Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія
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Item Acoustic thermometry of temperature distribution in fuel rods at the design stage(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022) Lutsyk Yaroslav; Likhnovsky Ihor; Riznyk Anastasiia; Szlachta AnnaAt the stage of design and testing of fuel rods for reactors that must operate in complex temperature and mechanical conditions, it is important to establish the maximum allowable temperature regimes, in particular the temperature istribution along the fuel rods. An ultrasonic control seems to be one of the possible non-destructive methods for assessing product quality. We consider the ultrasonic devices to monitor operational temperature modes of fuel rods and can propose the pulsed multi-zone thermometers as the optimal type.Item Analysis of calorimetric method of measurement of natural gas calorific value(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021) Motalo Andriy; Motalo VasylThe article considers the current methods of measuring the calorific value of natural gas which are valid in the up to-date gasometry. The procedure for measuring the gross and net volume-basis specific calorific value of natural gas by the calorimetric method is analyzed. It is shown that to increase the accuracy and validity of measurement results, the experiment to determine the values of gross and net volume-basis specific calorific should be performed for at least 5 samples of the investigated gas. A methodology for estimating the accuracy of measuring the gross and net volume-basis specific calorific values of natural gas by the calorimetric method by finding estimates of the uncertainty of the obtained measurement results taking into account both random and systematic influencing factors are developed. The uncertainty budgets for measuring the gross and net volume basis-specific calorific values of natural gas have been developed for the practical implementation of the methodology. The results of experimental studies of samples of one of the natural gas fields are given and the objective values of the gross and net volume basis specific calorific with estimates of extended uncertainty are obtained.Item Analysis of the measurement quality indexes(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018-02-26) Мотало, В. П.; Черешневська, А. А.; Motalo, Vasyl; Chereshnevska, Anzhelika; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityРозглянуто основні проблеми методології оцінювання якості вимірювань у контексті із упровадженням у метрологічну практику Міжнародного словника метрології VIM 3. Наведено узагальнене означення поняття “якість вимірювання” – це ступінь, до якого сукупність характеристик вимірювання (засобів вимірювань, методу і методики вимірювань, умов вимірювання і стану єдності вимірювань) задовольняє вимоги вимірювальної задачі щодо точності вимірювання, техніки безпеки, екологічних та інших чинників. Розглянуто номенклатуру показників якості вимірювань, яка у сучасній метрології не є остаточно встановленою і постійно змінюється та модернізується. Обґрунтовано доцільність роздільного аналізу показників якості вимірювання як процесу і показників якості результату вимірювання як продукту цього процесу. Здійснено аналіз і систематизацію показників, які, на думку авторів, найповніше характеризують якість вимірювань. Зокрема, це функціональні показники якості та показники ефективності процесу вимірювання і результату вимірювання, які розділено на дві групи. До першої групи зараховано показники, які характеризують якість процесу вимірювання загалом, а саме точність, правильність, прецизійність, повторюваність і відтворюваність вимірювань. До другої групи – показники, які характеризують якість результатів вимірювань, а саме метрологічну простежуваність, метрологічну порівнянність, метрологічну сумісність і достовірність результатів вимірювань. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо методології ефективного оцінювання якості вимірювань як одного із завдань забезпечення єдності вимірювань.Item ARDUINO based automated temperature controller system for cryostat(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-03-28) Сус, Богдан; Гунькало, Алла; Sus, Bohdan; Hunkalo, Alla; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityЗапропонована автоматизована система управління температурою кріостата для низькотемпературних гальваномагнітних вимірювань (4,2–77–270 К). Автоматизована система працює автономно за допомогою мікроконтролера. Система керування потужністю нагрівача в термостаті діє за принципом широтно- імпульсної модуляції. Автоматизована система управління ґрунтується на стандартному обладнанні, тому доступна для практичного використання.Item Aspects of standardization and countering food terrorism in the conditions of martial law(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Chorna, Olha; Baitsar, Roman; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityOne of the important issues in the field of ensuring product safety at food industry enterprises is the prevention of bioterrorism. The emergence of bioterrorism is associated with the rapid development of genetic engineering and the emergence of the latest biotechnologies in the world, which contributes to a quick and easily accessible way of neutralizing the enemy. In connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the occupation and the holding of illegal referendums, and the use of all types and types of terrorism, market operators whose location is tangential to the occupied territories should strongly pay attention to food terrorism and carry out a biorisk assessment depending from the field of production.Item Automation of measurements on the state standard of the unit of phase shift angle between two voltages(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Velychko, Oleh; Kulish, Yuliia; State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”The phase is one of the main parameters of the oscillatory process in electric circuits and contains two components – constant and variable. More often, it is not the actual phase that is measured, but the phase shift angle (PSA) between two oscillating processes (voltages or currents) of the same frequency in the range from 0 to 360˚. Then the PSA is equal to the difference between the constant components of the phases of the two oscillations and does not depend on the start of the time count. Most of the modern methods of measuring the phase and PSA are based on the methods of discretization and digital signal processing – complex Fourier transform, least squares, etc. There are many varieties and improvements of these methods, which have different characteristics of measurement accuracy. The LabVIEW graphical programming environment has already become a general- purpose programming environment. Advantages of LabVIEW include simple networking, implementation of common communication protocols, powerful toolkits for process control and data fitting, fast and simple user interface design, and an efficient code execution environment. The article presents the results of the automation of measurements on the State Standard of the PSA between two voltages in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 10 MHz. Automation of precision measurements of PSA using the LabVIEW software environment provides advantages in comparison with manual measurements, in particular, reducing the time of measurement and processing of its results by at least three times. This ensures an increase in the productivity of metrological works; increasing their efficiency and quality, and the possibility of increasing the number of measurements (up to 1000), which allows for improve the root mean square deviation of not less than one and a half times, and reduce the overall standard measurement uncertainty, respectively.Item Bit operations with elements of the RSA algorithm in encryption-decryption of color images(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Kovalchuk, Anatoliy; Peleckh, Yuriy; Bubela, Tetiana; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityAn image as a stochastic signal is one of the most common forms of information. Protecting images from unauthorized access and applying is a correspondingly urgent task. This causes the use of well-known classical encryption methods in the case of image encryption. But the image is a signal that possesses, in addition to typical informativeness, also visual informativeness. Informativeness for modern image processing methods makes it possible to ensure unauthorized access. Creating an attack on an encrypted image is possible in two ways: by traditional hacking of encryption methods, or by classical methods of visual image processing (filtering, highlighting contours, etc.). In this regard, one more requirement is put forward to encryption methods in the case of their application concerning images – this is the complete noise of the encrypted image. This is necessary so that the use of visual image processing methods becomes impossible. The RSA algorithm is one of the most widely known industrial standards for encrypting signals. Unlike symmetric encryption, in an open-key encryption scheme, it is impossible to calculate the decryption procedure, knowing the encryption procedure. Namely, the working time of the algorithm for calculating the decryption procedure is so great that it cannot be implemented on any modern computers, as well as on computers of the future. Such coding schemes are called asymmetric. Therefore, the urgent task is to implement the application of the RSA algorithm so that when encrypting an image: – the cryptographic stability of the RSA algorithm has not become worse; – the full image noise was achieved to prevent the use of visual image processing techniques. The algorithm of elements of the RSA algorithm, as the most resistant to unauthorized decryption of signals, and bitwise operations for a compatible combination during encryption and decryption of images is proposed by the authors. Encryption – decryption is performed without additional noise. The proposed algorithm is applied to images in which there are strictly extracted contours. Elements of the RSA algorithm are assigned to perform bitwise operations on the intensity values of pixels of a color image. The developed algorithm has higher cryptographic stability compared to the traditional RSA algorithm. The authors described the possibilities of using elements of the RSA algorithm in bitwise transformations when encrypting and decrypting images. The results of encryption simulation for cryptographic transformations of color images of a given dimension are presented. Modified models and algorithmic procedures of key formation processes of direct and inverse cryptographic transformations have been developed. They are reduced to elemental mathematical operations.Item Blood coagulation monitoring system(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2005-02-24) Maslov, Artem; Mashevska, Marta; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThis article describes the creation of a communication system between smartphones and various medical devices, also there is an analysis of different approaches to data transfer between devices, such as manual data entry, screen scanning using a seven-segment display recognition system, and Bluetooth low energy. The practical part demonstrates a developed communication system using Bluetooth technology. There is also implemented an automatic communication between devices that requires no user actions.Item Brief overview of the epr spectra of In4Se3 intercalated by Cu(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018-02-26) Serediuk, B.; Stefaniuk, I.; National Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman Petro Sakhajdachnyj; Center for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology of the University of RzeszowДосліджено електричні та магнітні властивості In4Se3, інтеркальованих міддю за допомогою ЕПР спектрів. Розглянуто можливості використання сенсорів магнітного поля на основі структур InSe для виявлення броньованих військових транспортних засобів. Досліджено вплив металевих домішок на шарувату структуру напівпровідникового матеріалу щодо сильного ковалентного зв’язку всередині шарів, а також слабкого ван-дер- ваальсового зв’язку в міжшаровому просторі. Проаналізовано спектри ЕПР для кристала In4Se3 з домішками Cu за кімнатної температури. Спектри ЕПР показують, що наявність Cu вносить істотні зміни в структуру In4Se3. Це може бути пов’язано з потряплянням вільних носіїв заряду в пастки, введені гостьовим Cu, які впливають на неспарені електрони, пов’язані з атомами In або Se. Встановлено, що вміст Cu є важливим фактором впливу на відгук структури InSe до перехресних електромагнітного та магнітних полів у спектрах ЕПР. g фактор неспарених електронів у NixIn4Se3 згідно зі спектральними характеристиками, набував значення 2,017. Це значення, як з’ясовано, лежить у межах 1 % точності щодо стандартного значення ge = 2,0023. Наявність Cu призводить до тенденції висхідного характеру спектра ЕПР, збільшуючи відгук системи зі зростанням магніного поля. Оскільки наявність Cu спричиняє специфічні (не зовсім зрозумілі) пікові значення у спектрах ЕПР, в околі значень 3400 Гаус, які зростають зі збільшенням х, для дослідження цих структур необхідні додаткові дослідження ЕПР, такі як: а) кутові ЕПР-дослідження для різних орієнтацій зразків щодо радіочастотного поля і магнітного полів, так, щоб можна було побудувати тензор g; б) з’ясування температурної залежності сигналу ЕПР від кімнатних температур до температури рідкого азоту.Item Calibration of analyzers of the mobile communication system parameters(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Meshcheriak, Oleh; Velychko, Oleh; State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”The creation and operation of mobile communication systems is impossible without determining the parameters of base stations and mobile communication systems. For these purposes, appropriate devices are used that optimally combine testing capabilities in a single portable solution, which eliminates the need for several separate control and measuring devices. One of the main types of measurements of such devices is the measurement of the power of ultra-high and extremely high frequency signals. The article presents the method of calibrating meters of directional and absorbed power of ultra-high and extremely high frequency signals using the Bird 5000-EX mobile communication system parameter analyzers complete with the Power Sensor 5010V sensor and measuring sensors, Anritsu CellMaster MT8212EA and Arnitsu SiteMaster S331E spectrum analyzers. Calibration schemes for analyzers of parameters of mobile communication systems and analyzers of mobile communication base stations (hereinafter referred to as analyzers) have been developed. A measurement model of the analyzers based on the parameters of the directional and absorbed power of ultra-high and extremely high frequency signals based on the developed calibration schemes was created. The contribution of each component of the measurement model to the calibration result and the corresponding uncertainties of the model components were determined. The measurement uncertainty budget was made based on the proposed analyzer calibration model. The influence of the most significant influential values on the accuracy of measurement results was analyzed. The content of quantitative and qualitative indicators of corrections, which must be taken into account during calibration to achieve the highest accuracy of measurements, is revealed. The practical results of studies of measurement instability are given. The analyzer calibration method described in the article can be used in calibration laboratories that have the appropriate equipment and standards.Item Calibration of measuring channels of non-dismantling cyber-physical systems(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021) Stadnyk Bohdan; Yatsuk Vasyl; Mykyichuk Mykola; Yatsyshyn Svyatoslav; Fröhlich Tomas; Mastylo RostyslavThe analysis of the concept of Open-Science Space is carried out. The existence of ways to achieve reproducibility and traceability of research results performed by a group of worldwide situated Cyber-physical system operators/supervisors is shown. Ways to ensure the efficient operation of Cyber-physical systems as complex technological non demountable objects with high requirements for metrological characteristics have been studied. To develop the scattered cyber physical systems, the portable stable-in-time code-controlled measures of physical quantities have been studied. They have to be metrologically confirmed in the laboratory before the delivery to the site of the measuring subsystem for its calibration.Item Calibration of quartz electronic stopwatchers comparison method using a digital camera(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Meshcheriak, Oleh; Velychko, Oleh; State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”Measurement of time intervals with low accuracy on intervals from a few seconds to several hours or days is relevant for some broad applications in various fields of activity. Such measurements are widely used in the technological processes of various enterprises during the preparation and quality control of the preparation of medicines, during the maintenance of technical equipment and mechanisms, chemical technological processes, etc. For such measurements, manual electronic quartz stopwatches are widely used, which, despite their not too high measurement accuracy, must guarantee users the accuracy of measurements within the tolerance established by the technical documentation, since the risks of using untested measuring equipment are quite high, or generally unacceptable especially in the medical field. The issue of calibrating quartz electronic stopwatches by various methods remains relevant for many of their applications. The article discusses the calibration of quartz electronic stopwatches by the method of comparison using a digital camera. A calibration scheme for stopwatches was developed and a calibration measurement model was created based on the developed calibration scheme. The contribution of each component of the measurement model to the calibration result and the corresponding uncertainties of the model components were determined. The measurement uncertainty budget was made based on the proposed stopwatch calibration model. The influence of the most significant influential values on the accuracy of measurement results was analyzed. The content of quantitative and qualitative correction indicators, which must be taken into account during calibration to achieve the highest accuracy of measurements, is revealed. The method of calibrating stopwatches described in the article can be used in calibration laboratories that have the appropriate equipment and standards.Item Calibration of the ultrasonic sensor-range finder by the laser interferometer(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020) Yatsyshyn Svyatoslav; Nazarkevych Ihor; Mastylo RostyslavThe accuracy characteristics of the ultrasonic range finder are studied in the work. The latter has been calibrated by a laser interferometer. The problems that arise are described. The calibration method was implemented with the help of a measuring installation, along the rail of which an ultrasonic sensor – range finder and a laser interferometer were fixed. Key words: Sensor; Ultrasonic Rangefinder; Laser interferometer; Measuring installation; Sensor calibration.Item Challenges of temperature measurement during the friction stir welding process(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Augustin, Silke; Fröhlich, Thomas; Krapf, Gunter; Bergmann, Jean-Pierre; Grätzel, Michael; Gerken, Jan Ansgar; Schmidt, Kiril; Technical UniversityThe exact determination of the process zone temperature can be considered as an increasingly important role in the control and monitoring of the friction stir welding process (FSW). At present, temperature measurement is carried out with the aid of a temperature sensor integrated into the tool (usually thermocouples). Since these cannot be attached directly to the joining area, heat dissipation within the tool and to the environment cause measurement deviations as well as a time delay in the temperature measurement. The article describes a process and the challenges that arise in this process, how a direct temperature measurement during the process can be achieved by exploiting the thermoelectric effect between tool and workpiece, without changing the tool by introducing additional temperature sensors.Item Characteristics of thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Pashkevych, Volodymyr; Krayovskyy, Volodymyr; Horpenyuk, Andriy; Romaka, Volodymyr; Stadnyk, Yuriy; Romaka, Lyubov; Horyn, Andriy; Romaka, Vitaliy; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv; Technische Universität DresdenThe results of modeling the properties of the semiconductor solid solution Lu1-xScxNiSb, x=0–0.10, which is a promising thermometric material for the manufacture of sensitive elements of thermocouples, are presented. Modeling of the electronic structure of Lu1-xScxNiSb was performed by the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method in the approximation of coherent potential and local density and by the full-potential method of linearized plane waves (FLAPW). KKR simulations were performed using the AkaiKKR software package in the local density approximation for the exchange-correlation potential with parameterization Moruzzi, Janak, Williams. The Elk software package was used in the FLAPW calculations. To check the limits of the existence of the thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb by the KKR method, the change of the values of the period of the unit cell a(x) in the range x=0–0.10 was calculated. It is established that the substitution of Lu atoms in the crystallographic position 4a by Sc atoms is accompanied by a decrease in the values of the unit cell period a(x) Lu1-xScxNiSb. This behavior of a(x) Lu1-xScxNiSb is since the atomic radius Sc (rSc=0.164 nm) is smaller than that of Lu (rLu=0.173 nm). In this case, structural defects of neutral nature are generated in Lu1-xScxNiSb, because the atoms Lu (5d16s2) and Sc (3d14s2) are located in the same group of the Periodic Table of the Elements and contain the same number of d-electrons. To study the conditions for obtaining thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb, x=0–0.10, and to establish the energy feasibility of its formation in the form of a continuous solid solution, modeling of thermodynamic characteristics in the approximation of harmonic oscillations of atoms within the DFT density functional theory. The low values of the enthalpy of mixing ΔHmix(x) and the nature of the dependence behavior indicate the energy expediency of substitution in the crystallographic position 4a of Lu atoms for Sc atoms and the existence of a solid substitution solution for the studied samples Lu1-xScxNiSb, x=0–0.10. To understand the mechanisms of electrical conductivity of the thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb, x=0–0.10, various models of crystal and electronic structures of the basic semiconductor LuNiSb are considered. Assuming that the crystal structure of Lu1-xScxNiSb is ordered (crystallographic positions are occupied by atoms according to the MgAgAs structural type), the Elk software package was used to model the DOS electronic state density distribution for LuNiSb and Lu0.875Sc0.125NiSb. It is shown that in the LuNiSb compound the Fermi level lies in the middle of the band gap , and the bandwidth is =190.5 meV. DOS simulations for the ordered variant of the Lu0.875Sc0.125NiSb crystal structure show a redistribution of the density of DOS electronic states and an increase in the band gap . In this case, the Fermi level , as in the case of LuNiSb, lies in the middle of the band gap , and the generated structural defects are neutral. The DOS calculation for the disordered variant of the crystal structure of the LuNiSb compound was performed using a model that can be described by the formula Lu1+yNi1-2ySb. In this model, the Lu atoms partially move to the 4c position of the Ni atoms, and in this position, a vacancy (y) occurs simultaneously. Moreover, as many Lu atoms additionally move to the 4c position of Ni atoms, so many vacancies arise in this position. In this model of the crystal structure of the LuNiSb compound and the absence of vacancies (y=0), the calculation of the DOS electronic state density distribution indicates the presence of the band gap εg, and the Fermi level εF lies near the valence band εV. In the model of the structure of the LuNiSb compound at vacancy concentrations y=0.01, the DOS calculation also shows the presence of the band gap εg, and the Fermi level εF still lies near the valence band εV. Since Ni atoms make the greatest contribution to the formation of the conduction band εC, even at a concentration of y=0.02, the DOS calculation shows that the Fermi level εF now lies near the conduction band εC. This means that the main carriers of the electric current of the LuNiSb compound at y=0.02 are electrons, which does not correspond to the results of experimental studies. Based on the above model of the disordered crystal structure of the LuNiSb compound, the density distribution of DOS electronic states was calculated for the disordered variant of the crystal structure of the thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb, which is described by the formula Lu1-x+yScxNi1-2ySb. In this model of the Lu1-xScxNiSb crystal structure, the calculation of the DOS electronic state density distribution shows the presence of a band gap εg, in which small energy levels ("tail tails") are formed, which overlap with the zones of continuous energies. In this case, the Fermi level εF is localized at low energy levels, which makes it impossible to accurately determine the depth from the Fermi level εF. The proposed model is correct only for a small number of impurity Sc atoms since the partial occupation of the 4c position of Ni atoms by Lu atoms significantly deforms the structure with its subsequent decay. The results of experimental studies of the kinetic, energy, and magnetic properties of the thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb will show the degree of adequacy of the proposed model.Item Comparative analysis of expert evaluation of quality criteria of the educational program for the field of computer-integrated technologies(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Gordiyenko, Tetyana; Velychko, Oleh; Salceanu, Alexandru; State University of Telecommunications; State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”; Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of IaşiThe article presents the results of comparative expert research to establish the importance of the applied national criteria for the quality of the educational program (CQEP) of higher education institutions (HEIs). For these studies, a group expert assessment of the importance of the CQEP for the educational program (EP) in the field of computer-integrated technologies was applied. The teaching staff of two universities is involved in conducting such an evaluation: The State University of Telecommunications (Ukraine) and the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi (Romania). To conduct this research, the existing CQEP and their sub-criteria and a special algorithm of group expert evaluation were used. It has been established that the most important CQEP and their sub-criteria include, first of all, CQEP regarding human resources, the educational environment, material resources, and the structure and content of the EP. The greatest spread of experts’ opinions (from the weightiest to the least weighty) can be stated for the sub-criteria of CQEP regarding access to EP and recognition of training results and transparency and publicity. With this in mind, this CQEP sub-criteria requires close attention when revising them for a better balance of the CQEP subcriteria system. Harmonization of the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education students are trained with the International Standard Classification of Education, as well as the national terminological and conceptual apparatus with the international one, should be considered extremely appropriate in Ukraine. The issue of prioritizing the preparation of higher educational institutions for the accreditation of the EP, meeting the most essential requirements of the sub-criteria of the CQEP, and taking into account their significant number, remains relevant. This also determines the relevance and necessity of conducting special expert studies on the comparison of the importance of CQEP for different fields of knowledge.Item Comparative analysis of technical characteristics of charging stations of electric vehicles(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Velychko, Oleh; Gordiyenko, Tetyana; State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”; State University of TelecommunicationsThe article analyzes and compares charging stations for electric vehicles and their components. The analysis of charging modes of electric vehicles showed that four internationally standardized modes are used, three of which use alternating current with single-phase and three-phase switching and only one – direct current. When charging on direct current, the fastest charging is provided. There are four standardized cases of connecting charging stations to electric vehicles. Three cases of cable connection can be used on alternating current, only the third case – on direct current, and the fourth case – when wirelessly charging an electric car. Analysis of the principles of use of charging stations showed that they classify portable, wall, and stationary stations. National standards introduce road signs for electric vehicles, and a European standard establishes harmonized identifiers for the power supply of electric vehicles. There are some standardized protocols for the interaction of the charging station and the control server, which are designed to optimize energy resources and energy production systems. A comparison of existing types of connectors for charging electric vehicles has shown that the standardized interface between the charging station and the electric vehicle remains one of the most acute problems. Recommendations on approaches to metrological support of charging stations are formulated. The issue of international and regional standardization of electricity meters of direct current for use in charging stations remains relevant. International standards are transformed into relevant European standards without changes. However, in some cases, it is necessary to develop a special European standard, in particular for meters of active electrical energy of the direct current.Item Comparative assessment of renewable sources for critical facilities of decentralized supply(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-03-01) Karpenko, Vasily; Starodub, Yuriy; Rudyk, Yuri; Kuts, Viktor; Zdeb, Volodymyr; National Joint Stock Company “Naftogaz of Ukraine”; Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering; Lviv State University of Life Safety; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe concept of energy supply is widely discussed, but there is no consensus on ways of its provision. In the current research, we have provided an analysis of available combinations of renewable sources for decentralized energy supply. It is important for critical facilities on territorial society and district levels. The article considers the safety of the technical component of a complex organizational and technical system by studying the functional relationship between the parameters: temperature, time, active power, hydrogen participation, etc. The idea of the work is to evaluate the ratios of generating capacities of different types of renewable sources in complex systems and select highly efficient technologies and energy means for decentralized energy supply.Item Computer aided modelling of stochastic signals used in measurements of transport parameters by statistical methods(Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2003) Hanus, R.In the paper, application of the DASYLab software for modelling of signals receivedfrom sensors in statistical measurements of parameters of transport of solid bodies, liquids, and other media transported by means of pipelines is described. Cross-correlation functions of the generated signals were determined and compared to those observed in real signals.Item Computer simulation of the influence of wind power plants on the compartments of the complex landscape system by the method of life cycle assessment(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2005-02-24) Pohrebennyk, Volodymyr; Ruda, Mariia; Bojko, Taras; Petrov, Oleksandr; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIt is proposed to apply the concept of life cycle assessment of alternative energy sources, such as wind turbines, to assess their environmental impact. Through simulation modeling, using SimaPro software, obtained was an integrated system of indicators of the impact wind energy systems on the layers subsystems of the compartments of complex landscape systems. A process tree has been built to identify potential impacts, as well as to characterize, weigh, and rank them. Based on the assessment analysis of various environmental impacts, it was determined that significant consequences for the layers of the subsystems of the complex landscape systems compartments usually arise at the stage of transportation, installation, and erection of wind turbines, as well as the removal of individual components or the entire turbine at the end of its operation. It is shown that the study of all the processes alone, starting from the formation and ending with the utilization of landscape-technogenic systems will reveal the possible integrated effects of their impact on the environment.