Humanitarian Vision. – 2015. – Vol. 1, No. 2
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Humanitarian Vision = Гуманітарні візіїї : [науковий журнал] / Lviv Polytechnic National University ; editor-in-chief Yaryna Turchyn. – Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015. – Volume 1, number 2. – 116 p. – Текст: українською, англійською.
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Item Результати голосування щодо “української” резолюції в ГА ООН як індикатор особливостей сучасного балансу сил у світовій політиці(Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Турчин, ЯринаРозглянуто вплив українсько-російського конфлікту на сучасний стан світового порядку. Продемонстровано особливості розв’язання “української кризи” на рівні багатосторонньої дипломатії, передусім Генеральної Асамблеї ООН. За допомогою методу зіставлення досягнуто основної мети дослідження – виявлено особливості сучасного процесу трансформації світового балансу сил. Зроблено висновок про те, що приймаючи рішення щодо голосування “української” резолюції ГА ООН, кожна країна здебільшого керувалася власною ідеологією чи інтересами урядів, а не реальною ситуацією в Україні чи проблемами глобального значення. The impact of the Ukrainian and Russian conflict on the modern state of world order and the efficiency of global security system was dwelled upon. The peculiarities of solving this conflict on the level of multilateral diplomacy, namely at UNGA, which corresponds to international practice, were demonstrated. The benchmark method was applied to achieve the main objective of the research: to reveal characteristics of modern transformation of power balance and to define the role of Ukraine. It was concluded that, when taking the decision on “Ukrainian” resolution, each country was guided by its own ideology or its government’s interests, not by the current situation in Ukraine or problems of global importance. The Ukrainian and Russian conflict provoked the beginning of revising the state of world order and bipolar global power balance with the union of the USA and the EU on one side and authoritarian Russia on the other side. Meanwhile, Japan took the waiting position, hoping for the maximum benefit from opposition between Russia, the USA and the EU. In.0 such multiparty dialogue between key players, the USA, the EU, Russia and Japan, it is important for Ukraine not to become a pawn in the game of fulfilling other’s geopolitical ambitions, but to strengthen its status as an independent and. influential subject of international relations with strong internal and foreign policy. The urgent need in revision of Ukrainian foreign policy on the whole is pointed out. Firstly, it is necessary to promote cooperation with counties of Africa, Asia and South America, which for many years had been underestimated by Ukrainian authorities. Secondly, it is worth taking into account that Russia currently is trying to enforce its influence on post-Soviet countries where there are critical problems with developing a consolidated democracy, as well as stability of political and economic systems. Due solving of Ukrainian conflict will also restore the capacity of the international law and reinforce the role of the UNO in a system of international relations in the globalized 21st century.Item Інформаційна стратегія органів державної влади України: особливості формування та реалізації у глобальному інформаційному просторі(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Ільницька, УлянаОбґрунтована необхідність формування ефективної інформаційної стратегії органів державної влади в Україні, яка б відповідала європейським і світовим стандартам. Окреслено критерії та принципи ефективної інформаційної стратегії; проаналізовано її нормативно-правове забезпечення; висвітлено механізми реалізації. The article dwells upon the problem of formation and efficient realization of the information strategy of the bodies of state power of Ukraine which would meet European and world standards and facilitate the integration of our country into the global information space. It is emphasized that the formation and realization of effective information strategy of the bodies of state power represent a primary task since it facilitates complete and qualitative ensuring of rights of the public to information; conduction of the public control over the process of political decisions making; fulfillment of democratic principles of transparency, disclosure, responsibility of authoritative bodies functioning which, in its turn, determines the integration of the state into world information and communication processes. The article characterizes international standards of functioning of the bodies of state power in the global information space; analyzes existing mechanisms of realization of the information strategy of Ukrainian power bodies; characterizes the forms of information preparation and its promulgation. It is highlighted that information provision of state power bodies’ activity needs significant improvement, progressive implementation of innovative information technologies and formation of a single systemic information strategy. The research pays significant attention to analysis of the normative and legal regulation of information relations and information activity of the bodies of state power of Ukraine which is fulfilled on the basis of the Constitution, Laws of Ukraine, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada. The analysis of the normative and legal base has enabled drawing the conclusion that, unfortunately, declared and adopted norms are not implemented in full capacity, mechanisms of their realization are absent because of insufficient funding of the information domain and slow introducing and implementation of innovative information technologies in the activity of the institutions of power.Item Інститут демократичних виборів в Україні: особливості та тенденції трансформації(Lviv Politechnic Publіshing House, 2015) Бучин, МиколаРозглядається проблема дотримання демократичних принципів під час виборів в Україні. Аналізуються особливості та тенденції трансформації Індексу демократичних виборів у нашій державі. The article dwells on the issue of compliance with democratic principles during elections in Ukraine. The author suggests the methodology for calculation of the level of election process democracy based on such an indicator as the Index of Democratic Elections. It is founded on democratic principles of elections, full compliance with which testifies the highest possible level of election process democracy. Each democratic principle includes a certain number of indicators which, in their turn, include constituents. They are assigned a particular sum of maximum possible scores depending on their influence on the level of elections democracy. The Index of Democratic Elections is a relative value calculated as correlation between democracy of a specific election campaign and the ideal model of democratic elections. The Index of Democratic Elections comprises the analysis of both the level of electoral legislation democracy and the study of electoral practice concerning compliance with democratic principles. In the first case, the regulatory acts of Ukraine which have been regulating conduction of elections in our country since 1990 served as sources for the research. In the second case, reports of theOSCE/ODIHR Election ObservationMission were taken as empirical material for the analysis. Upon applying of the suggested methodology in determining the level of elections democracy in independent Ukraine, the following results have been obtained: since the declaration of independence, the Index of Democratic Elections declined, and the pick of this process was the Presidential elections in 2004; short-term increase of this process was observed after the Orange Revolution; when V. Yanukovych took over the power in 2010, the Index of Democratic Elections tended to decrease; after the Revolution of Dignity, significant increase of the level of elections democracy is observed, and this provides a chance for democratization of social order in Ukraine at large.