Право та психологія (LPS-2013). – 2013 р.

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Матеріали І Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених LPS-2013

У збірнику опубліковано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі права, психології, журналістики та масових комунікацій. Видання призначено для науковців, аспірантів, студентів.

Право та психологія : матеріали І Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених LPS-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 року, Україна, Львів / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 88 с. : іл. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.


Search Results

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    Специфіка навчальної мотивації дітей сільських шкіл
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Мищишин, Марія; Кравчук, Олена
    The work deals with psychological and pedagogical phenomena of learning motivation and its importance in rural school. The main differences in the formation of learning motivation of children in rural and urban schools are defined. For this purpose, the impact of socio-cultural environment and living conditions on the formation of the individual student is determined and its fundamental role in the formation of learning motivation is considered. The motivational sphere of the students is analyzed. There is represented the pilot study of learning motivation among the students of Lviv Polytechnic National University. The prospects of further studies on this subject are revealed.
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    Парадигма національного упередження
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чорна, Марія; Швед, Ольга
    Material is devoted to the problem of racial prejudices. The notion of prejudices is given. The origins of racial prejudices and discrimination are analized. The results of latest Ukrainian researches of the topic are presented. They pointed to the worsening of attitudes of Ukrainians to the people of other nationalities. Most low level of tolerance Ukrainians have to the representatives of black race – only 22% consent of their living in Ukraine. Discussed the ways people can overcome the stereotypes and become more tolerant to the ones of other nationalities. There are bringing in the informal personal contacts, general labour and direct commonunication, realization of interdependence within worldwide community and supremacy of law.
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    Дослідження мотивації вибору професії серед студентів факультету практична психологія крізь призму статеворольової приналежності
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Климентович, Ольга; Мищишин, Марія
    Thе main issues highlighted in theses are factors motivating choice of practical psychologist career and the basic problems of career choice are examined. The fundamental impact of vocation on human life is defined. The aim to study the motivational sphere of practical psychologist career through the prism of gender is taken. Gender aspect in choosing this profession is defined. The results of an experimental study that concerns motivating the career choices of practical psychologist among first-year students of the Lviv Polytechnic National University and the analysis of the survey results are illustrated. The main motivation stimulus in career choices, namely internal individually important and internal socially important motives, external positive and external negative motives are defined. The conclusions about the main results of the experimental study are done.
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    Інклюзивна освіта на периферії Львівщини: практика та тенденції розвитку
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Федан, Ярослав
    The results of the expert survey which determined the effectiveness of the CEI in Lviv on the implementation of inclusive education model. The level of readiness of schools to implement inclusive education model, as would be helped humanize school relations and ensure equal access to education for all children. Investigated the main problems facing the development of inclusion on the periphery of Lviv and assessed the importance of various measures to improve the education of children – invalids. Ways effective implementation study inclusion.
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    Інстинкти як детермінанти поведінки людини в інноваційному процесі
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Варунків, Леся
    Research purpose. Analysis of scientific inheritance of humanity for finding out of role of unrealized psychological mechanisms at forming of human avtomatizmiv with next development of recommendations on the productive account of instincts in innovative processes. Research novelty. Original computer express-technology is first used for mass researches for complex researches of innovative components, instincts and descriptions of reasons. By the article of research (by innovative and instinctive descriptions). The results of pilotage were witnessed expedient expedience of continuation of researches in the noted directions. Instincts manage people through emotions, not encumbering with reason, it is possible on these instincts effectively to play. To manage a man, using them as buttons on distance stand.
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    До питання про психологічне дорослішання дівчат в Україні
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Широка, Анастасія
    Results of empirical research are presented. The process of becoming adult in late adolescent girls is analysed through the perspective of separation and achieving autonomy. The main focus is on the role of mother, the girl’s inner experience of her mother’s attitude towards her as she becomes more mature. Statistical and qualitative analyses of data identify five empirically distinct and phenomenologically coherent types of late adolescent girl-mother relationships during separation. It is only in the group of girls who experienced positive mother attitudes, in which emotional closeness and encouragement of autonomy are balanced, that an increase in emotional, cognitive and functional independence from the mother is correlated with positive changes in current relations, such as frequency of communication, emotional closeness, the feeling of pleasure in relations. As to the other girls, who experienced mother attitudes as controlling, infantilizing, encouraging too much autonomy or being inconsistent, the increase in independence correlates with their own or their mother’s emotional tension. So the girls in Ukraine develop true autonomy (26%), become self-sufficient (25%), stay dependent (21%), stay in the struggle for independence (16%), and develop ambivalence between self-sufficient and symbiotic position (12%).
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    Проблема дослідження еталонів як соціально-психологічних утворень при формуванні людського капіталу
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кочеткова, Наталія
    Тhe analysis of the concept “benchmark” or “standarts” in the study of human categorization process of the environment. Presents the characteristics of sociopsychological concept of the subsoil and given the difference between the concepts of stereotype and standard. Describes the role of benchmark in human capital formation. The goal is to prove the important role of standards in the regulation of our daily activities and decision-making. Theoretically proved crucial role of standards in the formation of human capital at the level of social and psychological mechanisms.
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    Валив комунікаційно-інформаційних технологій на ефективність управління навчальним закладом
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Галик, Оксана
    The article deals with topical issues of modernity, which emerged with the development of society – the computerization of education. Attention is concentrated on the impact of computerization on the efficiency in secondary schools. In article describes the main functions of the head of the institution and the role of computer in management. For example, submitted a variety of software products used for designing by means of computer technology to improve the management of the institution. Submitted benefits of computer technology leader management activities and their consequences, as well as basic aspects of solving the problems that arising under the influence of need for weal information society. In article analyzed two concepts of effective management of social and educational system which explained the importance of the introduction of computer technology in the field of educational administration.
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    Теоретичні аспекти дослідження схильності людей до комп'ютерних ігор
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Ліпець, Зоряна; Сазонова, Олена
    Topicality of the research is caused by the changes which have recently occurred in the field of computer technologies. There has been especially investigated pathological Internet use, so-called Internet addiction, which includes addiction to social networks, dating sites, online auctions, gaming etc. Our attention has been mainly focused on the problem of addiction to playing aggressive computer games. Scientists have not come to the unanimous decision about their harm or benefits yet. On the one hand games improve the intellect, logical thinking, attention and imagination, but on the other hand they slow down the development and can cause musculoskeletal disorders. In terms of psychological study this problem has hardly been investigated in Ukraine. Thus the objective of the research is to discover the connection between the addiction to playing aggressive computer games and factors connected with this addiction, namely aggressiveness, a feeling of loneliness and social frustration. The results of such investigations will help to understand better the reasons for the addiction and possible ways of avoiding it.
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    Джерельна база права на інформацію в Україні
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Перун, Тарас
    Information legislation of Ukraine is a set of laws and regulations, by and through which the state establishes, modifies or terminates the relevant information and the law.