Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management
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Item About perspective directions of establishment and further development of economic metrology(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Bashnyanyn, G. I.The characteristic of perspective directions of econometric studies at the present stage is carried out. The following directions like traditional, post-traditional and modern are distinguished. The necessity of establishing an economic metrology as a general theory of economic measurement and a theoretical-methodological basis of econometric science further development is grounded.Item Accounting and analytical problems of cultural heritage security in Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Shvets, V.; Ivan Franko National University of LvivThe safety of cultural heritage in a cross-border dimension depends significantly on the influence of accounting and analytical factors, as they form the basis for the perception of its objects for their proper preservation and constant monitoring of the state and risks of irreversible changes. This issue is especially important in Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation, where historical realities have led to the destruction and destruction of many cultural heritage sites. Accounting and analytical problems of cultural heritage safety arise both in connection with the lack of theoretical and methodological studies of these issues and due to the imperfection of the legal and regulatory field, especially in Ukraine. It is substantiated that the main problem of theoretical and methodological character is the lack of studies aimed at developing a standard system of perception of cultural heritage objects in the PolishUkrainian border area. The results of the analysis of the main criteria of the system of perception used in accounting for cultural heritage objects, the example of intangible monuments, the absence of scientifically substantiated species and varieties, which complicates the use of standard methods and techniques of accounting and analytical nature. First of all, the standardization of the classification parameters of cultural heritage objects, taking into account the national priorities of Ukraine and Poland, requires scientific study. It is also established that the positive changes made in recent years in the legal support for the preservation of the common cultural heritage have in their tools accounting and analytical aspects that can significantly affect their objective perception for exercising constant control. In the context of solving accounting and analytical problems, it is necessary to develop a methodology for objective evaluation of cultural heritage objects, taking into account the prospect of world cultural and historical progress. Addressing these issues also involves taking into account the achievements of Poland in the classification of cultural and historical sites, as well as those initiatives for the protection of the common cultural and historical heritage concerning sites located in the adjacent border area.Item Accounting and analytical support for formation of enterprise economic security costs and their controlling process(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Grytsay, O.; Havran, M.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe article reveals the interdependence of enterprise property preservation and quality of information for ensuring management and controlling processes efficiency. The dependence of economic security on qualitatively-formed accounting and analytical support for such purposes is substantiated. It is analyzed the enterprise’s activities in terms of economic security formation by rational costs, in particular the influence of spent financial resources on employees’ physical and moral security, formation of intellectual property, etc. The authors prove that nowadays, there are inconsistencies of the current accounting with the enterprise economic security requirements. The scientific validity of this study is to overcome the inconsistency of different user groups’ information needs with appropriate accounting data that causes difficulties to make timely and reasonable management decisions. It is emphasized that there are no methodological recommendations for reflecting enterprise economic security costs in its accounting. The novelty of the research paper is to partially solve the outlined problems because of using a subaccount “Economic security costs” in accounting. The authors argue that this additional methodical measure will help to find necessary data and use information more quickly for managing economic security costs. Considering no imperative restrictions on creating separate articles in reports for these types of costs, the authors suggest internal management accounting report forms. Their usage will create the environment of whole information about enterprise economic security costs for conducting analysis and maintaining control in this field. Some forms are proposed to be used in internal management reporting system (“Consolidated statement of enterprise economic security costs accounting” and “Statement of analytical accounting of the enterprise economic security costs”). The suggested form “Control statement of economic security costs by articles” allows a more detailed study of costs deviations from the planned or allowable amounts in terms of economic security costs. As internal control is a measure it is possible to verify the expediency, efficiency or legitimacy of business operations associated with enterprise economic security. For conducting the research, general scientific methods, special approaches in the subject area of knowledge and comparative analysis means have been applied.Item Accounting and analytical support of fundraising operations in organizations of non-profit sector of the economy(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Vysochan, O.; Ivasiuk, T.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityIn the modern world, organizations that have based their activities not on economic but social benefits are becoming more widespread. Nongovernmental non-profit organizations bring together individuals and/or entities for meeting economic, public, social, cultural, environmental and other interests, needs for political will, religious service, etc. Such organizations are usually not commercially active, so finding sources of funding or fundraising is an important component of their business activity. Different types of funding sources and different approaches to attracting such funding can be applied to each type of nongovernmental non-profit organization. Accounting of such funding and the cost of its finding is the core of transparent activity of these organizations and reflection of the results of their work. The purpose of the research is to explore the accounting and analytical support for the implementation of fundraising in non-governmental non-profit organizations. The article describes the concept of fundraising as an activity of finding and raising funds for the realization of social functions by non-governmental non-profit organizations. Types of non-governmental non-profit organizations in Ukraine and abroad are investigated, methods of fundraising implementation are disclosed. The nomenclature of expenses on fundraising, the procedure for recognizing such expenses and reflection in accounting of nongovernmental non-profit organizations are defined. The location of the cost of searching funding in the transaction costs of the organization is determined.Item Accounting and control features of the using of spare parts (pneumatic tires, rechargeable batteries) on motor transport enterprises(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Balan, A.; Kachanova, N.; Topalova, E.; Odessa National Polytechnic UniversityThe modern approach to accounting of reusable spare parts of motor transport enterprise (MTE) envisages including of pneumatic tires and storage batteries in the complement of current assets. The share of costs for their maintenance in the total cost of transportation services amounts to 25 %, and under these conditions makes it impossible for a sufficient level of internal control (IC) to use such assets effectively. A number of scientists has investigated this issue; however, a unified approach has not been determined, which proves the pressing research problem. Hence, in times of crisis, the issue of accounting improvement, which will lead to optimization of the cost of MTE services cost, becomes especially relevant. The purpose of the research is to summarize the existing regulatory and accounting principles for the accounting of reusable spare parts, to analyze the system (IC) of the use of spare parts of MTE, to develop recommendations for their improvement and practical use. Achieving this goal requires the following tasks: to investigate the features of accounting for the use of spare parts of MTE and to determine the current methodological basis for controlling their use; to analyse tendencies of development of the transport industry of Ukraine, activity and features of accounting of tires and accumulators at MTE (PC “Avtomobilni Perevezennya “Avtoera”); based on the results of the analysis, provide recommendations for improving the organizational and methodological basis of accounting for reusable parts with the introduction of component accounting; to develop accounting support for the process of renting pneumatic tires for PC “AP ”Avtoera”. The tasks are set in the work, solved using the following methods: systematization; abstract-logical analysis; empirical research (in studying the normative and theoretical basis of accounting and control of the use of pneumatic tires); classification and analytical; statistical and comparative analysis (using Microsoft Excel tools in the analysis of the financial state of PC “AP ”Avtoera” to determine the main prerequisites for improving the accounting and control system for the use of pneumatic tires); testing the internal control system; dialectical and comparative (to summarize the results obtained); logical (to build the structure and summarize the results of the research). The work generalizes and analyzes the theoretical and methodological principles of accounting for pneumatic tires and batteries at motor transport enterprises, identifies alternative options for tire accounting and contradictory points that need correction, and formulates a working hypothesis. The tendencies of development of the Ukrainian transport industry, activities and features of accounting of tires and accumulators for MTE (PC “AP ”Avtoera”) analyzed. Improvement of organizational and methodological bases of accounting for spare parts with introduction of component accounting is proposed; accounting support for the process of renting pneumatic tires was developed, recommendations were made to make changes to the accounting policy of the company, in accordance with the proposed directions for improving the organization of accounting for the use of pneumatic tires and batteriesItem Accounting balance as a historical category: the contribution of scientists to the halicy of the second half of the XIX- first half of the XX century in the development of balance science(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Lemishovska, O.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe origins and the evolution of the balance sheet in the system of theoretical and conceptual foundations of balance theories are considered. The researches of scientists of Galicia of the second half of XIX – first half of XX century are analyzed. the accounting paradigms they have formed and theoretical developments with a view to their contribution to improving the balance sheet structure. The hypothesis of this study is the assumption that the period of individual ideas for the development of balance science and relevant methodological approaches that can objectively be used as a means of enhancing the validity of contemporary research. The scientific validity of the proposed use of ideas formed in the past in the designated territory is based on the following postulates: proposals for improving the balance sheet at the expense of past experience in the principles of valuation of balance sheet items and the introduction of the methodological principles of capital structuring formulated in the past (balance sheet liability). These approaches are justified in line with contemporary financial management paradigms, including sustainable development management concepts. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in historiography, objective data on the contribution of Galicia's scientists to the global development of balance science are presented, and suggestions have been made as to the possibility of using certain developments to deepen modern principles and approaches to improving the form of balance generalization. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, verification, authoritative objectivity, moderate narrative constructivism. Using general scientific and interdisciplinary methods of cognition, conceptual and methodological developments of Western Ukrainian scientists in the field of balance studies in the period declared by the study were evaluated. Systematic methodology is ensured by the coherent use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization), historical (historical-genetic, historicalsystem) methods and the application of specific tools for the subject area of knowledge.Item Accounting book of the Lviv Mint (1656–1657) as a source of accounting and analytical experience in managing business entities in emergencies(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-24) Shvets, V.; Ivan Franko National University of LvivInformation for the management of economic entities is formed in accounting and does not lose its value in time for research and development of practical recommendations for the future. The Accounting Book of the Lviv Mint of 1656–1657, partially developed by historians, is a unique source of research and analytical experience in the management of public sector economic entities in emergencies, such as the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden (1655–1660). Unlike the books of merchants and artisans, keeping the Accounting Book at the Lviv Mint was mandatory, which testifies to the responsibility of its executors, and thus argues the authenticity of the reflected facts. The application of the rotary-historical method of studying the data of the Account Book in comparison with other historical and economic sources allows not only to reconstruct the events surrounding the opening of the Lviv Mint, but also to restore the sequence and targeting of management decisions to establish coin production in Lviv. The value source advantage of the Accounting Book is the use of in-kind, labor and cost measures, which allows to determine with sufficient accuracy all types of costs associated with the operation of the Lviv Mint and coinage. The participation of the king and the most influential elite of the Commonwealth at that time influenced the attraction of church property and private loans in the financing of the Lviv Mint in such an emergency situation as the war. The organization of cost accounting in the Accounting Book is built in chronological form, but characteristic of individual production processes, which is inherent in the minting of coins, which led to the use of cost accounting by places (centers) of their occurrence. Based on the data of the Accounting Book, the issues of payroll accounting, their types and composition of employees of the Lviv Mint were studied. Accounting and analytical data allow to determine the nature of management and logistics decisions for the production process and methods of external settlement operations at the Lviv Mint in emergency situations. Organizational and methodological bases of management decisions and their experience of accounting and analytical support of the Lviv Mint in the conditions of war have the prospect of use in modern emergencies, and in particular pandemics. This will mobilize management capacity and resources to reduce the risk of human losses from the spread of COVID-19 virus worldwide.Item Accounting outsourcing as a tool for optimising the company’s activities(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-02-28) Фоміна, Олена Володимирівна; Коломієць, Діана Володимирівна; Fomina, Olena; Kolomiiets, Diana; Державний торговельно-економічний університет; Державний торговельно-економічний університет; State University of Trade and Economics; State University of Trade and EconomicsВ сучасних умовах мінімізація витрат для суб’єктів господарювання є основною умовою існування на ринку. Одним з інструментів такої мінімізації є ведення бухгалтерського обліку на засадах аутсорсингу. Окрім мінімізації витрат, бухгалтерський аутсорсинг забезпечує правильність ведення бухгалтерського обліку, надає консультації на високому рівні та вберігає від можливих штрафів. Метою роботи було дослідити бухгалтерський аутсорсинг як інструмент оптимізації діяльності суб’єктів за сучасних умов господарювання. У процесі дослідження авторами були використані методи індукції та дедукції, причинно-наслідкового зв’язку, а також табличний та графічний, методи опису та конкретизації, логічного узагальнення. Було сформовано єдине визначення поняття бухгалтерського аутсорсингу, який виявив характерні риси аутсорсингу. Проведений SWOT-аналіз послуг бухгалтерського аутсорсингу продемонстрував бухгалтерський аутсорсинг як дієвий інструмент мінімізації витрат. Визначено, що всі недоліки та загрози можливо усунути при ретельному відборі аутсорсера та підписанні договору. Етапи ведення обліку бухгалтерського аутсорсингу полягають у розробці графіку документообігу, який забезпечить своєчасність при одержанні інформації для замовника та контроль якості наданих послуг. Запропоновано єдину методику визначення економічного ефекту бухгалтерського аутсорсингу, яка враховує недоліки та переваги вже існуючих методик, що дозволить повною мірою врахувати всі економічні, організаційні та управлінські моменти передачі бухгалтерії на аутсорсинг. Основні пропозиції, одержані автором за результатами дослідження, можуть бути використані при веденні бухгалтерського обліку на засадах аутсорсингу. Подальше дослідження проблем аутсорсингу як інструменту оптимізації діяльності підприємств в Україні доцільно спрямувати на розробку нормативно-правових актів для заохочення до прийняття управлінських рішень компаніями стосовно використання бухгалтерського аутсорсингу.Item Accounting procedures digital transformation for business processes improvement(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-01) Yasinska, A.; Lviv Politechnic National UniversityThe article researches the impact of the digitalization and digital transformation process on the construction of functional management systems of modern enterprises. The article materials consider new information opportunities for business models building and business processes organization. Approaches to the improvement of operational processes and their optimization are substantiated. The evidence is given that the possible way to implement digitalization in certain areas may be: the concept (strategy), staff training and education, the new technologies implementation. It is defined that the implementation of the digital transformation of the business model can take place in stages at the level of its individual elements or components. It is supposed reasonable to use a system-oriented approach to management, which is based on understanding the object of management as a whole, the need for internal and external communication links, i.e., a set of related management methods and tools in the enterprise and its structural units. System-oriented management of the digitalization process in the article is considered to involve the business processes transformation. Such processes should be based on perfect digital strategy planning. Important components are the feasibility assessment of practical digital initiatives implementation, monitoring of promising areas of action, forecasting the expected effect of digitalization and comparison of innovative initiatives. The application of a systematic approach to the management of the digitalization process is justified at certain stages, which will allow in a certain sequence and order to get the maximum effect and ensure the achievement of goals and acceptable results. The main stages of system-oriented management of the business processes digitalization process are offered, as well as the main groups of factors of influence (external and internal) on the digitalization implementation process are determined.Item An approach to modelling the Impact of international migration on the economy of receiving country(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Chernobay, L.; Adamyk, V.; Malibroda, S.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityBeing an objective element of the global economic system, international migration produces a significant impact on the performance of individual countries nowadays. The economic impact of international migration is driven by various factors, primarily the type of international migration (labour migration, refugee migration, family migration, or student migration) and the legislation of a receiving country which determines the ability of international migrants to interact with the host country’s economy and to produce the respective impact. The hypothesis of this study builds on the premise that legislation of the receiving country determines the “capabilities of migrants”, that is a set of actions that can be performed by an international migrant on the territory of receiving country, the consequences of which will produce an impact on the economy of receiving country. We identified the following capabilities: the ability to enter and stay in the country; the ability to be employed; the ability to obtain social protection, education and citizenship; the ability to own and dispose of property. Capabilities are not firmly attached to particular types of international migration. For example, the capability to be employed is associated with such types of migrants as labour migrants, refugees, family and other migrants, depending on the country. The influence of international migrants on the economy of receiving country is determined not by the type of migration, but by the combination of actual capabilities that correspond to certain types of migration. We found five combinations of migrants’ capabilities that determine four types of economic relationships between the migrants and the receiving country’s economy. Each type of economic interaction produces a different effect on the economy of receiving country and can be changed by means of expanding or constraining certain capabilities of migrants, which requires that respective amendments be introduced in the legislation of the receiving country. The scientific appropriateness of our approach to modelling the impact of international migration on the economy of receiving country is based on the analysis of the global legal framework for purposes of identifying the rights that ensure the respective capabilities of migrants, as well as on the application of SNA-2008 principles to modelling the impact of international migration on the economy of receiving country. In this study, we used the method of analysis to single out the rights that ensure the migrant’s capabilities; the method of generalization to reveal attributes, based on which separate rights could be matched with respective capabilities; the method of explanation to describe the notions of “migrant’s capabilities” and “type of economic interaction”; the method of classification to separate specific types of economic interaction; and the method of modelling to describe the relationship between the legislation of the receiving country, the migrants’ capabilities, the types of international migrants, and the impact of such migrants on the economy of receiving country.Item Analisys of diversification on machine-building enterprises: innovative approach(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Skybinskyy, O. S.; Drymalovska, Ch. V.The concepts “diversification’’ and “innovative activity” are considered in the article. The development of diversification of machine-building enterprises of Lviv Region is investigated through the analyzys of their innovation activities. The following indicators of innovative activities of Lviv Region enterprises are analyzed: the number of companies that have implemented new technological processes and developed the innovative types of products; number of implemented technological processes in machinebuilding enterprises; the output of realized innovative products of machine-building enterprises.Item Analysis of the enterprise operating expenses and ways of improvement of their accounting(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-01) Grytsay, O.; Pankiv, M.; Kut, D.; Wojtan, G.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Maria Curie-Sklodowska UniversityActivities of industrial enterprises are associated with continuous consumption of certain types of resources, so expense accounting plays a crucial role in determining the enterprise efficiency. Accounting procedures occupy a key place in information support system of any enterprise, since the original information on the enterprise activities in the form of financial statements and internal documentation (source documents, journals and ledgers) is essential in order to meet the needs of internal and external users. It is particularly important to account for operating expenses, which forms information about the use of materials, labor and other resources involved in the production process. Properly organized accounting and analytical information on operating expense ensures fair and accurate assessment of the enterprise production process and provide effective management decision-making. The purpose of the scientific paper is to analyze operating expenses, organization and methodology of the accounting process at the enterprise and to develop practical recommendations for improving the accounting for operating activity.This goal necessitates the solution of the following tasks: determine the nature and classification of operating expenses; analyze the dynamics and structure of operating expenses; develop the suggestions concerning the improvement of registration-analytical information of operating expenses. The used research methods and general characteristics of paper. The authors applied the method of literature review to justify the relevance of the chosen research topic. On the basis of the comparative method the main economic indicators of activity, in particular dynamics and structure of operating expenses according economic elements and according items of calculation were defined. On the basis of system analysis and synthesis, proposals on the composition of items of production costing and on the introduction of classification of expenses by groups in terms of relevant items of general production expenses, administrative, marketing expenses and other operating expenses were formed.Item Apperceptive defects in accounting information system(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-26) Vysochan, O.; Vysochan, O.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe article is concerned with a relevant issue oforigin and adverse effects caused by defects of accounting and information system. The aim is the research and categorization of defects related to the perception of accounting information by recipients and the influence of such defects on efficiency of decision-making. Interdependence between the part of information unperceived by the consumer because of defects and coefficient of accounting information perception has been determined in this work. The work is also concerned with the classification of defects that may arise in accounting and information system of economic entities and stem from one of the reasons caused by other information system constituents or their combination: peculiarities (including psychological, medical and biological ones) of the recipient; characteristics of accounting information source; transit properties of transmitting medium; qualitative, quantitative, value and formal properties of accounting information. Factors affecting apperception of accounting information by the consumer have been characterized. Three types of complex apperceptive defects arising as a result of various impact factors combination have been pointed out and specified: type I – due solely to internal factors; transmitting medium, accounting information and its source are not involved in their generation; type II – arise in the course of processing information by the person concerned though their reasons are external; type III – combine characteristics of the first type (source of origin, accounting information, its generator and/or transmitting medium) and the second type (primary cause: internal characteristics of the recipient). It has been concluded that apperceptive defects influence accounting system of economic entity, and they are one of the reasons leading to aberration of accounting and information flows.Item Application of cluster approach to the development of industrial potential: innovative policy and management support(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Kuzmin, O.; Stanasyuk, N.; Olikhovska, M.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Lviv Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel ManagementIn modern conditions, the role of industrial potential is increasing, which will ensure the modernization of the national economy. The emergence of crisis phenomena of clusterization in the industrial sector of the state is deepening due to the lack of directions in the management of its development. Therefore, the purpose of our article is to study the peculiarities and benefits of using the cluster approach in the management of industrial potential, to identify the main disadvantages of domestic clustering, taking into account foreign experience, and to elaborate of proposals for the development of industrial clusters in Ukraine. The article deals with the economic interpretation of the term ”cluster” and highlights the main characteristics and factors of the cluster problem presented in the scientific papers of scientists. The authors ground the main advantages of the cluster approach to the development of industrial potential and identify the main obstacles to the successful application of clustering in Ukraine. The relationship between the benefits and results of the application of the cluster approach for the formation of innovation-industrial policy in the state is established. During the research, the world experience in applying the cluster policy mechanism has been studied, and the directions of state support in the formation of favourable conditions for the development of clusters in industry have been proposed.Item Application of modern methods of sociometric analysis for modelling personnel optimal behavior at the enterprise(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Zakharchyn, H. M.; Kosmyna, Y. M.The article focuses on the analysis of the sociomapping method used for modeling the personnel optimal behavior at the enterprise, as well as on the method efficiency evaluation within the framework of the conducted research. It is suggested to apply the sociomapping method for evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise corporate culture and for the analyzing the enterprise collective organizational behavior in general. The key benefits and drawbacks of the sociomapping method application are considered within the framework of the enterprise social networks analysis.Item Approaches to ranking causes of management crises in an industrial and commercial association(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015) Bondarchuk, M. C.The paper presents the improved method for ranking causes of management crises in industrial and commercial associations (ICA) in the changing environment, the peculiarity of which is designing management procedures focused on groups of similar causes of problem situations. Visualization of a set of causes leading to emergence of problem situations allows making more thorough decisions concerning the impact to be made on a particular object of ICA to ensure its economic security.Item Assessment of governmental bodies officials activity results based on factor model development(Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Yaremko, I.; Karkovska, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityThe article demonstrates a factor model of due performance of all norms and rules by officials in a governmental body. It singularizes the following basic indices of the factor model: index of official’s adherence to rules and norms and performance of them; index of adherence to rules and norms and performance of them during inspection in a governmental body by an employee of an organization, performing the inspection; index of safety of governmental bodies, covering the whole of statistic reporting regarding violations of this governmental body. It substantiates the opportunity of using the factor model for assessment of governmental officials’ activity results.Item Assessment of the competitiveness of the tourist destination(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-01) Chernega, O.; Kyiv National University of Trade and EconomicsThe tourism industry, which has shown exceptionally high rates of development in recent decades in the world economy, allows tourist destinations, which usually have limited resources for industrial development, to achieve income levels in industrialized regions, and with a balanced and effective government policy even overcome the effects of socio-economic crises. individual countries. One of the conditions for the successful existence of a tourist destination is the need to constantly monitor the level of its competitiveness by various criteria to identify strengths and weaknesses and, accordingly, to develop tactics and strategies for the development of the industry at different levels of management. The main criteria for the competitiveness of the destination is the compliance of the main tourist product of the territory to the needs of consumers. Various methods are used to assess the potential of tourist destinations, based on the defined capacity of the territories and the relationship to its potential, the load on resources and infrastructure, the definition of climatic, natural locations, economic indicators, etc. The definition of methods as a result of competitive analysis is the basis for building a reputable strategy for the development of the destination and subsequent vectors of positioning and the tourist world arena. Namely, it is expressed in the fact that as a result of the measures taken to manage the reputation management of the tourist destination, the competitive environment improves, the market develops, the infrastructure improves, which leads to the competitiveness of the tourist destination.Item Assessment of the investment factor impact on the economic development of national economy of Ukraine(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Kuzmin, O. Ye.; Pyrog, O. V.Article presents the results of the research of impact of investment factor on economic development of Ukraine and types of economic activities for the period 2000-2011 are presented; and determines types of economic activities, that are priority for investments in order to ensure the development of the national economy in framework of the post-industrial society.Item Assessment of the stability of the national economy development in the postindustrial society(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014) Kuzmin, O. Ye.; Pyrog, O. V.; Matviyishyn, V. Ye.The article presents the results of the national economy development stability assessment in the postindustrial society. The method of assessment based on the efficient state management under optimal economic, innovation and investment, and social conditions is proposed.