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    Дослідження електрофізичних параметрів олійних рідин в електромагнітному полі
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Міхалєва, Марина; Чурко, Галина
    Розглянуто основні проблеми якості фармацевтичних олій різних рослин. Визначено електрофізичні параметри олій розмарину, бергамоту, евкаліпту та мигдального горіха у електромагнітному полі різної частоти. Наведено фрагмент атласу залежностей складу ефірних олій від електричних параметрів для експресного контролю якості. Рассмотрены основные проблемы качества фармацевтических масел различных растений. Определены электрофизические параметры масел розмарина, бергамота, эвкалипта и миндального ореха в электромагнитном поле различной частоты. Приведен фрагмент атласа зависимостей состава эфирных масел от электрических параметров для экспрессного контроля качества. Reviewed the main methods of using essential oils in aromatherapy, medicine, food and pharmaceutical industries. Formulated the concept of quality essential oils that covers their effectiveness and harmlessness. Found factors that affect the main warehouse oils and factors, that depends on the content of individual substances in essential oils. Set forth basic indicators of the quality of essential oils and the conditions of getting from plants. Described the such problem of the quality of essential oils as falsification. Reviewed examples of substances that are used for adulteration of essential oils. Specified on the similarity of natural and adulterated oils on organoleptic characteristics and the difference in quality. Specified the necessity of using only natural oils for treatment. Refuted the information about the existence of essential oils from fruits and described the harm from such counterfeit products. Defined the crucial issue of essential oils - naturalness. Describes how to get the natural oils from plants and are prohibited from use in oils components. Analyzed the duration and complexity of laboratory methods for quality control of essential oils and the lack of control of naturalness in Ukraine. Asked to identify the essential oils in a magnetic field of different frequencies on the electrophysical parameters. Analyzed effectiveness studies of the composition of the modern devices. Tasked to develop a method for fast control quality of essential oils on the basis of the dependency of the electrical parameter from the composition of the oils. Determined the dependence of the dielectric conductivity of essential oils on their individual chemical composition and its informativeness about the composition of the essential oils and their physico-chemical properties. Tasked to investigate the electrical properties of the samples of the finished product and on the basis of the obtained results to create an atlas of the dependency of the active component of the conductivity from their individual chemical composition. On the basis of the tasks conducted a number of studies electrophysical parameters of essential oils. To ensure accuracy, measurements used samples from 14 industrial units for each of the samples of the finished product. Studies performed using capacitive primary converter. Eliminated spurious effect on the readings. Defined electrophysical parameters oils of rosemary, bergamot, eucalyptus and almond in the electromagnetic field of varying frequency. According results the research created atlas dependency electrophysical parameters from the composition of essential oils. Shows a fragment of the atlas. Conclusions are made about the dependence of the components of the complex conductivity of oils in the electromagnetic field of different frequencies from the chemical nature of the oil-bearing plants and selectivity of the created method. As well as improvement the rapid of methods of identification of natural oils and their quality control. Is proposed to use the received frequency dependence of electrical parameters of essential oils to improve (automation) certification studies and control in distribution networks.