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    Determination of the influence of the economic cycle stages on the innovative potential of small entrepreneurship
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-01) Lykholat, S.; Krykavskyi, Y.; Lozynskiy, V.; Shynkarenko, N.; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Dnipro university of technology candidate of economic sciences
    The small business sector is studied. It is hypothesized that the small business sector has a significant innovative potential, the possibilities of which depend on the economic cycle of market conjuncture. It has been hypothesized that innovation investment in the small business sector depends significantly on economic cycles, and that the structure / directions of innovation investment are determined by the global market conjuncture. This is done in order to interpret the systemic / unsystematic development of small business in the context of public policy on the basis of appropriate calculations and the obtained results, as well as provides an understanding of the possibilities of realizing the innovative potential of small business. The peculiarity of this study is its complementarity “innovative potential of small business – technology transfer – economic cycles”. It has been established that investment in innovation and technology transfer in the small business sector depend on market conjuncture and stages of the economic cycle that occur in a certain period (growth or recession). The identification of economic cycles allowed to form the directions of state regulation and reveal the possible risks associated with finding the innovative potential of small business. The conducted research creates a basis for the implementation of the cluster policy program; contributes to the formation of appropriate tools for creating clusters; reveals favorable periods of labor involvement in the realization of innovation potential; helps to identify the periods of economic cycles in which it is appropriate to invest in their own self-education and modern technology. This approach will help increase the level of balance of the small business system on an innovative basis.
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    Матричні підходи моніторингу розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Рєпіна, І. М.; Вострякова, В. Ю.
    Розглянуто підходи до визначення та оцінювання інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Запропоновано тлумачення інноваційного потенціалу як сукупності трьох складових: інноваційних ресурсів, інноваційних компетенцій та організаційних здатностей. Наведено критерії для дослідження рівня розвиненості кожної складової. Запропоновано використання матричного методу у форматі дескриптивної моделі для моніторингу розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Creation of innovations is a strategic priority to ensure competitiveness. An innovative way of development implies a certain innovation potential as the basis for this development. The concept of innovation potential as the conceptual reflection of innovation activities phenomenon has been evolving and clarifying in the process of methodological, theoretical and empirical studies since the early 80's. An important element of the innovation development management is the methods used in the procedures of evaluating company’s innovation potential. Analysis of the existing theoretical developments demonstrates the wide range of approaches to defining the essence of the company’s innovation potential. Among the most common of them there are resource, functional and combination approaches. In the first approach, the innovation potential of the company is mainly treated as a set of innovation resources that are interconnected, and the corresponding procedures that create conditions for the optimal use of these resources. The functional approach involves the review and analysis of the innovation potential in terms of the ability of the economic system to implement economic development based on innovations. Many researchers at present are trying to combine these approaches. In terms of modern resource theory the company’s innovation potential can be seen as a set of innovation competences and innovation organization capabilities based on innovation resources to achieve the goals of the company’s innovation development. Today there is a number of comprehensive approaches that are used in evaluating the innovation potential. They differ in a set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics that are being analyzed. The resource approach is based on the research of the enterprise innovation resources. The process-result approach involves the analysis of the innovation process results according to the innovation process stages. The personal approach is implemented by analyzing the ability of employees to generate innovative ideas and transform them into innovative products. The statistical approach involves research using questionnaires or surveys. The problem-oriented approach requires a clear selection of criteria, indicators, and assessment procedures corresponding to the problems identified. It is possible to use matrix methods in understanding the company’s innovation potential as the combination of resources, competencies and organizational capabilities for the purpose of evaluation and monitoring. An example is a four-component matrix based on modified and adapted to innovation problems approach developed by Russian scientists S. Yefremov and I. Khanykov. This matrix involves the selection of indicators in four areas. These are innovation projects, innovation resources, innovation competence and innovative organization capability. Based on a multi-profile comparative analysis there is identified the degree of connection and there is made the quantitative assessment between them. Based on this matrix it is possible to obtain the data on how specific innovation project implementation depends on the competences. This matrix allows to assess the innovation potential of the company. The result of the analysis is also an unambiguous definition of the areas of improving the innovation potential components.
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    Інноватика в освіті – шлях до її якості, досвід США
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Гаращук, Олена; Куценко, Віра
    Наголошено на зростаючій функції освіти в соціально-економічному розвитку, в формуванні інноваційної економіки. Розкривається сутність інноватики, основні напрями інноваційної діяльності. Подається взаємозв'язок розвитку науково-технічного прогресу та інноваційної діяльності вищих навчальних закладів, наводиться в цьому аспекті досвід США, зокрема і щодо розвитку дослідницьких і підприємницьких університетів. Обґрунтовуються способи підвищення якості освіти, зокрема й за рахунок використання досвіду США. Stresses the increasing role of education in economic and social development in the formation of an innovative economy. The essence of innovation, the main directions of innovation. Describes the relationship of scientific and technological progress and innovation of higher education institutions is given in this respect the experience of the United States, including the development of research and entrepreneurial universities. Substantiates ways to improve the quality of education, including through the use of the US experience.
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    Optimization of marketing strategy’s selection process in automobile company
    (Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture, 2014) Yurynets, O.; Tomyuk, O.
    The article analyzes existing classifications of marketing strategies of the company. The main criteria for marketing strategy’s selection, used by management in its strategic activities, were defined. Based on research, a simplified classifier of marketing strategies, which will facilitate efficient strategic marketing activities, was developed.
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    Трансформація інноваційного потенціалу розвитку промислових підприємств за умов системних кризових явищ в економіці
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012) Довбенко, В. І.
    Розглянуто завдання успішного здійснення процесів трансформації інноваційного потенціалу розвитку промислових підприємств України за умов кризових явищ в економіці. Запропоновано механізм, інструменти та форми участі у процесах оновлення потенціалу розвитку науки, бізнесу, держави та громадських організацій, які підвищать конкурентоспроможність економіки й зміцнять позиції вітчизняних промислових підприємств на світових ринках. The tasks of successful realization of transformation processes of innovation potential of the industrial enterprises development in Ukraine in conditions the crisis phenomena in economy are considered. The mechanism, tools and forms of participation during updating potential of development the science, business, states and public organizations which allow to increase competitiveness of economy and to strengthen positions of the domestic industrial enterprises on global markets are offered.