Цифрові виклики кадрового забезпечення підприємства
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Стрімкий розвиток цифрових технологій зумовлює появу нових запитів для
бізнесу. Обґрунтовано сучасні тенденції у кадровому забезпеченні підприємств,
визначено проблеми та пріоритетний вплив інноваційних цифрових технологій на
результати діяльності; зміну ціннісних орієнтирів у системі менеджменту підприємств.
Подано результати емпіричного дослідження hr-привабливості підприємства торгівлі на
ринку праці. Сформульовано рекомендації щодо впровадження нестандартних підходів
до залучення та оцінювання персоналу, розвитку цифрових компетенцій підприємства,
формування пірингового навчання.
The rapid development of digital technologies leads to the emergence of new business queries. Most companies do not attach much importance to the development of digital competencies of human resources. The purpose of the article is to justify the recommendations of the effective attraction of human resources and hr-attractiveness of the enterprise through the use of digital technologies. The modern tendencies in personnel provision of the enterprises are substantiated, the priority influence of innovative technologies on the results of activity and the change of the value orientations in the system of personnel management of enterprises are determined. The results of our own survey of hr-attractiveness of the trading company in Ukraine are presented. It involved 428 people, which included 295 employees of 32 companies. The survey was conducted among three groups of respondents: students and graduates who were searching for a job or had a temporary job during the year (133 people); 2) employees with experience of up to five years at a trade enterprise; 3) workers with experience of more than five years. The main priorities of the attractiveness of the trading company as a potential employer, all respondents indicated high pay, career development opportunities, comfortable working conditions (including comfort of the workplace), active page (blog) in social networks. The main priorities for the development of the trading company in the market are software update and enhancement of cyber security, diagnosis of personnel risks, lack of resources for predictive analytics. The development of digital competences of future professionals and employees requires the implementation of peer education in partnership with IT companies, education, business Also neurobiological tools and their important for in assessing the various socio-cultural trends in the market, social engagement of employers, use non-standard assessment of staff are determined. Development of digital competencies of the personnel will increase the competitive advantages of the enterprise of trade under the conditions: the use of methods of forecasting cross-cultural behavior of consumers on the Internet; improvement of predictive analytics in the processes of selection and assessment of the needs for the development of digital competence of staff; monitoring of social engagement of the company in the labor market; monitoring of personnel risks and providing the cyber security of the enterprise. Recommendations for the implementation of non-standard approaches in attracting staff hrdivisions of companies, their socio-cultural value for employees are substantiated.
The rapid development of digital technologies leads to the emergence of new business queries. Most companies do not attach much importance to the development of digital competencies of human resources. The purpose of the article is to justify the recommendations of the effective attraction of human resources and hr-attractiveness of the enterprise through the use of digital technologies. The modern tendencies in personnel provision of the enterprises are substantiated, the priority influence of innovative technologies on the results of activity and the change of the value orientations in the system of personnel management of enterprises are determined. The results of our own survey of hr-attractiveness of the trading company in Ukraine are presented. It involved 428 people, which included 295 employees of 32 companies. The survey was conducted among three groups of respondents: students and graduates who were searching for a job or had a temporary job during the year (133 people); 2) employees with experience of up to five years at a trade enterprise; 3) workers with experience of more than five years. The main priorities of the attractiveness of the trading company as a potential employer, all respondents indicated high pay, career development opportunities, comfortable working conditions (including comfort of the workplace), active page (blog) in social networks. The main priorities for the development of the trading company in the market are software update and enhancement of cyber security, diagnosis of personnel risks, lack of resources for predictive analytics. The development of digital competences of future professionals and employees requires the implementation of peer education in partnership with IT companies, education, business Also neurobiological tools and their important for in assessing the various socio-cultural trends in the market, social engagement of employers, use non-standard assessment of staff are determined. Development of digital competencies of the personnel will increase the competitive advantages of the enterprise of trade under the conditions: the use of methods of forecasting cross-cultural behavior of consumers on the Internet; improvement of predictive analytics in the processes of selection and assessment of the needs for the development of digital competence of staff; monitoring of social engagement of the company in the labor market; monitoring of personnel risks and providing the cyber security of the enterprise. Recommendations for the implementation of non-standard approaches in attracting staff hrdivisions of companies, their socio-cultural value for employees are substantiated.
Жуковська В. М. Цифрові виклики кадрового забезпечення підприємства / В. М. Жуковська // Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення та проблеми розвитку. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 2. — С. 10–17.