Виробництво, властивості і застосування газобетону неавтоклавного тверднення
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Розвиток виробництва неавтоклавних ніздрюватих бетонів заслуговує особливої
уваги внаслідок простоти технології їх виготовлення. В статті проведено порівняння
властивостей неавтоклавних газобетонів, одержаних за традиційною технологією і з
готової сухої суміші, показано вплив хімічних добавок на характеристики
неавтоклавних газобетонів.
One of the priorities of modern construction industry is to increase the heat-shielding properties enclosing structures and reduce construction costs. Solving these problems is possible through the use in the manufacture of insulating exterior walling and structuralinsulating non-autoclaved aerated concrete from technogenic waste, especially fly ahes and slag thermal power plants. The development of aerated concrete deserves special attention, which is due to the relative simplicity of manufacturing techniques compared to nonautoclaved aerated concrete with porous concrete autoclaved and traditional building materials; metal consumption relatively lower power consumption and equipment for its production. Aerated concrete is the optimal material for building because it has wide density and durability ranges, the properties being important for solving various construction problems. The increased production of non-autoclaved aerated concretes is caused by the increasing demand of residential building. In the article compared the properties of nonautoclaved aerated concrete, obtained by traditional technology and finished dry mixture, the effects of chemical additives on the characteristics of non-autoclaved aerated concrete are shown. The use of chemical additives MCTF 12 allows to obtain non-autoclaved aerated concrete with average density of 500 kg/m3 , the compressive strength 2,2 MPa and the estimated coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0,16 W / (mK).
One of the priorities of modern construction industry is to increase the heat-shielding properties enclosing structures and reduce construction costs. Solving these problems is possible through the use in the manufacture of insulating exterior walling and structuralinsulating non-autoclaved aerated concrete from technogenic waste, especially fly ahes and slag thermal power plants. The development of aerated concrete deserves special attention, which is due to the relative simplicity of manufacturing techniques compared to nonautoclaved aerated concrete with porous concrete autoclaved and traditional building materials; metal consumption relatively lower power consumption and equipment for its production. Aerated concrete is the optimal material for building because it has wide density and durability ranges, the properties being important for solving various construction problems. The increased production of non-autoclaved aerated concretes is caused by the increasing demand of residential building. In the article compared the properties of nonautoclaved aerated concrete, obtained by traditional technology and finished dry mixture, the effects of chemical additives on the characteristics of non-autoclaved aerated concrete are shown. The use of chemical additives MCTF 12 allows to obtain non-autoclaved aerated concrete with average density of 500 kg/m3 , the compressive strength 2,2 MPa and the estimated coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0,16 W / (mK).
неавтоклавний газобетон, суха суміш, кінетика спучування, середня густина, міцність, non-autoclaved aerated concrete, dry mix, swelling kinetics, average density, strength
Виробництво, властивості і застосування газобетону неавтоклавного тверднення / О. Р. Позняк, В. М. Мельник, І. О. Завадський, А. Я. Мельник // Вісник національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Теорія і практика будівництва. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 877. — С. 160–165.