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    The essence of valuable natural areas sensu stricto and sensu largo
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Zielińska, Anetta; Wroclaw University of Economics
    Nature valuable area is an area protected in any of the three forms of nature protection (spatial protection: national parks, nature reserves, landscape parks, areas of protected landscape, Nature 2000 areas; individual protection: nature monuments, documentation site, ecological sites, nature and landscape complexes and species protection of plants, animals and fungi), which is sensu stricto approach, namely a concept as such. Sensu stricto areas require legal regulations and are protected or deserve to be protected by one of the forms of nature protection. However, the following three forms of natural valuable areas (botanical gardens; green areas; woodlots and separated protected zones: recreational parks, green squares, communal parks, cultural parks, historical parks and gardens, ectones, river valleys, geoparks, small nature’s enclaves and ecological corridors) represent to wide approach to nature protection, namely sensu largo. Natural valuable areas understood sensu stricte are valuable due to preservation of nature, namely biodiversity and geodiversity. However, natural valuable areas understood sensu largo, consist in broadening the scope of the notion „natural valuable areas” to include also the areas, which are valuable not only due to biodiversity, but also due to social objectives connected with nature protection, namely anthropogenic forms resulting directly or indirectly from the human’s influence on the environment and the plants and animals living therein.
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    Marketing logistics
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Zielińska, Anetta; Gałka, Agnieszka; Wroclaw University of Economics
    The aim of the article is to show the need of the integration of marketing and logistics, their particular tasks, and issues connected with them. The paper focuses on showing logistics and marketing not as separate elements, but rather as an integrated management concept, that when utilized allows the enterprise to achieve success. The integration of different logistics processes and functions within logistics system and logistics management, as well as the integration of this system with the marketing system, within the scale of an enterprise and the market, is expressed in the integrated concept of marketing logistics management. This consists the basic dimension of modern business management.
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    Ecologistics activities in terms of communal waste in Poland
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015) Zielińska, Anetta; Wroclaw University of Economics
    The basic tasks of ecologistics concern such activities as : the collection, segregation, transport, disposal in chosen places and processing of waste. Ecologistics regarding waste processing in Poland faces the necessity to open to new technologies of recovery and recycling of raw materials. This will effectively influence state waste policy, contributing to efficient waste management, recognizing it as a valuable source of raw materials.