Комплексна методика проведення метрологічної експертизи військової техніки зв’язку
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Розкрито основні етапи комплексної методики проведення метрологічної експертизи військової техніки
зв’язку. Реалізація зазначених етапів комплексно дає змогу мінімізувати кількість вимірювальних параметрів та
встановити раціональну послідовність їх вимірювання, що зменшить час встановлення технічного стану військової
техніки зв’язку, а обґрунтування значення ймовірності правильної оцінки вимірюваного параметра допоможе вибирати
дешевші засоби вимірювальної техніки військового призначення. Виконано експериментальне дослідження для
підтвердження працездатності запропонованої комплексної методики на прикладі короткохвильової радіостанції Р-1150.
Modern and promising examples of military communication technology belong to the most knowledgeintensive and high-tech types of industrial products, which are subject to increased requirements for quality and efficiency of use. The effective functioning of the system of scientific and technical support for the development (modernization) of military equipment of communication is based on the main types of support, which includes the metrological support. In this case, it is important to analyze and evaluate the correctness of the task of the requirements for the metrological provision of samples of military communication equipment and control over their implementation. Control (measurement) of parameters of military equipment of communication and the choice of necessary measuring equipment takes place during metrological service, when their technical condition is established, which is the main task of technical diagnostics. When defining the values of parameters from the norm the following problem of technical diagnostics is solved – the search and replacement of the defective element. Then to reduce the number of measurements the conventional diagnostic algorithms are applied. The main content of the work on justification of the requirements for metrological support consists of the choice of the nomenclature of measuring instruments. All these tasks are solved during the metrological examination of technical means. The well-known works highlight the results of the improvement of partial methods of metrological examination of military communication technology. The procedure for applying methods for assessing the validity of technical solutions for the metrological support of military communication technology is considered on the example of the modern short-wave radio station R-1150, which is designed to provide two-way interference-protected telephone and telegraph radio communication and for data transmission over shortwave radio channels. The short-wave radio station P-1150 is one of the modern models of domestic production, which was adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The main stages of the complex method of metrological examination of military communication technique are revealed. Implementation of these stages in a complex way allows to minimize the number of measuring parameters and establish a rational sequence of their measurement, which will reduce the time of establishing the technical state of military communication equipment, and justification of the value of the probability of correct measurement of the measured parameter allows you to choose cheaper means of measuring equipment for military use. Conducting an experimental study showed that it is possible to reduce the time and the corresponding labor costs to assess the technical state of the short-wave radio station P-1150 by 31,0 %, and with a measurement error margin of 24,4 %.
Modern and promising examples of military communication technology belong to the most knowledgeintensive and high-tech types of industrial products, which are subject to increased requirements for quality and efficiency of use. The effective functioning of the system of scientific and technical support for the development (modernization) of military equipment of communication is based on the main types of support, which includes the metrological support. In this case, it is important to analyze and evaluate the correctness of the task of the requirements for the metrological provision of samples of military communication equipment and control over their implementation. Control (measurement) of parameters of military equipment of communication and the choice of necessary measuring equipment takes place during metrological service, when their technical condition is established, which is the main task of technical diagnostics. When defining the values of parameters from the norm the following problem of technical diagnostics is solved – the search and replacement of the defective element. Then to reduce the number of measurements the conventional diagnostic algorithms are applied. The main content of the work on justification of the requirements for metrological support consists of the choice of the nomenclature of measuring instruments. All these tasks are solved during the metrological examination of technical means. The well-known works highlight the results of the improvement of partial methods of metrological examination of military communication technology. The procedure for applying methods for assessing the validity of technical solutions for the metrological support of military communication technology is considered on the example of the modern short-wave radio station R-1150, which is designed to provide two-way interference-protected telephone and telegraph radio communication and for data transmission over shortwave radio channels. The short-wave radio station P-1150 is one of the modern models of domestic production, which was adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The main stages of the complex method of metrological examination of military communication technique are revealed. Implementation of these stages in a complex way allows to minimize the number of measuring parameters and establish a rational sequence of their measurement, which will reduce the time of establishing the technical state of military communication equipment, and justification of the value of the probability of correct measurement of the measured parameter allows you to choose cheaper means of measuring equipment for military use. Conducting an experimental study showed that it is possible to reduce the time and the corresponding labor costs to assess the technical state of the short-wave radio station P-1150 by 31,0 %, and with a measurement error margin of 24,4 %.
Яковлев М. Ю. Комплексна методика проведення метрологічної експертизи військової техніки зв’язку / М. Ю. Яковлев, П. Л. Аркушенко, Є. В. Рижов // Вимірювальна техніка та метрологія : міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — Том 79. — № 3. — С. 55–63.