Євген Коновалець у Луцькому таборі для інтернованих (грудень 1919 – березень 1920 рр.)


Розкрито перебування та діяльність Є. Коновальця в організованому поляками таборі для інтернованих, куди він потрапив у середині грудня 1919 р. разом із частиною особового складу Групи СС армії УНР, якою і командував. Після цієї події військове формування Січових стрільців більше не відновиться.
The study of historical figures, which is associated with the creation and development of various processes that have determined historical changes, require special attention. After all, each stage of the activity of such figures is decisive, it provides an opportunity to understand the sequence of actions, decisions, etc., the environment that helped, supported or criticized. In this context, the objective is to deal with the almost 3.5-month history of Е. Konovalets's stay as a former commander of the SS Army Group of the Ukrainian People's Republic and his entourage in a camp for interned in Lutsk. E. Konovalets, officers and ordinary soldiers were in the camp for interned in Lutsk from the middle of December 1919 – until mid-March 1920. E. Konovalets, commanders and soldiers of the SS group of the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic were interned by the Polish. After internment, this military formation will no longer resume its activities. Staying in a camp in Lutsk will be an important stage for Y. Konovalets and his entourage in understanding the events that took place in Ukraine and took place in the cities of the concentration of Ukrainian state centers (Warsaw, Vienna and Prague), as well as preparation for new organizational forms of activity in the struggle for independence. They assumed responsibility for organizing a new military unit on the basis of one of the camps of interned Ukrainians in Czechoslovakia to move to the territory of the UPR.



Євген Коновалець, Андрій Мельник, Стрілецька рада, Січові стрільці, інтерновані, Луцьк, Yevhen Konovalets, Andriy Melnyk, Sichovi stril'tsi, interned, Lutsk


Хома І. Євген Коновалець у Луцькому таборі для інтернованих (грудень 1919 – березень 1920 рр.) / Іван Хома // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 43–46.



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