Вплив політичних чинників на розвиток архітектури Тернопільської катедри (Собору непорочного зачаття Пресвятої Богородиці)

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


У статті досліджено історію Тернопільського домініканського храму, пам’ятки архітектури ХVIII століття. Показано вплив соціально-політичних та конфесійних змін на святиню, її значення у суспільних, культурних процесах, роль у популяризації християнських цінностей.
The article examines the history of Ternopil Dominican Church, places of the eighteenth century. Shown the impact of the socio-political and strategic changes to the sanctuary, its importance in the social and cultural processes, role in promoting Christian values. During many centuries the territory of Ukraine was split between different foreign countries. The rule of Russia, Poland, Austria was not conductive nor to the development of Ukrainian statehood, nor the free choice of religion. Introducing Catholicism in Galicia, the Poles began to build lots of churches. The city’s owner Jozef Potocki has built Roman Catholic Church with the monastery in 1749 on a place of the ruined Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The first name of the temple was st.Vincent Ferrer’s church. Some scientists, like Metchislav Gembarovich considered August Moschynskyy the author of the project. The church was built according to the traditions of the Polish construction – clearly dedicated main facade with two towers like a Gothic Temple, elongated in plan like Basilica. The temple was a defensive structure with an adjoined monastery. The main façade was divided with the moldings into three tiers. Two square towers have pyramidal cupolas. The walls have the pilasters with capitals of Ionic order. The inner decoration with carved altars. The frescoes of the dome reflected the important events in the history of the Dominican order. Since 1800’s the rule in Ternopil was frequently changed, the same as the temple’s owners. The temple frequently was in a running state. The greatest destructions were caused by the Russian army during the World War I and II. The restoration after the war was finished in 1959. Lots of sculptural elements were not restored. The was no even an attempt to renovate the interior’s murals. The storage was placed in a temple – the architectural monument. The murals were finally ruined in 1978 when the church was refitted to the city painting gallery. With the coming of independence of Ukraine and the rebirth of spirituality in society the Temple started to be intended used. The renovated church became the place of interest of the city and one of the main centers of the Greek-Catholic faith, educational and cultural center.



Тернопіль, пам’ятка архітектури, бароко, храм, соціально- політичні процеси, орден Домініканців, орден Єзуїтів, Ternopil, a monument of architecture, the Baroque church, the socio-political processes, the order of the Dominicans, the order of the Jesuits


Дячок О. М. Вплив політичних чинників на розвиток архітектури Тернопільської катедри (Собору непорочного зачаття Пресвятої Богородиці) / О. М. Дячок // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 878. — С. 116–123.



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