem of deviance not only in theory but also in practical aspect to at least deal with it. Relevance of the study of deviant behavior due to the fact, that through various processes, which have a place in modern society, we are faced with a crisis in all spheres of life. Herewith rapidly are filled social space deviant values, violations of a great part of the people of the existing law and morality. This problem is particularly acute stands for adolescents and young, that in the future must determine for themselves the value, priorities, ways of adapting. As Lviv, Lviv’s teens committed crimes over 100 at last year, the first month 2013 – 8 crimes. According to law enforcement, minors often delay "hot" during the theft and sale of drugs. Therefore it is necessary to organize various lectures on the ethical and juridical topics, illustrating them with specific examples from life, encourage children to think about their actions and the typical situation of the regulations, conduct awareness training for children of their place in society.Item Singularity of fifth grade pupils anxiety(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Vinarchik, Elena; Balashova, SvetlanaFeatures of the correction program sent to the decline of level of anxiety of fifth grade pupils by the methods of musical therapy. Anxiety inherent to every person in varying degrees. A minor alarm operates mobilizuyusche to achieve the goal. The strong feeling of anxiety can be "emotionally crippling" and lead to despair. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of correctional programs, target programs – improving health and increasing the emotional background, due to lower levels of anxiety, which will contribute to the emotional stress, the acquisition of new means of emotional expression, as well as the development of self-consciousness and self-awareness.Item Брехливість дітей у стосунках з батьками у шкільному віці(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Савран, Соломія; Широка, АнастасіяPresented research project. The article offers a look at the phenomenon of falsity as child-parent relationship. A pilot study plan, in which the material of the video scene offered to children understand the negative consequences that can have a lie in interpersonal relationships. It is assumed that educational activities using video materials will allow for the installation of impact children tell a lie. As an important additional variable study examined the features of the parent of a child. As a result, we expect to describe typical situations in relationships with parents when children tell lies, to analyze that there is a connection between the falsity of children and their perceptions of parental attitudes, to determine the effectiveness of this met hod of educational influence on children as showing scenes video the adverse effects of mendacity.Item Особливості особистісної тривоги у курців(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Банковський, Ігор; Бущак, ГалинаThe problem of anxiety in people in today's society is very variable current topic. The world is a common tendency of getting rid of anxiety through cigarettes. However, in this report, this myth is not only refuted but also it is proved the relationship between smoking and anxiety levels. The aim of our study is to draw attention to relationship between smoking and anxiety personality. This topic is important, because most people do not suspect that this habit does not reduce anxiety and increase it. Our target audience – are young people who are choosing between a cigarette and a healthy lifestyle.Item Адміністративно-правові засади проведення мирних зібрань(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кропивницька, ХристинаSubject freedom of assembly lately is important for Ukraine. After all, citizens complain about the obstruction of this right by the local authorities and the courts unreasonably prohibit them protest. In turn, the judges complain about the loopholes in legislation and pending the adoption of a special law that would determine the order of rallies and demonstrations. Peaceful assembly is a form of constituent power of the people. The state should monitor its implementation and to stop, if it violated the constitutional rights of individuals and society as a whole. This approach is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. The importance of the right to peaceful assembly led to constitutional rule that this right may be restricted only by the courts.Item Специфіка навчальної мотивації дітей сільських шкіл(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Мищишин, Марія; Кравчук, ОленаThe work deals with psychological and pedagogical phenomena of learning motivation and its importance in rural school. The main differences in the formation of learning motivation of children in rural and urban schools are defined. For this purpose, the impact of socio-cultural environment and living conditions on the formation of the individual student is determined and its fundamental role in the formation of learning motivation is considered. The motivational sphere of the students is analyzed. There is represented the pilot study of learning motivation among the students of Lviv Polytechnic National University. The prospects of further studies on this subject are revealed.Item Застосування позитивної санкції як специфічного виду правового заохочення(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Барабаш, ОльгаDevelopment in Ukraine of democratic processes, related to the change of socio-economic and political line-up, development of freedom of man, increase of value of right, for each was created by objective terms for expansion of sphere of action of legal encouragement. Preliminary guaranteing positive consequences, encouragement in a right comes forward as a mean which forms motivation of voluntarily conscious conduct, promoting activity of legal subject a subject is rewarded as a result, namely to him the so-called «approval» is used. The use of sociological approach enables to give legal approvals as positive and negative «approvals»(reactions) from the side of society and state on good or protipravnu behaviour of legal subjects.Item Проблема дослідження еталонів як соціально-психологічних утворень при формуванні людського капіталу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кочеткова, НаталіяТhe analysis of the concept “benchmark” or “standarts” in the study of human categorization process of the environment. Presents the characteristics of sociopsychological concept of the subsoil and given the difference between the concepts of stereotype and standard. Describes the role of benchmark in human capital formation. The goal is to prove the important role of standards in the regulation of our daily activities and decision-making. Theoretically proved crucial role of standards in the formation of human capital at the level of social and psychological mechanisms.Item Становлення особистості спортсмена шляхом розвитку самоконтролю(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Ярощук, Назар; Швед, ОльгаPresented research project. The article offers a look at the phenomenon of self-control in the sport activity, especially Chinese martial arts, as kung fu fighting style. In pilot study plan, the fighting is used as a training of skills of self-regulation. It is assumed that such sport activiry allows the young men to develop the skills of self-control and selfregulation in the battle that they can carry out for the other spheres of their lives. As an important additional variables study will examine the fighting experience and the frequency of trainings. As a result, we expect to describe the efficiency of such sport activity as kung fu fighting.Item Надмірна формалізація як патологія розвитку вітчизняної правової системи(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Радейко, РоманThe formation of law as one of the most important functions of the state has been studied. Formalization has been discovered as the maximum reflection of social processes and phenomena in the law. Formalization of law has been defined in two ways: deepening of legal regulation, expanding access to legal means with a view to finding a compromise in resolving legal conflicts. The redundancy of the formalization of legal regulation has been reflected in the following forms: uncontrolled increase in the number of regulations, the quality of regulation is reduced, because in the excessive formalization process it is difficult to define the limits of legal regulation, bureaucratization of the regulation, resulting in irrational and uncontrolled expansion of the competence of public authorities. It has been pointed out that the reform of the legal system and its updating as well as its effectiveness are determined by qualitative rather than quantitative efficiency.Item Титульний аркуш до "Право та психологія - LPS-2013"(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)Item До проблеми патогенності реклами в українській пресі: причини та головні тенденції(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кіца, Мар'янаThe article deals with the phenomenon of pathogenic advertising in print newspapers of Ukraine, analyzes its causes, including imperfect legislation, lack of social control and related social organizations to protect the rights of readership. It is explained the necessity of amendings in the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising ", which would be impossible in the presence of pathogenic advertising in Ukrainian press. The authur predicts the possible consequences of disclosing pathogenic Ukrainian mass media advertising for certain categories of people and for society as a whole. In the article the are depicted examples of public advertising regulations in other countries and the ways of eliminating pathogenic advertising in Ukrainian media.Item Інклюзивна освіта на периферії Львівщини: практика та тенденції розвитку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Федан, ЯрославThe results of the expert survey which determined the effectiveness of the CEI in Lviv on the implementation of inclusive education model. The level of readiness of schools to implement inclusive education model, as would be helped humanize school relations and ensure equal access to education for all children. Investigated the main problems facing the development of inclusion on the periphery of Lviv and assessed the importance of various measures to improve the education of children – invalids. Ways effective implementation study inclusion.Item Proposal for the Dutch Computercrime Act III; A critique(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) van Geelkerken, F. W. J.On May 2nd 2013 the Dutch government published a proposal for a new Computer Crime Act (CCAIII). This article contains an analysis of the proposed power for police to “hack” into a suspect's computer, highlighting three categories of problems related to this proposed powerItem Роль львівських братсва у розвитку філософсько-правової думки в Україні у кінці XVI – на початку XVI ст.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Колич, ОльгаPreconditions and causes of brotherhoods in Ukraine, particularly in Lviv have been analyzed in the work. Religious, political, social and economic situation in Ukraine at the end of the XVIth and at the beginning of the XVIIth centuries and its influence on the brotherhoods and on the formation of polemic struggle, which touched philosophical and legal political, religions questions are enlightened. Ideological orientations in the activities of brotherhoods, their part in the development of the educations and culture in Ukraine at the end of the XVIth century – in the beginning of the XVIIth century are investigated. The main philosophicallegal and political views of the figures of brotherhood movement after adopting Union of Brest are examined. Political and cultural significance of brotherhood activities for Ukrainian state both in the period of religious polemic struggle at the end of the XVIth-beginning of the XVIIth centuries, and nowadays is studied.Item Співвідношення понять «посадова особа» та «службова особа» в контексті Кодексу адміністративного судочинства України(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Скочиляс-Павлів, ОльгаImplementation of administrative justice in Ukraine and adoption of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine is an important step towards protecting the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals and legal entities. However, long-term practice of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine has shown a lot of its shortcomings, the removal of which will facilitate clear understanding and application of the rules of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine. Among such problems that require solution is the definition of "subject authority". Therefore, the purpose of the research is the definition of "subject authority" by finding out the ratio of the terms "public person" and "official person". Analysis of legislation and judicial practice has shown that national legislation , using both of these terms has a common approach in determining their value, which affects the practical application of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine. As seen in national law appropriate to use the term "public person" with the definition contained in the Criminal Code of Ukraine. An all legal acts the term "official person" shall be replaced by the term "public person".Item До питання про психологічне дорослішання дівчат в Україні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Широка, АнастасіяResults of empirical research are presented. The process of becoming adult in late adolescent girls is analysed through the perspective of separation and achieving autonomy. The main focus is on the role of mother, the girl’s inner experience of her mother’s attitude towards her as she becomes more mature. Statistical and qualitative analyses of data identify five empirically distinct and phenomenologically coherent types of late adolescent girl-mother relationships during separation. It is only in the group of girls who experienced positive mother attitudes, in which emotional closeness and encouragement of autonomy are balanced, that an increase in emotional, cognitive and functional independence from the mother is correlated with positive changes in current relations, such as frequency of communication, emotional closeness, the feeling of pleasure in relations. As to the other girls, who experienced mother attitudes as controlling, infantilizing, encouraging too much autonomy or being inconsistent, the increase in independence correlates with their own or their mother’s emotional tension. So the girls in Ukraine develop true autonomy (26%), become self-sufficient (25%), stay dependent (21%), stay in the struggle for independence (16%), and develop ambivalence between self-sufficient and symbiotic position (12%).Item Державна влада у вимірі прав людини(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Юськів, НаталіяThe theses deals with the problem of government as a social phenomenon. The purpose of the research is a study of the nature of the state power in legal aspects as a social intentions measure of justice, freedom and equality. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in philosophical and legal aspects takes place the analysis of the state power phenomenon in the sphere of human rights concept implementation and realization. Particular attention is focused on the correlation of the categories of government and human rights. The content of the phenomenon of state power is determined in the light of natural law; focuses on the origins of power. The point of the particular actuality of the issue is especially prominent in the light of transition from a totalitarian state-powerful mechanism for democratic values of human existence is generalized.Item До питання відмінностей державної служби в Україні та Німеччині(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Пелипець, Наталія; Лесько, НаталіяThe purpose of the research is a comparative analysis of some issues of the organization of the public service in Germany and Ukraine. According to the purpose, I analyzed approaches to the treatment of the public service in Ukraine, identified the bodies that exercise it and compared it with the public service in Germany. Differences for entry into the state service are revealed. As a result of research, was found that the state service in the national law is significantly different from the german law. It is caused by some features of origin and development these legal systems, dominant legal doctrines and legal sources. Scientific innovation of the received results is that this work justifies the characteristics of the state public by comparing with a corresponding service in Germany, which is a scantily explored topic in the ukrainainian law.