Сучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва

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    Assessment of qualitaty of quasigeoid models in Riga city
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-06-01) Celms, A.; Trevoho, I.; Kolodiy, P.; Pukite, V.; Virkavs, M.; Lidumnieks, T.; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv National Environmental University; Latvian Geospatial Information Agency
    The study of the shape and size of the globe on a global scale is crucial to understanding the challenges and impacts of climate, the life sciences, hydrology, hydrography and geology on the planet as a whole. The Earth's topography – the surface, the relief topography that characterizes two different types of regions and certain local urban areas - is varied and changes occur periodically. The practical significance is to create a homogeneous geodetic reference system and geodetic frame based on certainty and reliability. A dynamic model of the globe could solve many future problems. Determining the topographic surface of the Earth - the altitude above sea level – using precise levelling methods is laborious task. Today, satellite-based measurement methods - GNSS - are used. GNSS allows to determine ellipsoidal heights using satellite systems and the global ellipsoidal model parameters (X,Y,Z). The geoid – surface of the mean sea level will enable to derive normal height from ellipsoidal heights; Then compared with the normal heights of the geometric levelling method. The need for a geoid or quasigeoid model in the economy is important for construction, navigation, logistics, users and maintainers of geographic information systems. A high-precision geoid or quasigeoid model would make a qualitative contribution to real-time GNSS measurements. The theoretical part of the study gives an overview of the shape and modelling of the globe; technological methods for the development of geoid and quasigeoid models; characteristics of geoid and quasigeoid models. The study includes GNSS measurements on known Class 1 leveling line points - obtaining ellipsoidal height values at 8 selected points in the southern part of Riga city. The obtained measurements were processed and the data were compared with available geoid and quasi-geoid models.
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    Technologies of building deformation monitoring in Latvia
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-06-14) Celms, A.; Trevoho, I.; Celmina, V.; Brinkmanis-Brimanis, M.; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Lviv Polytechnic National University; SIA “GEO Jūrmala”
    Determining the deformations of a building is a very important process in the construction and operation of a construction site. The main causes of deformation of structures and their foundations are sedimentation of foundation structures, weak load-bearing soil, crushed sand layers, wear and degradation of building foundations, uneven or excessive loading of foundations, poor condition of pile foundations, regular ambient vibrations, support of ambient temperature, various loads caused by wind, snow and other conditions, uncompact soil. The quality of building materials, binders, and aggregates can also be mentioned as the causes of the deformations of buildings and foundations. The paper analyzes the available information and regulatory enactments related to the monitoring of building deformations, evaluates the provision of building deformation in Latvia, describes the types of building deformations and their causes, building deformation monitoring technologies, as well as building monitoring methods, and summarizes the results. The aim of the study is to investigate and evaluate the deformation monitoring system of buildings. The results of the research reflect the procedures and technologies of deformation monitoring of buildings, the possibilities of using high-precision deformation sensors, substantiating the need to create an automated height, load, and other deformation-causing properties, and measurement control system. The work provides a specific assessment of the building deformation monitoring object in Strēlnieku Street in Riga.
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    Possibilities of aerofotogrammetric technologies for monitoring of the state border of Latvia
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-01-22) Celms, A.; Trevoho, I.; Ratkevics, A.; Reke, I.; Sulakova, L.; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Riga Technical University
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    Posibilities of use of remote sensing technologies in the castle island measuring process in jelgava
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-01-22) Celms, A.; Reke, I.; Pukite, V.; Kolodiy, P.; Luksa, J.; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Lviv National University of Agriculture in Dublany
    New technologies come into area of surveying more rapidly. By them work can be done safer, faster and in more interesting way and one of the newest technologies is laser scanning, result of which is point cloud, from which diverse three-dimensional models can be created. By combining photogrammetry and laser scanning methods, it is possible to obtain many-sided digital material of high quality, which is used for purposes of designing, project supervision, thus people's work is facilitated and made easier, in particular in places, which have difficult access or access can be life-threatening. The digital material, in this case relief model, allows performing above-mentioned activities remotely. For the achievement of the aim, following tasks were set: to study the available information on historical development of photogrammetry and laser scanning and principles of functioning of them; to research, analyse and describe strategy and program of sustainable development of Jelgava City; to analyse the situation of the planned Northern Flyover; to obtain spatial data for location of the planned Northern Flyover; to perform spatial data processing.
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    Justification of the height models available in Latvia
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019-02-28) Целмс, А.; Тревого, І.; Пукіте, В.; Раткевичс, А.; Цинтіна, В.; Celms, A.; Trevoho, I.; Pukite, V.; Ratkevics, A.; Cintina, V.; Латвійський університет природничих та технологій; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    After improvement of geodetic networks in the territory of Latvia, situation is arisen that heights of geodetic points have changed. Therefore authors study in the research, what regularities form between the Baltic normal height system of year 1977 (BHS-77) and Latvian Normal Height System LHS-2000,5 height systems in the given points, as well as what inaccuracies can be observed, if ADTI map sheets are transformed by use of the determined methodology of recalculation of heights. Aim of the work is to research and analyse measurement data available in reports of improvement of local geodetic network of Ventspils, Jelgava, and Kuldga and to compare values of heights of geodetic points with historical values of heights, as well as to give valuation about alignment of height systems. For the achievement of the aim following tasks are set: to analyse measurements available in the reports of local geodetic networks; to evaluate height differences between points in BHS-77 and LHS-2000,5 height systems; to give proposals in relation to compatibility of BHS-77 un LHS-2000,5 height systems. After valuation of data, we can draw conclusion that mutual compatibility of quasigeoid models LV’98 and LV’14 in all areas of measurement is regarded as appropriate. The historical heights of points of the local geodetic networks in comparison to improved levelled heights of BAS-77 are regarded as rather appropriate in local geodetic networks of Jelgava and Kuldga; however, in local geodetic network of Ventspils, they are regarded as inappropriate.
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    Remote Sensing Methods andMaterials Usage in State Border Demarcation Works
    (2017-02-07) Раткевичс, А.; Целмс, А.; Баумане, В.; Ratkevičs, A.; Celms, A.; Baumane, V.; Раткевичс, А.; Целмс, А.; Баумане, В.; Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering, Department of Land Management and Geodesy
    Використання технології дистанційного зондування разом з географічними інформаційними системами відкриває нові можливості для розвитку робіт з демаркації державного кордону. Дослідження проводилося на основі латисько- російського процесу демаркації державного кордону, на практиці використовуються результати вишукувальних робіт і досвід, накопичений в 1999–2017 рр.
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    Common site calibration parameter calculation of Trimble VRS measurement method
    (2017-02-07) Валліс, А.; Кнокс, М.; Целмс, А.; Реке, І.; Vallis, A.; Knoks, M.; Celms, A.; Reķe, I.; Валлис, А.; Kнокс, М.; Целмс, А.; Реке, И.; Atis Vallis, GeoStar Ltd, atis.vallis@geostar.lv; Māris Knoks, GeoStar Ltd, maris.knoks@geostar.lv; Armands Celms, Latvian University of Agriculture, Environment and Civil Engineering Faculty Department of Land; Management and Geodesy, armands.celms@llu.lv; Ilona Reķe, Latvian University of Agriculture, Environment and Civil Engineering Faculty Department; of Land Management and Geodesy, ilona.reke@gmail.com
    Згідно закону про геопросторову інформацію Стаття 11, пункт 4 в транскордонних міжнародних проектах, щоб отримати результати в національній системі координат LKS-92 і системі висотLAS 2000,5 необхідно розрахувати параметри трансформації. Проблема полягає в тому, що Національна Геодезична мережа локально фіксується на ETRS89 (епоха 92,75), але не має ніяких відомих параметрів перетворення. Мета дослідження полягала у визначенні параметрів калібрування ділянки для використання їх на всій території Латвії. Параметри визначено з точністю 14 мм .
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    Geodetic base preparation for state border demarcation
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Ratkevičs, A.; Celms, A.; Kukule, I.
    In any organizing activities for the national boundaries the established works includes as the first – the political agreement processes, which is known as the “delimitation”, and as second subsequent – state border real technical eviction in the current land area, which is called as the «demarcation» and be understand that a crossdiscipline such as Geodesy there are always play an important role. If in the first delimitation phase of measurement accuracy requirements for geodetic data not so important, then in the next demarcation stage the geodetic accuracy of the data already play an important role. This primarily related to the fact that the general politicolegal status in border demarcation phase becomes also as a real physical and technical objects. As in each technical construction or structure it also generates a serious attention to mathematical precision criteria directly in the field of geodesy. Similarly as in the designing and constructions for any engineering object or in forming land properties. In turn, increase the accuracy of the criteria in the field of geodesy, it is always associated with a theoretical and practical position of the geodetic base and its quality. Quality criteria of geodetic base are always linked with the future activities with geodetic data and services provided for the use of project. They are usually set or needs can be satisfied with the already available the base of the structure and the parameters or it is necessary to improve or build from scratch. Engaging in the border demarcation process, the question of the geodetic base is always topical and it is not always a simple solution. The article examines the in Latvian Republic practices gained experience and knowledge on the geodetic substrate preparation, analyzing the current process of demarcation of the Latvia-Russia border cases and previously realized border demarcation works on the other Latvian national borders (Latvia – Estonia, Latvia – Lithuania and Latvia – Belarus). The end result corroboration of the assumption that in all cases the geodetic base of creation is excludable and indispensable measure, which of course can be realized in various technical, technological or conceptual model versions. Also the latest GNSS technology options do not exclude the need for the establishment of such a substrate. Розглянуто досвід практичного використання геодезичної основи для демаркації державного кордону Латвії з сусідніми країнами. Рассмотрен опыт практического использования геодезической основы для демаркации государственной границы Латвии с соседними странами.
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    Research of national geodetic network using GNSS methods
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Celms, A.; Rusiņš, J.; Reķe, I.
    З розширенням технологічних можливостей для геодезичних вимірювань зростає вплив глобальної навігаційної супутникової системи. Використовуючи ГНСС, виконують вимірювання у горизонтальній і вертикальній площинах – координат і висот точок. Метою дослідження є визначення точності виміряних точок з використанням GNSS статичним методом в чотиригодинній сесії. С расширением технологических возможностей для геодезических измерений возрастает влияние глобальной навигационной спутниковой системы. Используя ГНСС, выполняют измерения в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях – координат и высот точек. Целью исследования является определение точности измеренных точек с использованием GNSS статическим методом в четырёхчасовой сессии. Increasing the technologic possibilities for the geodetic measurements a greater impact occupies a Global Satellite Navigation System. Using GNSS there are performed measurements both horizontal and vertical plane – coordinates and point heights. The objective of research is to determine the accuracy of measured points using GNSS static method in 4 hours session.
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    Latvia positioning system base station installation in Valka
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Celms, A.; Eglāja, E.; Ratkevičs, A.
    The objective is to develop an advantageous project for Latvia Positioning System Base Station installation in Valka. As the number of GNSS users has grown, LatPos makes it possible to establish co-ordinates quickly in Vidzeme region. In order to achieve a measurement accuracy of 2 centimetres – it was decided to install LatPos base station in Valka. 5 measurements on 5 National Geodetic points were done, using Trimble R8- Model 3 and Leica CS-10 with real – time kinematic method (RTK). LatPos system network data, before installation process, was evaluated by the accumulated post-processed data for the entire network in Trimble Business Center. Concluding reports of measurements – 80 % of measurements in LatPos system fit of one centimeter range, but the majority of point initialization and connection of the instrument fixation took place very slowly. Valka base station would allow faster and more convenient measurements for both in the city and in the surrounding area. It is expected that the Estonian town Valga and its neighbourhood will also be able to use accumulated data of the LatPos new base station. Such a possibility in the long run allows building a good cooperation in the field of geodesy with our neighbour country. Мета – розроблення проекту для встановлення базової станції Латвійської системи позиціонування у Валці. Зі зростанням кількості користувачів ГНСС LatPos дає змогу швидше встановити координати села Видземе. Для досягнення точності вимірювань 2 см вирішено встановити базову станцію LatPos у Валці. Було проведено п’ять вимірювань на п’яти Національних геодезичних пунктах, використовуючи Trimble R8-Model 3 і Leica CS-10 в реальному часі методом RTK. Очікується, що естонське місто Валга і його околиці також зможуть використовувати накопичені дані LatPos нової базової станції. Така можливість у довгостроковій перспективі допоможе налагодити співпрацю в галузі геодезії із сусідньою країною. Цель – выгодная разработка проекта для установки базовой станции Латвийской системы позиционирования в Валке. С ростом числа пользователей ГНСС LatPos позволяет быстрее установить координаты деревни Видземе. Для достижения точности измерений 2 см решено установить базовую станцию LatPos в Валке. Было проведено пять измерений на пяти Национальных геодезических пунктах, используя Trimble R8-Model 3 и Leica CS-10 в реальном времени методом RTK. Ожидается, что эстонский город Валга и его окрестности также смогут использовать накопленные данные LatPos новой базовой станции. Такая возможность в долгосрочной перспективе позволяет наладить сотрудничество в области геодезии с нашей соседней страной.