Особливості управління соціальними ризиками в умовах розвитку дорожньої концесії


Визначаючи системність розвитку держави, науки, економіки і суспільства через призму пошуку альтернативних джерел інвестування у дорожню галузь, в статті автори обґрунтували соціальні ризики, які виникають у разі застосування сублімативної форми фінансування розвитку дорожньої галузі через запровадження принципів державноприватного партнерства. Інвестування бізнесом у дорожню галузь в Україні у сучасних умовах ризикове через недосконалість законодавства, низький розвиток технологій, що можливо подолати, запроваджуючи концесійні підходи до розвитку галузі. Досліджено також вплив державно-приватного партнерства на соціальні ризики і запропоновано напрями їх мінімізації.
The road network is one of the most important branches of the economy, which performs the function of a kind of circulatory system in the complex organism of the country. It not only helps to meet the needs of the economy and the population in transportation, but together with the cities forms a “framework” of the territory, has a significant impact on the dynamism and efficiency of socioeconomic development of individual regions and the country as a whole. World experience shows that without a developed transport, automotive network can not create an efficient market economy. Ensuring the development of the road network and improvement their transport and operational condition is a necessary condition for further socio-economic development of the state and society. Unsatisfactory condition of the road network has a negative impact on the social and economic situation of the country, international image and key indicators such as gross domestic product, development of productive forces, state budget revenues, employment, performance of road and other modes of transport and more. The level of financing the road networks for the last 10 years makes 14–34 percent of the minimum necessary need for repair and maintenance of a network of highways defined by scientists. Due to insufficient funding, the pace of implementation of new technologies, machines, mechanisms, modern materials and structures is slow and does not meet current needs. The process of business investment in the road industry in Ukraine in modern conditions is risky due to imperfect legislation, low development of technology, which can be eliminated through the introduction of concession approaches in the development of the industry. The impact of public-private partnership on social risks is considered and ways to minimize them are suggested. Solving the problems of financial support for the repair, reconstruction and maintenance of roads requires the integration of State efforts, regional and local authorities, research and practice of their application, legal framework, as well as financial and material resources in international and Euroregional cooperation. It should be noted that the most problematic in terms of effective provision of transportation by state roads are sections of roads on international transport corridors. On the one hand, the financial and economic capabilities of the state and the region are still insufficient for their reconstruction, and on the other – the postponement of these problems has a negative impact on the national economy and contradicts international trends, prospects for the transport network. The object of the article is the process of applying the concession to improve the financing of costs for repair, reconstruction and maintenance of roads in terms of social risks. The subject of the article is the socio-economic relations between the subjects of the concession and the public. The main purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for the introduction of a road concession, taking into account developed recommendations for social risk management. In accordance with the purpose of the article, the authors set the following goals: – definition and analysis of the conditions of public-private partnership in Ukraine; – identification of the causes and consequences of the development of social risks in terms of road concessions based on the analysis of international experience in the application of tolls on highways; – substantiation of the main directions of social risk management in the conditions of the road concession and formation of the corresponding conclusions. The result of research is the authors' proposed ways to minimize social risks in terms of road concessions.



державно-приватне партнерство, дорожня галузь, соціальні ризики, дорожня інфраструктура, public-private partnership, road industry, social risks, road infrastructure


Білик О. І. Особливості управління соціальними ризиками в умовах розвитку дорожньої концесії / О. І. Білик, Ю. О. Блинда, Н. М. Крохмальна // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Проблеми економіки та управління. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — № 2(6). — С. 115–124.



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