Електронний архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки

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    Development of environmentally safe technologies for the extraction of plant raw materials
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2023-02-28) Dyachok, Vasyl; Venher, Liubov; Ivankiv, Oksana; Diachok, Iruna; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
    The peculiarity of solid bodies of organic origin, in contrast to solid bodies of mineral origin, is that their internal structure is characterized by the presence of two spaces – cellular and intercellular. Such bodies tend to swell upon contact with the extractant. The phenomenon of swelling, during extraction, is always accompanied by the dissolution of target substances contained in the cellular and intercellular space. All these processes create conditions for the diffusion of the dissolved target substance through the cell membrane into the intercellular space, and then through the intercellular space beyond the boundaries of the solid phase particle. This helps to increase the volumes of the cellular and intercellular environment. The absolute value of the volumes of cellular and intercellular spaces is one of the most important values when developing and calculating extraction processes and forecasting environmentally safe technologies for obtaining biologically active compounds. The work presents a method of experimentally calculating the volumes of intercellular and cellular spaces of medicinal plant raw materials of various morphological organs. The established absolute values of the volumes of the cellular and intercellular spaces make it possible to calculate the order of diffusion coefficients of biologically active compounds in the medium of the intercellular space, as well as in the cell membrane. In the future, the determined values of the volumes provide grounds for predicting the regime, kinetics and dynamics of extraction of target substances during the implementation of an environmentally safe technology for obtaining biologically active compounds in production, as well as to support the monitoring of production processes of extraction in digital mode.
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    Cleaning of Gas Emissions By Biological Method
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2022-03-01) Dyachok, Vasyl; Venher, Liubov; Huhlych, Serhiy; Svjantko, Iryna; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The paper shows the possibility of using chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae of Chlorella Vulgaris to purify biogas from carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3). Experimental dependences of the dynamics of CO2 uptake by microalgae under the action of H2S inhibitor and NH3 activator are presented. A mathematical description of the growth of biomass of microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia was obtained. The optimal values of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia concentration for the efficient process of carbon dioxide uptake by chlorophyll-synthesizing microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris from biomethanization gas have been established.
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    Wetland meadows of Carex acutiformis as a source of bioelectricity
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-03-01) Rusyn, Iryna; Dyachok, Vasyl; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article presents the assessment of bioelectroproductivity of wetland sedge ecosystems of Carex acutiformis in situ. It was found that it is possible to obtain a bioelectric potential at the level of 864.2–1114.8 mV, depending on external conditions using a pair of electrodes graphite/zincgalvanized steel and graphite/aluminum. The increase in soil moisture had a positive effect on bioelectric potential parameters. Widespread in Polissya biotopes of sedge have prospects as sources of green plant-microbial energy.
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    The impact of microwave radiation in the processes of carbon dioxide absorption by chlorophyll-producing microalgae
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020-02-10) Dyachok, Vasyl; Mandryk, Solomiia; Huhlych, Serhiy; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The influence of microwave radiation on the rate of СО2 uptake by chlorophyll-producing microalgae of the Chlorella Vulgaris has been established. Experimental dependencies of greenhouse gases absorption by microalgae depending on the impact of microwave electromagnetic (MEM) field have been obtained. The mathematical model of the dynamics of biomass growth of Chlorella Vulgaris microalgae depending on the time of electromagnetic radiation has been constructed. Based on the mathematical model solution and the experimental data obtained, a chart of the dependence of CO2 absorption by microalgae of the Chlorella Vulgaris provided that microwave radiation is present, has been constructed. The optimal value of microwave electromagnetic radiation for the design of technological schemes for the industrial purification of gas emissions from carbon dioxide by biological method has been established.
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    Application of liquid extraction for treatment of wastewater from edible oils production
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-01-20) Dyachok, Vasyl; Marakhovska, Anastasia; Marakhovska, Svitlana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Досліджено структуру емульсії, яка утворюється у стічних водах виробництв харчових олій. Встановлено вид емульгатора та запропоновано спосіб руйнування емульсії, що забезпечує в подальшому якісне очищення стічних вод олійних виробництв рідинно- екстракційним методом. Отримана лінія рівноваги та робочі лінії процесу. Встановлено кількість ступеней переносу. Побудовано математичну модель рідинно-екстракційного очищення стічної води. Рішення її дає можливість прогнозувати кінетику процесу екстркційного очищення стічних вод при реалізації технології на практиці. Підібрано обладнання для проектування технологічної схеми очищення стічних вод виробництва харчових олій рідинною екстракцію.
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    Kinetics of biologically active compound extraction from hops strobiles extraction cake
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Pavliuk, Inessa; Dyachok, Vasyl; Novikov, Volodymyr; Ilkiv, Nataliya; State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Вивчена кінетики екстрагування флавоноїдів зі шроту шишок хмелю, визначено сумарне значення опору масоперенесення враховуючи анатомічні особливості рослинної сировини, а саме наявність клітинного та міжклітинного середовища. Підтверджено достовірність запропонованого математичного апарату для визначення головних кінетичних констант процесу. Отриманий результат можна засто- совувати для розрахунку обладнання при проектуванні тех- нологічних схем екстрагування твердих тіл клітинної будови.
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    About the problem of biological processes complicated by mass transfer
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-01-20) Dyachok, Vasyl; Huhlych, Serhiy; Yatchyshyn, Yuri; Zaporochets, Yulia; Katysheva, Viktoriia; Lviv Polytechnic National University; National University of Food Technologies
    Представлено результати вивчення процесу поглинання вуглекислого газу одноклітинними мікроводо- ростями. З’ясовано стадії перебігу процесу, враховуючи особливості умов культивування, зокрема наявність клі- тинного та міжклітинного середовища. Встановлено константи, які конкретизують математичну модель погли- нання вуглекислого газу з повітря клітинами мікроводоростей. Отримані рішення дають можливість прогнозувати кінетику процесу поглинання вуглекислого газу та проектувати обладнання для здійснення технологічного процесу очищення газових викидів за умов реалізації біотехнології на практиці.
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    Determination of the activation energy of the reaction of photosynthesis in chlorophyll synthesizing microalgae
    (Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016) Dyachok, Vasyl; Katysheva, Viktoriia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The dynamics of absorption of carbon dioxide at corresponding temperature by microalgae Chlorella was studied. The results of experimental research will allow to calculate the energy of activating photochemical reaction and other values of kinetics of increase of microalgae within the limits of the investigating temperatures. The analytical dependence of coefficient of growth biomass on temperature within the limits of the investigating temperature was established. The stages of transport of carbon dioxide from air to internal volume of microalgae cell was determined through literature. The optimal terms of their cultivation was selected and analyzed. The results showed that it is possible to forecast the technological scheme of cleaning of gas emissions from carbon dioxide by biological method.
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    Analysis of process parameters of wastewater treatment of edible oils production
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Dyachok, Vasyl; Marakhovska, Anastasia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Investigated the liquid extraction method for possibility to sewage treatment of oils production plants. The mixture of organic solvent (extractant) for selective removal of the main pollutants of wastewater was selected. The resulting equilibrium line and operating line process was obtained. Established transfer steps number. The mathematical model of liquid-extraction wastewater treatment was built. The solution of model allows to predict the kinetics of wastewater extraction for implementing the technology in practice. The equipment to design the flowsheet of liquid extraction method for wastewater treatment of food oils production was matched.
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    About problem of absorption of greenhouse gas by chlorophyilsynthesizing microalgae in the presence of sulfur dioxide
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017-12-23) Dyachok, Vasyl; Katysheva, Viktoriia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The presence of non-competitive reverse inhibition by sulfur dioxide in the process of photosynthesis based on the Lineweaver-Burk theory was theoretically justified and experimentally proved. The mathematical description of the growth of the cells of the microalgae is given and as a result of processing experimental data the growth rates of the algae at certain values of inhibitor concentration was defined. Based on the obtained values the analytical dependence of growth rate of biomass from the substance of inhibitor was redused. The maximum value of concentration of sulphur dioxide which may occur photosynthesis and biomass growth of microalgae was set.