Інституційна сутність держави у світовій політичній думці


Досліджено погляд на інституційну сутність держави в контексті діалектики її взаємовідносин із суспільством у основних ідейно-політичних напрямах світової політичної думки – лібералізмі, консерватизмі, націоналізмі, соціалізмі.
In the article the view on the institutional essence of the state in the context of the dialectic of its relationship with society in the main ideological and political directions of world political opinion – liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, and socialism is investigated. System-structured, comparative and historical methods of research were used here. The purpose of this study is to carry out a comparative analysis of the specifics of views on the institutional essence of the state and its social purpose in the main directions of world political opinion: liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, and socialism. It is established that views on the institutional essence of the state and its social functions in the world political thought are rather variegated. Thus, liberal political thought treats the institution of the state as a “service staff” of the interests of society and a guarantor for the observance and protection of human rights and freedoms. The method of “institution” of the state is a social contract. Conservative political thought emphasizes the self-sufficiency and importance of the institution of the state as a protector of the traditional socio-political order and the guarantor of evolutionary social progress. The method of “institutionalization” of the state is God’s will or tradition. The ideology of nationalism views the state institution as an instrument of consolidation and protection of the interests of the nation. The method of “institutionalization” of the state is the political self-realization of the nation. Eventually, the ideology of socialism (social democracy) considers the institution of the state as an instrument of active protection of the interests of various social strata. The method of “institutionalization” of the state is the political self-organization of social groups and layers of the population.



держава, інститут, лібералізм, консерватизм, націоналізм, соціалізм, state, institute, liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, socialism


Демчишак Р. Інституційна сутність держави у світовій політичній думці / Руслан Демчишак // Humanitarian Vision. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 3. — No 2. — P. 31–36.



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