Ідеї гнучкої архітектури та трансформативних інтер’єрів Ф. Кізлера в проектуванні сучасних бібліотечних будівель
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Проаналізовано розробки Фредеріка Кізлера в галузі гнучкої архітектури та
мобільного простору, які знайшли своє відображення у проектуванні сучасних
бібліотечних об’єктів.
Frederick Kiesler was a unique artist and a versatile personality, whose ideas and inventions in the sphere of architecture, design and art continue being the inexhaustible source of research and are followed by a lot of modern architects both in Ukraine and all over the world. His numerous designs and experiments with endlessness of space nowadays find application in architecture of buildings of various types and functions – in modern residential projecting, in the design of theatre and exhibition halls, in planning library premises and spaces. Frederick Kiesler dedicated his whole artistic life to popularizing and experimenting in the direction of mobile, kinetic and transformative architecture. The ideas of “flexible” architecture which were based on endlessness and continuity of space were implemented by the artist in his own models of “spatial” house, “endless” house and “universal” theatre. The primary shape of “endless” house has become landmark for creating “correalism” style which is based on continuous interaction between people and their natural and technological environments. The ideas of correalism, flexible architecture and transformed interiors are nowadays actively applied in forming the architecture of modern library buildings which at the end of the 20th – at the beginning of the 21st century experienced essential transformations. Taking into account the needs of modern users, implementation of brand-new information technologies, application of new building constructions and materials have altered the organization of internal space and architectural image of libraries. Modern libraries are designed taking into consideration the principles of space openness and access to any type of information. There has also been the transition from the traditional division of library space into separate rooms to a single flexible “flowing” space with free arrangement of functional zones and equipment. The interior of libraries started to have modular furniture and mobile design, what made it possible without much effort to adjust the space for certain kind of culture and educational events. In world practice during designing and building modern library buildings architects widely apply the principle of flexible planning with minimal usage of internal partitions. Conscious or unconscious, however in that way architectural environment of the library is presented as a model of endless and continuous space, with the ideas of F. Kiesler being the basis of it. At the same time there are no references to the primary source. For proving the mentioned above hypothesis it is suggested to study separate architecture examples of built libraries through the prism of ideas generated by Frederick Kiesler, in particular: spherical shape, membrane structure, flexibility of space, mobility. The analysis of creation of F. Kiesler who formed on the meeting point of various artistic professions – an architect, a sculptor, a designer, an artist, a scenographer etc confirms his versatility and uniqueness of his personality. Having dedicated his life to researching the phenomenon of endlessness in architecture F. Kiesler gained the endlessness of his own artistic potential.
Frederick Kiesler was a unique artist and a versatile personality, whose ideas and inventions in the sphere of architecture, design and art continue being the inexhaustible source of research and are followed by a lot of modern architects both in Ukraine and all over the world. His numerous designs and experiments with endlessness of space nowadays find application in architecture of buildings of various types and functions – in modern residential projecting, in the design of theatre and exhibition halls, in planning library premises and spaces. Frederick Kiesler dedicated his whole artistic life to popularizing and experimenting in the direction of mobile, kinetic and transformative architecture. The ideas of “flexible” architecture which were based on endlessness and continuity of space were implemented by the artist in his own models of “spatial” house, “endless” house and “universal” theatre. The primary shape of “endless” house has become landmark for creating “correalism” style which is based on continuous interaction between people and their natural and technological environments. The ideas of correalism, flexible architecture and transformed interiors are nowadays actively applied in forming the architecture of modern library buildings which at the end of the 20th – at the beginning of the 21st century experienced essential transformations. Taking into account the needs of modern users, implementation of brand-new information technologies, application of new building constructions and materials have altered the organization of internal space and architectural image of libraries. Modern libraries are designed taking into consideration the principles of space openness and access to any type of information. There has also been the transition from the traditional division of library space into separate rooms to a single flexible “flowing” space with free arrangement of functional zones and equipment. The interior of libraries started to have modular furniture and mobile design, what made it possible without much effort to adjust the space for certain kind of culture and educational events. In world practice during designing and building modern library buildings architects widely apply the principle of flexible planning with minimal usage of internal partitions. Conscious or unconscious, however in that way architectural environment of the library is presented as a model of endless and continuous space, with the ideas of F. Kiesler being the basis of it. At the same time there are no references to the primary source. For proving the mentioned above hypothesis it is suggested to study separate architecture examples of built libraries through the prism of ideas generated by Frederick Kiesler, in particular: spherical shape, membrane structure, flexibility of space, mobility. The analysis of creation of F. Kiesler who formed on the meeting point of various artistic professions – an architect, a sculptor, a designer, an artist, a scenographer etc confirms his versatility and uniqueness of his personality. Having dedicated his life to researching the phenomenon of endlessness in architecture F. Kiesler gained the endlessness of his own artistic potential.
Воронкова І. С. Ідеї гнучкої архітектури та трансформативних інтер’єрів Ф. Кізлера в проектуванні сучасних бібліотечних будівель / І. С. Воронкова // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 878. — С. 94–99.