Humanitarian Vision. – 2015. – Vol. 1, No. 2
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Humanitarian Vision = Гуманітарні візіїї : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; editor-in-chief Yaryna Turchyn. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015. – Volume 1, number 2. – 116 p. – Текст: українською, англійською.
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Item Титульний аркуш до "Humanitarian Vision" Volume 1, number 2(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015)Item Зміст до "Humanitarian Vision" Volume 1, number 2(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015)Item Критика розуму як спосіб звільнитися від меж(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Карівець, ІгорItem Етична спадщина К. Твардовського в її сучасній ретроспекції (до 150-річчя від дня народження)(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Скалецький, МихайлоРозглядаються погляди К. Твардовського на природу та походження принципів моралі. Стверджується, що будучи прихильником еволюційної етики, він доводив, що не існує жодних норм моралі. Етичні норми – це продукт еволюційного розвитку, про що свідчить їх відносний та мінливий характер. Тому для перетворення етики у повноцінну завершену науку необхідно встановити універсальні норми моралі, які будуть відігравати роль “законів етики”. In the article, the author analyses views of the founder of the Lviv-Warsaw philosophical school, K. Twardowski, on the nature and origin of the morality and correlation principles of the altruism and egoism in human nature which are set forth in his program work “Ethics in the range with theory of evolution”. The article asserts that, being an adherent of evolution theory, K. Twardowski argued that there were no innate norms of morality. Ethical norms are the product of evolutionary development as to their relative and variable character. Thus, all moral norms have relative and variable character, furthermore, there is a lack of “absolute” in the common for all “ethical dogmas” then this deprives it from the reliable criteria for differentiation of goodness and evil, which threatens “ethical anarchy” through doubting the possibility of any moral judgments and appraisals. Exactly this does not permit considering the ethics as a complete and exact science. As a follower of the positivism’s ideology, K. Twardowski put out a task to set an ethical and reliable scientific basis and to compare it to the exact sciences, such as logic or mathematics, and transform it into completed science. For this, it is necessary to set universal norms of morality which will play the role of “ethical dogmas” simultaneously, when relativity of moral principles absolutely does not mean that there are no common compulsory principles of behavior. It is only showing that we still have not known it and proves that ethics as a scientific doctrine is far from the completion. Therefore, only after the establishment of common compulsory humanity norms which will play a role of “ethical dogmas”, it will represent a complete full science. However, because K. Twardowski was an adherent of the epistemological theory of the absolute by F. Brentano, who argued that the truth, when real, must be irrespective and unconditional, always and everywhere being like that, not able to change and evolve. He could not resolve this task.Item Іван Франко та питання релігійного секуляризму(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Карівець, ІгорРозглядаються погляди І. Франка на релігію та релігійність у контексті релігійного секуляризму. Його думки добре вписуються у відомий вид мислення С. К’єркеґора, Л. Фоєрбаха, які перетлумачили природу, мету релігії, відношення людини до Бога. Показано, що релігійність І. Франка має ознаки “нової релігійності”: відірваність від традиційної релігійності, наголошування на важливості особистісного релігійного досвіду, особистісного відношення до безособленого Бога. This article deals with Ivan Franko’s views on religion and religiosity in the historical context of secularization which is called religious. One of the questions that interested him during his life was the question of the essence of religion and its role in a life of a human being. In the Soviet times, Ivan Franko was represented as the atheist. However, if we analyse the works by Ivan Franko where he writes about religion, we discover that for him, religion is a sphere of moral and feelings, and not dogmas, institutes or ceremonies. The objective of this article is to show that Ivan Franko’s views on religion and religiosity belong to the general process of secularization of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. This secularization had two ways. The first way is a way of enlightened secularization based on the conviction that religion is an out-of-date form of human life which should disappear soon. The second way is the way of religion transforming itself which overcomes the limits of theological and church interpretation. The author of this article claims that Franko’s thoughts belong to the second type of secularization and thus, to the well-known trend of thinking developed by such thinkers as Kierkegaard, Feuerbach who reinterpreted the nature and the goals of religion, the nature of God and its relation to a human being. In the article, the author tries to explain the essence of Franko’s religiosity and show that it is a kind of “new religiosity” which arised only in the end of the 20th c. and includes such features as separateness from traditional religiosity, importance of the personal religious experience, and personal relation to an impersonal God or the Divine.Item Theory of judgment in the Lvov School of Philosophy: introduction to research(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Ivanyk, StepanCurrent knowledge of philosophical and logical investigations includes numerous gaps regarding the theory of judgment in the Lvov School of Philosophy. The aim of the paper is to show that the task of filling this gap is not without merit and to outline the way how to complete this task. Theoretical and methodological roots of theory of judgement of the Lvov School in philosophy lies in philosophy of Franz Brentano, whose views on logic have been identified as the first ever revolt against Aristotelian logic. This fact increases the theoretical and practical value of attainments in the theory of judgement of the School as one of the most potent centers of Brentano’s philosophy, and justifies the necessity to scrutinize and systematize them. In turn, taking into consideration the fact that for specific interpretations of judgement in the School there were mainly innovative constructions of logic, conducting such a study seems to be crucial not only from the historical point of view (as the reconstruction of an important period of history of Polish philosophy and logic in Lvov) but also can provide plenty of interesting issues and serve as the source of inspiration for contemporary logic and meta-logic research. Therefore the way how to complete the task of the paper is like following: (1) to reconstruct a full range of theoretical propositions in the theory of judgment devised in the Lvov School; (2) to explicate epistemic and ontic foundations of theoretical propositions of the School and (3) to find, analytically develop, and introduce to science so far unknown scientific materials (dissertations, readings and academic lectures, correspondences, etc.). Сучасний стан досліджень наукової спадщини львіської філософської школи має численні прогалини, однією з яких є теорія судження цієї школи. Показано важливість завдання заповнення цієї прогалини і окреслено шлях виконання цього завдання.Item Парадигма сучасної філософської антропології: провідні тенденції змін(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Петрушенко, ВікторАргументується думка про необхідність внесення змін у парадигму філософської антропології, що була започаткована на початку ХХ ст. Відзначаються зрушення і тенденції у сучасному становищі та розумінні людини: увага до природного начала людини, зростаючий вплив на людину соціальних чинників, відмова від прагнення до духовності, тенденції, що позначаються терміном “постлюдина”. The article argues that it is necessary to make a revision of the philosophical anthropology traditional paradigm which was developed by M. Sheler and his followers in the early twentieth century. The main components of this paradigm are as following: examination of a human being in the dimension of cosmic space, comparison of a Man and other types of being, a comprehensive analysis of his manifestations and characteristics, striving to find the main feature that defines human essence, the presence of the exalted relation to a person. Basing on a number of new modern sciences about man, as well as on publications in the field of philosophical anthropology, a number of new manifestations of a Man and approaches to their understanding are investigated. The author considers the shortcomings of traditional research in the field of philosophical anthropology since these new lines of research are almost never mentioned and are not used. The article discusses in detail the following new approaches to the notion of a Man: (1) the rehabilitation of the natural principles of human; here we are talking about the situation that now a series of human qualities and manifestations are recognized as inborn basic anthropic characteristics of a Man; (2) increasing ascendancy of social institutions and technologies over the human, active manipulation of the Self and transforming it into an agent of social processes; (3) rejection from spiritual aspirations and preference of utilitarian orientation of a Man; (4) tendencies that are referred to the notion “posthuman” and which assume a gradual erosion of both natural and social qualities of the human. These new manifestations of a Man are opposed to their classic characteristics and are considered in the article in their both peculiarities and interaction. In the article, the author uses methods of comparison and hermeneutic analysis.Item Територіальний підхід до врегулювання етнополітичних сепаратистських конфліктів(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Червінка, ІринаДосліджено територіальний підхід до врегулювання етнополітичних сепаратистських конфліктів, різні види територіальних механізмів. Розглянуто застосування принципу визнання етнічних відмінностей. Вивчено погляди дослідників щодо можливих негативних та позитивних наслідків застосування територіального підходу. Територіальні механізми проаналізовано відповідно до критеріїв ефективності. Ethno-political separatist conflict is a feature of modern international relations and a potential threat to global security. The number of such conflicts is growing and the danger of their aggravation remains an urgent problem, thus, studing the possibilities of solving them is an important task. The concept of ethno-political separatist conflict integrates two terms of the Western science: “self-determination, conflict” and “separatist conflict”. Such conflicts arise from the desire for self-determination, including political, cultural, national self-determination, partial (autonomy) or full secession. It is also argued that the conflict in Ukraine is not a separatist but pseudo-separatist one. Territorial approach to the settlement of ethno-political separatist conflicts can be the most effective because it is difficult to resolve such conflicts using other mechanisms: they deal only with secondary effects while it is important to solve the core problem of the conflict. U. Schneckener’s classification of mechanisms of ethno-political conflicts settlement is considered. The main attention is focused on the mechanisms of recognition of ethnic differences which include territorial solutions. The various types of territorial mechanisms, including external (requirements of independence and unification with another state (by S. Wolff), secession, dissolution (by U. Schneckener)) and internal (autonomy, federation) are studied., The scientists’ views on the ability of territorial approach to solve ethno-political conflicts are considered. The possible negative (H. Hale, P. Roeder, D. Treisman) and positive (T. Gurr, S. Saideman, D. Rothchild, C. Hartzell) consequences of territorial approach application are studied. Territorial mechanisms are also analyzed according to the criteria of efficiency. Territorial approach aims at eliminating causes of ethno-political separatist conflicts that is why it can be effective in their settlement and enable to remove tension between parties. However, today territorial mechanisms are used insufficiently. Typically, one party of the conflict tries to avoid their use or provides insufficient level of self-government for another party. Therefore, it is necessary to involve supranational institutions as objective participants of a conflict in the process of settlement.Item Сучасне бачення проблем взаємодії цивілізацій(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Хімяк, ОксанаРозглядаються проблеми цивілізаційної взаємодії та питання їх вирішення у філософській та політологічній думці А. Дж. Тойнбі та посттойбіанській науці. Досліджуються можливості та наслідки зіткнення цивілізацій на прикладі східноукраїнського конфлікту. Globalization challenges of the contemporary world highlight the problem of interaction between civilizations. The search for ways of relations between countries that would not threaten the identities of local civilizations and the preservation of their values is ongoing. In the twentieth century, there is a real danger that the main form of interaction between civilizations will be a conflict. Unfortunately, it is the least productive form of civilizational communication Significant inter-civilization conflict is a threat to Ukrainian society in the light of the tragic events of the Revolution of Dignity, the current political, economic crisis and war. For over 400 years there was a right-bank Ukraine as part of European states, while residents of the Left-Bank Ukraine were ruled by Moscow. Unity of the Ukrainian nation was implemented neither in Soviet times, nor in the period of independence. Civilized choice has not been made. Therefore, in the eastern conflict there is an element of civil conflict Thus, one of the forms of interaction between civilizations is a conflict between them which is an integral factor in world’s existence. An example is the Eastern civilization confrontation betweenWestern and Eastern Orthodox civilizations that became possible because of the lack of internal unity of the Ukrainian people.Item Результати голосування щодо “української” резолюції в ГА ООН як індикатор особливостей сучасного балансу сил у світовій політиці(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Турчин, ЯринаРозглянуто вплив українсько-російського конфлікту на сучасний стан світового порядку. Продемонстровано особливості розв’язання “української кризи” на рівні багатосторонньої дипломатії, передусім Генеральної Асамблеї ООН. За допомогою методу зіставлення досягнуто основної мети дослідження – виявлено особливості сучасного процесу трансформації світового балансу сил. Зроблено висновок про те, що приймаючи рішення щодо голосування “української” резолюції ГА ООН, кожна країна здебільшого керувалася власною ідеологією чи інтересами урядів, а не реальною ситуацією в Україні чи проблемами глобального значення. The impact of the Ukrainian and Russian conflict on the modern state of world order and the efficiency of global security system was dwelled upon. The peculiarities of solving this conflict on the level of multilateral diplomacy, namely at UNGA, which corresponds to international practice, were demonstrated. The benchmark method was applied to achieve the main objective of the research: to reveal characteristics of modern transformation of power balance and to define the role of Ukraine. It was concluded that, when taking the decision on “Ukrainian” resolution, each country was guided by its own ideology or its government’s interests, not by the current situation in Ukraine or problems of global importance. The Ukrainian and Russian conflict provoked the beginning of revising the state of world order and bipolar global power balance with the union of the USA and the EU on one side and authoritarian Russia on the other side. Meanwhile, Japan took the waiting position, hoping for the maximum benefit from opposition between Russia, the USA and the EU. In.0 such multiparty dialogue between key players, the USA, the EU, Russia and Japan, it is important for Ukraine not to become a pawn in the game of fulfilling other’s geopolitical ambitions, but to strengthen its status as an independent and. influential subject of international relations with strong internal and foreign policy. The urgent need in revision of Ukrainian foreign policy on the whole is pointed out. Firstly, it is necessary to promote cooperation with counties of Africa, Asia and South America, which for many years had been underestimated by Ukrainian authorities. Secondly, it is worth taking into account that Russia currently is trying to enforce its influence on post-Soviet countries where there are critical problems with developing a consolidated democracy, as well as stability of political and economic systems. Due solving of Ukrainian conflict will also restore the capacity of the international law and reinforce the role of the UNO in a system of international relations in the globalized 21st century.