Chemistry & Chemical Technology. – 2014. – Vol. 8, No. 3

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The scientific-technical journal

It is the scientific-technical journal in English in Ukraine discussing actual problems of chemistry and chemical technology. Compared with other chemical journals Ch&ChT is publishing materials of both theoretical and practical values in such fields as analytical, general organic, physical and inorganic chemistry; chemistry of high molecular compounds; materials science and engineering; chemical kinetics and catalysis; technology of inorganic substances; technology of organic synthesis products; chemical technology of processing of combustible minerals; processes and apparatus of chemical and food productions; biotechnology and ecology.

Chemistry & Chemical Technology : [the scientific-technical journal] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; editor-in-chief M. Bratychak. – Lviv : Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014. – Volume 8, number 3. – P. 243–363, II : ill.


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    Electrodeposition of functional cobalt-silver and cobalt-tungsten alloys
    (Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Ved, Marina; Sakhnenko, Nikolay; Glushkova, Marina; Bairachna, Tetiana
    The kinetic mechanism of cobalt-silver and cobalt-tungsten alloys electrodeposition from citratepyrophosphate and citrate electrolyte correspondingly has been established. The influence of electrolyte component ratios as well as polarization pulse on/off time ratios on cobalt alloy composition and its current efficiency has been determined. The cobalt-silver and cobalt-tungsten alloys have been shown to possess catalytic and anticorrosion properties. Встановлено механізм осадження сплавів кобальту з нешкідливих електролітів. Виявлено вплив компонентів електроліту та шпаруватості поляризованих імпульсів на склад сплавів кобальту та їх вихід за струмом. Показано, що сплави кобальт-срібло та кобальт-вольфрам володіють каталітичними та протикорозійними властивостями.