Людина. Комп’ютер. Комунікація.
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Item Соматизація в науці та ідеалізація в філософії – топос душі епохи fin de siècle(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Нахлік, ЯрославIn poetry of early modernism the soul as the exponent of the man essence becomes the centre of artistic ontology, the main object of the universe created in the poetry, a kind of identity and anthropocentrism marker of the world outlook paradigms. By reviewing the semantic environment of word soul, its basic ideological concepts, author traces ways out of the existential crisis offered by the poets.Item Application of SDL Trados MultiTerm Convert tools for termbase management(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Malyar, Marianna; Syrvatka, TetianaДослідження присвячене застосовності інструментів системи управління термінологією SDL Trados MultiTerm для створення термінологічних баз і моделювання структури словникової статті.Item Латинська мова і засвоєння європейських освітніх традицій вищою школою України в період XVII – XVIII ст.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Антонюк, ГалинаThis article attempts to analyze the function of Latin as a factor adding to the national higher school education European tradition that in the proposed time period formed within the scientific and scholastic discourse. Analysis of the national heritage education (primarily philosophical and theological) in the context of European scholastic discourse is important in terms of strengthening educational research ideas in the domestic education and science space during XVII - early XVIII century.Item Дискурсна проекція комунікативних намірів оповідача в англійськомовній художній літературі страждання(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бехта, МаріяThe article aims at an overview of the concept “discourse” and its main characteristics. Considerable attention is paid to the definitions of categories “discourse” and “discourse analysis” provided by native and foreign linguists. Main principles of the discourse analysis of narrator’s communicative intentions are outlined.Item Образна основа фразеологічних одиниць та проблема їх мовно- культурної реконструкції(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Жуйкова, МаргаритаThe article shows that on the phraseological level the internal form of an idiom, which is made up by the lexical meanings of its components, and the figurative base, which serves as the basis for the idiomatic meaning, should be distinguished. The internal form, figurative motivation and semantics of the idioms with a component горіх (orzech) in Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Russian and Polish are analyzed.Item Використання паронімів в управлінських текстах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Плотницька, ІннаThe article deals with the adjectives formed from the noun “institution” and how they are used in the official documents. Two nouns “institute” and “institution” are compared and their definitions in different dictionaries are given. Their usage in scientific articles and the usage of world combinations of the mentioned nouns is analyzed.Item Aspects in developing of a text analizer for processing unstructured text data(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Petic, Mircea; Osoian, EcaterinaТhe article presents our approach in the elaboration of the system for processing unstructured text data in order to create a structured data output as computer linguistics resources using a lexicon of markers. First, a description of the research on the proposed topic, as well as its relation to the national and international level research is presented, being followed by the depiction of a useful to this particular research functionality - PoS Tagger for Romanian. A special section is dedicated to the algorithm to be used to elaborate our system. Finally, we describe several ways of marker lexicon completion by means of derivation.Item Функціонування термінів в англомовних текстах з проблем комп’ютерних наук та інформаційних технологій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Синдега, РоксоланаThe paper deals with the research of the English terminological system, its structural peculiarities and functioning in the field of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of such important structural types of terms as terminological abridgements which are characterized by a high frequency of usage in the Internet.Item Інтернет-ЗМІ України, Великобританії та Польщі як середовище творення сучасного медіаполітичного дискурсу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Фалафівка, ОлесяThe article presents a review of popular internet-based mass media in Ukraine, Britain and Poland in the context of research "The dynamics of ethnic stereotypes in Ukrainian, English and Polish mediapolytical discourse of early XXI century." The aim of the article is to identify those internetbased mass-media that actively participate in generating political discourse in their country on the one hand and are similar in terms of popularity, theme, target audience, format, etc. on the other.Item Зміст до «Людина. Комп'ютер. Комунікація»(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015)Item Linguistic and ethnocultural peculiarities of phraseological units with onomastic component in the English language(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Haiduk, MarthaСтаnтя присвячена дослідженню національно-культурних особливостей фразеологічних одиниць з ономастичним компонентом. У ній проаналізована роль оніма у цих одиницях, враховуючи соціолінгвістичні фактори при вивченні фразеологізмів.Item Лінгвістичний контекст моделювання військового конфлікту на основі сценаріїв(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Федорчук, Євдоким; Шайда, Оксана; Шокур, ЄвгенThe paper presents an approach to the choice of data structures for representation of the linguistic context of military conflict. The technology of computer modelling of the conflict scenario is viewed.Item Дослідження об’єктів образних атрибутних порівнянь на матеріалі романів Д. Брауна та С. Кінга(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Хвесь, ТамілаThe current article investigates the similes concerning the objects of comparison. The first objective was to present the concept spheres classification of simile objects. It was accomplished on the basis of A. Biletskyi’s object appellations system with some additions. Some previously unexamined peculiarities of similes have been uncovered. The research was carried out through Concordance, a computer program listing all words used in a book. The second objective was to calculate the frequency of occurrence of different object types. The following conclusions have been made.Item Таксономія паралінгвальних засобів комунікації(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Макарук, ЛарисаThis article deals with the investigation of non-verbal means which are used in modern written discourse. An analysis is made that focuses on multidimensional key theories, which make possible the study of the peculiarities of verbal and nonverbal means functioning in the English communicative space. Attention is also devoted to the interrelationship and the interdependence of several linguistic disciplines–graphic linguistics, visual linguistics, visual communication, media linguistics, multimodal theory and multimodal discourse–within which verbal and non-verbal devices are considered.Item Українські прізвища, пов’язані з юриспруденцією(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Поповський, АнатолійThe article discusses the origins of the Ukrainian legal terminology. Lexical semantic functions of language units with specific characteristics and morphological organization of family names and their etymology were formed on the basis of social development process.Item Russian gender linguistics forced to respond can women be made visible in communication? (with examples from Polish, Czech, and Slovenian)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Scheller-Boltz, DennisThis paper deals critically with current methodological approaches in Russian gender linguistics. It will be shown that we need to introduce and apply other approaches to further gender linguistic research in order to make gender analyses more proper and effective and, consequently, to achieve new and fruitful research results. In this context, my paper can be considered as a form of appeal to Russian gender linguists to question critically the predominant androcentrism in language. In the future, discourses need to be shaped in a different manner and possibilities must be provided to guarantee a diversity of gender and identity in society as well as in language. Using the example of the entity “woman” or, accordingly, of the visibility of women in language, I will point out that one cannot reduce (her) visibility in its narrow sense to be visible for the eyes’, because visibility can also relate to cognitive structures, perception, and gender construction. In the following, I will not provide any suggestions for concrete linguistic solutions. Rather it is my aim to examine different linguistic subdisciplines in order to demonstrate that they influence the visibility of women in language and, moreover, to illustrate their impact in the existence, the perception and the construction of women in communication.Item Перспективи лінгвістичних досліджень блогів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Матковська, ОленаThe paper focuses on blog as a means of computermediated communication, considering its genre properties and communicative functions as well as elaborating on the peculiar features of language and style in blog texts, the purpose of the article being to outline the prospects and directions of linguistic research into blogging as a manifolded and increasingly popular communication phenomenon.Item Методика формування дискусійної компетенції на літературні теми: типологія вправ(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Янісів, МихайлоThe article deals with the problems of formation of discussion competence of foreign language students. The preconditions enabling a discussion aimed at enhancing language skills have been defined. The main types of exercises to develop discussion competence have been outlined. The peculiarities of the functioning of understanding and speaking mechanisms realized in various speech activities have been analyzed. Various types of exercises to be used at foreign language lessons are proposed according to different problematic cognitive situations.Item Роль білінгвальної шкільної освіти у двомовному просторі Канади(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Шийка, ЮліяThe article deals with the analysis of the scientificpedagogical literature and concerns the problems of bilingual education and its potential in the organization of secondary education. Bilingualism and organization of bilingual education is the object of scientific investigations of pedagogues, psychologists, sociologists etc. It is mentioned in the article that bilingual education forms language and cultural tolerance. Bilingual curriculums provide education in two or more languages and develop language and cultural apprehension.Item Cленгізм «дерибанити» в українському медіаполітичному дискурсі: семантико-дистрибутивний аналіз(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Лебеденко, Юлія; Таран, ОксанаThe article discusses the features of slang word «deribanit» in the media-political discourse of the XXI century, namely: the semantics and distributive characteristics.