Становлення і розвиток комунікативного дизайну в Галичині другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть

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Українська академія друкарства


Дисертаційну роботу присвячено дослідженню становлення і розвитку комунікативного дизайну в Галичині другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть. Виокремлено чинники впливу, розроблено періодизацію становлення комунікативного дизайну, з’ясовано дуалістичність його спрямування. Система-тизовано базові поняття «комунікативний простір», «комунікативний дизайн», впроваджено в науковий обіг уточнені дефініції. Визначено параметри комунікативного дизайну, укладено типологію об’єктів дизайн-графіки. Розглянуто семіотичний ресурс об’єктів дизайн-графіки, особливості стильових пріоритетів, національної ідентичності. Наголошено, що комунікативний дизайн в Галичині в умовах соціокультурних трансформацій другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть є вагомим надбанням української дизайнерської спадщини та органічною складовою європейського культурного простору. Диссертационная работа посвящена исследованию становления и развития коммуникативного дизайна в Галичине второй половины XIX – первой трети ХХ веков. Определены факторы влияния, разработана периодизация становления, выявлена дуалистичность направления развития коммуникативного дизайна. Систематизированы базовые понятия «коммуникативное пространство», «коммуникативный дизайн», введены в научный оборот уточненные дефиниции. Определены параметры коммуникативного дизайна, составлена типология объектов дизайн-графики. Рассмотрены семиотический ресурс объектов дизайн-графики, особенности стилевых приоритетов, национальной идентичности. Подчеркивается, что коммуникативный дизайн в Галичине в условиях социокультурных трансформаций второй половины XIX – первой трети ХХ веков является ценным достоянием украинского дизайнерского наследия и органической частью европейского культурного пространства. The main scientific problem of this research is to examine the formation and development of communication design in Galicia of the second half of the 19th century – the first third of the 20th century. For the first time the issue have been considered in a complex way as an integral phenomenon and multifaceted process in the context of socio-cultural transformations; the factors influencing the communication design formation in the defined period have been found out; basic concepts of the communication design sphere have been systema-tized and the terms «communication space» and «communication design» have been intro-duced into scientific circulation; the author’s periodization of the communication design formation and development has been developed; the typology of objects / subjects of design-graphic in Galicia in the second half of the 19th century – the first third of the 20th century has been determined; a number of objects / subjects of communication design in Galicia of the period under study have been identified and put into scientific circulation; the place of communication design in Galicia in the conditions of socio-cultural transformations of the second half of the 19th century – the first third of the 20th century in the system of European art and design culture development processes has been ascertained. The socio-cultural background and specific features of formation and further development of communication design in Galicia, which were determined by a number of factors, including: the region integration into the socio-economic and socio-artistic life of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1772–1919) and the Second Polish Republic (1919–1939), deep ethno-cultural traditions, regional trade and handicrafts, industrial technologies and civilization impulses of the design culture development, architecture and industrial arts education, artistic processes in Western Europe, social and national structure of the regional population. The dualistic orientation of the design development in Galicia and its involvement in the all-European and Polish artistic processes as well as in the formation of the national artistic and cultural space has been ascertained. Public organizations, industrial committees, associations, educational and cultural societies played a special role in improving the quality of industrial products. In particular, the Regional Committee for Industrial Affairs under the guidance of W. Dzie-duszycki (1878), the Association of Ukrainian Artisans and Industrialists «Zorya» (1884), the Rus’ka Handicraft and Industrial Vocational School (1898), the Society of Regional Crafts Stimulation (1904) and other associations set up under the influence of the European «Arts and Crafts Movement», promoted the development of the regional crafts, artistic and design activities and national culture, holding the large-scale cultural and artistic events, establishment of professional courses and seminars for small business, organization of artistic industrial and economic industrial exhibitions in Lviv, Stanislaviv, Stryi, Kolomyia, setting up and formation of the first in Ukraine Lviv Art and Industry Museum (1874), Lviv Art and Industrial School (1876). After the opening of the Drawing and Modelling Department at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical Academy (1872) (today the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals of the Architecture Institute of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, the professional training of specialists combining in themselves artists, engineers and architects was started. The objects / subjects of graphic design, their communicative properties in the system of visual information environment have been considered, the authorship of some communication design works of the analyzed period has been specified. The informational and visual intensity of the graphic design objects / subjects of this period is their main stylistic feature. Architectural and artistic trends and European avant-garde movements, such as secession, art deco, symbolism, futurism, cubism, constructivism, early functionalism directly influenced the formation of the stylistic priorities, artistic and design parameters of the design objects. The development of communication design in Galicia was inseparably linked with the activity of artists, whose artistic and design work was aimed at creating a har-monious communicative environment of human life activity through the objects / subjects of design-graphic. The unified stylistic language of European aesthetics and nationally oriented sources of artistic and design creativity of the Galician masters constituted the paradigmatic basis of communication design. For the first time a number of book and magazine illustration objects, advertising and informational posters created by artists R. Lisovsky, P. Kovzhun, S. Gordynsky, P. Kholodny, K. Sichulski, T. Gronowski, S. Norblin have been examined through the lens of communication design, in the context of a dialogue between the designer’s conсept and the society. The analysis of the artists’ creative work has disclosed the toolset of their artistic and design activities and introduced into the scientific circulation a number of graphic artworks as communication design objects. The national identity visual symbols and signs used by the artists on print covers, postcards, posters, trademarks and brands have been identified. It has been determined that the main communication means are signs and symbols which alongside with font inscriptions constitute a single integrated system. Based on the analysis of the documentary graphic materials we can assert that a trademark and an industrial commercial poster were the first communication means. It has been proved that the visual communication of the created objects was achieved by means of typography, photo graphics and infographics which are funda-mental in communication design. The thesis analyzes the historical and socio-cultural preconditions for the formation and development of communication design in Galicia, the communication means of the graphic design objects in the fields of printing products, advertising, photo and film products, and identifies the communication characteristics of the graphic design objects. It has been determined that the communication design in Galicia in the period of its rise was under the direct influence of European and national artistic formbuilding and technologically innovative processes. The discovered peculiarities and regularities of the communication design in Galicia in the second half of the 19th century – the first third part of the 20th century allow asserting that the researched heritage is a unique achievement of Ukrainian culture which makes evident the social development and progress, national traditions in the panoramic context of the all-European artistic and design culture.



комунікативний дизайн, комунікативний простір, об’єкти / предмети дизайн-графіки, художньо-проєктна діяльність, Галичина, коммуникативный дизайн, коммуникативное пространство, объекты / предметы дизайн-графики, художественно-проектная деятельность, Галичина, communication design, communication space, objects / subjects of graphic design, art and design activity, Galicia


Борисенко О. М. Становлення і розвиток комунікативного дизайну в Галичині другої половини ХІХ – першої третини ХХ століть : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата мистецтвознавства (доктора філософії) : 17.00.07 – дизайн / Ольга Миколаївна Борисенко ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Українська академія друкарства. – Львів, 2019. – 329 с. – Бібліографія: с. 197–221 (308 назв).



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