Інформаційна сфера – ключовий фактор гібридної агресії Росії проти України



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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


російсько-українська гібридна війна, інформаційна війна, смислова війна, інформаційні технології.
The features of the information component of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war are investigated. The main directions and tools of Russian destructive information activity aimed at Ukrainian society are determined. Communicative opportunities of parties in work with the mass audience are shown and characterized by obstacles on the way of counteraction to the Russian information aggression. It is noted that today the problem of Russian propaganda became a necessity to deploy the fact that Ukrainian and Russians are brothers, as well as the formation of various interfaces concerning Ukrainians in Russian discourse. The authors of the article emphasize that during the occupation of the Crimea and the Donbas, Russia uses a huge arsenal of justified propaganda technologies: “information blockade”, “use of mediators”, “anonymous authority”, “feedback”, “effect of presence”, “stating the fact”, “emotional resonance”, “psychological shock”, “ordinary story”, “distraction”, “technology of perspectives”, and “false analogy”. It is proved that Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine has become a long-term factor influencing the national security of our country. In order to withstand this influence, a transparent and effective concept of information security should be formulated; we should continue working on the termination of pro-Russian TV channels and radio, and control the release of printed anti-Ukrainian products; the Ukrainian media should promptly refute Russian false and discrediting information; highlight the work of state institutions in the most transparent manner; increase the media literacy of the Ukrainian population and establish active informational work in the occupied territories.



російсько-українська гібридна війна, інформаційна війна, смислова війна, інформаційні технології, Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war, information war, Word of war, information technology


Гетьманчук М. Інформаційна сфера – ключовий фактор гібридної агресії Росії проти України / Микола Гетьманчук, Зоряна Зазуляк // Гуманітарні візіїї. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 5. — № 1. — С. 7–12.



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