Conditions of existing residential buildings 50–60 years and mistakes of their construction
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Розглянуто проблеми стану житлових будівель 50–60-х років забудови, які застаріли та
підлягають негайним технічним обстеженням та посиленню. Для безпечної експлуатації таких
будівель найістотнішим є фактор якості будівництва, оскільки у 50–60-ті роки будівництво виконувалося із багатьма недолікам, які проявляються тепер. У 50-ті роки, через великий брак житлових
площ, за мету було поставлено будувати багато, дешево і швидко, що заклало основні проблеми
майбутньої експлуатації та безпеки будівель, які почали проявлятися нині.
Як реальний приклад такого будинку, в якому проявилися недоліки будівництва, розглянуто
житловий будинок у м. Дрогобичі на вул. Грушевського, 101/1, де стався обвал частини чотириповерхової будівлі. Описано конструктивну схему та основні конструкції будівлі, вказано основні
дефекти та пошкодження будівлі, разом із тими, які з’явилися після обвалу. Із використанням
методу скінченних елементів у ПК “ЛІРА-САПР” та ПК “МОНОМАХ-САПР” виконано розрахункові моделі частин житлової будівлі, які залишися після обвалу. Виконано випробування зразків
цегли, взятих безпосередньо у місці обвалу, на основі чого визначено міцність кладки. Теоретичні
результати розрахунків порівняно із фактичним станом частин будівлі.
Причиною обвалу стало руйнування цегляної кладки середньої несучої стіни будинку через
низьку марку цегли та розчину, внаслідок сильного зволоження через відсутність дренажу та
гідроізоляції. Виконані інженерно-геологічні вишукування показали, що в період інтенсивних
атмосферних опадів або танення снігового покриву може утворюватися тимчасовий водний горизонт
типу “верховодка” на ґрунтах ІГЕ-2 (суглинок напівтвердий), що може призводити до підтоплення
будинку, тому під час будівництва треба було передбачити заходи із дренування території та
гідроізоляції фундаментів, що не було зроблено під час будівництва.
Будинки 50–60-х років, які проєктувалися на термін до 50 років, сьогодні потребують
детальних обстежень технічного стану з метою забезпечення їх безпечної експлуатації.
This article deals with the condition of existing residential buildings 50–60 years, which are outdated and are subject to immediate technical inspection and reinforcement. The most important factor for the safe operation of such buildings is the quality of construction factor, since in the 50–60s the construction was carried out with many of the shortcomings that are presently present. As a real example of such a house where there were shortcomings in construction, a residential house in Drohobych was considered, where a four-storey building collapsed. The design scheme and basic structures of the building are described. Main defects and damage to the building, including those that appeared after the collapse, are presented. Using the finite element method in LIRA-SAPR, the models of the parts of the residential building that remained after the collapse were calculated. Tests were carried out on specimens of bricks taken directly at the site of the collapse, on the basis of which the strength of masonry was determined. The theoretical results of the calculations are compared with the actual condition of the building parts. This article deals with the condition of existing residential buildings 50–60 years, which are outdated and are subject to immediate technical inspection and reinforcement. The most important factor for the safe operation of such buildings is the quality of construction factor, since in the 50–60s the construction was carried out with many of the shortcomings that are presently present. As a real example of such a house where there were shortcomings in construction, a residential house in Drohobych was considered, where a four-storey building collapsed. The design scheme and basic structures of the building are described. Main defects and damage to the building, including those that appeared after the collapse, are presented. Using the finite element method in LIRA-SAPR, the models of the parts of the residential building that remained after the collapse were calculated. Tests were carried out on specimens of bricks taken directly at the site of the collapse, on the basis of which the strength of masonry was determined. The theoretical results of the calculations are compared with the actual condition of the building parts.
This article deals with the condition of existing residential buildings 50–60 years, which are outdated and are subject to immediate technical inspection and reinforcement. The most important factor for the safe operation of such buildings is the quality of construction factor, since in the 50–60s the construction was carried out with many of the shortcomings that are presently present. As a real example of such a house where there were shortcomings in construction, a residential house in Drohobych was considered, where a four-storey building collapsed. The design scheme and basic structures of the building are described. Main defects and damage to the building, including those that appeared after the collapse, are presented. Using the finite element method in LIRA-SAPR, the models of the parts of the residential building that remained after the collapse were calculated. Tests were carried out on specimens of bricks taken directly at the site of the collapse, on the basis of which the strength of masonry was determined. The theoretical results of the calculations are compared with the actual condition of the building parts. This article deals with the condition of existing residential buildings 50–60 years, which are outdated and are subject to immediate technical inspection and reinforcement. The most important factor for the safe operation of such buildings is the quality of construction factor, since in the 50–60s the construction was carried out with many of the shortcomings that are presently present. As a real example of such a house where there were shortcomings in construction, a residential house in Drohobych was considered, where a four-storey building collapsed. The design scheme and basic structures of the building are described. Main defects and damage to the building, including those that appeared after the collapse, are presented. Using the finite element method in LIRA-SAPR, the models of the parts of the residential building that remained after the collapse were calculated. Tests were carried out on specimens of bricks taken directly at the site of the collapse, on the basis of which the strength of masonry was determined. The theoretical results of the calculations are compared with the actual condition of the building parts.
Demchyna B. Conditions of existing residential buildings 50–60 years and mistakes of their construction / Bohdan Demchyna, Leonid Vozniuk, Mykhaylo Surmai // Theory and Building Practice. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 1. — No 2. — P. 43–49.