Футуристичні ідеї архітектора Ф. Кізлера в навчальному проектуванні львівської архітектурної школи (на прикладі діяльності кафедри дизайну архітектурного середовища)
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
В статті висвітлено результати навчального проектування на кафедрі дизайну архітектурного проектування Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, в якому використовувалися і розвивалися футуристичні ідеї Ф. Кізлера. Які неодноразово, протягом останніх 20 років, експонувалися кафедрою на різноманітних виставках.
Almost since the foundation of the Department of Architectural Environment Design (November 28, 2003), it provides fundamental educational training based on the creative experience of world-famous architects Yu. Zakharievich, I. Levynskyi, F. Kiesler, I. Leonidov, I. Fomin, O. Niemeyer, etc. From the first steps of the Department's educational activity, it turned out that an important role in the learning process is played not only by educational areas, technical, technological, and communication support of the educational process, but also by a variety of design – search, experimental, competitive, and especially the futuristic design. Among all the other ideas of the creators, the staff of the department most effectively uses and develops the futuristic search of the world-famous architect F. Kiesler. At the beginning of such design student projects of K. Belova, L. Vynogradova, R. Bevzyuz and others from Lviv; A. Shunina from Chernivtsi, interpreted the ideas of the maestro about boundless theatres and housing, museums, double theatres, skyscrapers. Then in the following years, they were developed and received author's features in the projects of buildings of the philharmonic named after F. Kiesler, exhibition pavilions, museums, art centres in Chernivtsi, as well as in other cities of Ukraine. All the above-mentioned projects have been repeatedly exhibited by the department at various exhibitions: in the Regional Art Museum of Chernivtsi in 2005 and the foundation “Hesed Arie” in Lviv, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of F. Kiesler. It was presented at the exhibition as part of the international conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the maestro's birth, October 6–7, 2015 at Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, in the periodical exhibitions of the Lviv Polytechnic National University and at the annual exhibitions of the best theses of architectural universities of Ukraine.
Almost since the foundation of the Department of Architectural Environment Design (November 28, 2003), it provides fundamental educational training based on the creative experience of world-famous architects Yu. Zakharievich, I. Levynskyi, F. Kiesler, I. Leonidov, I. Fomin, O. Niemeyer, etc. From the first steps of the Department's educational activity, it turned out that an important role in the learning process is played not only by educational areas, technical, technological, and communication support of the educational process, but also by a variety of design – search, experimental, competitive, and especially the futuristic design. Among all the other ideas of the creators, the staff of the department most effectively uses and develops the futuristic search of the world-famous architect F. Kiesler. At the beginning of such design student projects of K. Belova, L. Vynogradova, R. Bevzyuz and others from Lviv; A. Shunina from Chernivtsi, interpreted the ideas of the maestro about boundless theatres and housing, museums, double theatres, skyscrapers. Then in the following years, they were developed and received author's features in the projects of buildings of the philharmonic named after F. Kiesler, exhibition pavilions, museums, art centres in Chernivtsi, as well as in other cities of Ukraine. All the above-mentioned projects have been repeatedly exhibited by the department at various exhibitions: in the Regional Art Museum of Chernivtsi in 2005 and the foundation “Hesed Arie” in Lviv, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of F. Kiesler. It was presented at the exhibition as part of the international conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the maestro's birth, October 6–7, 2015 at Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, in the periodical exhibitions of the Lviv Polytechnic National University and at the annual exhibitions of the best theses of architectural universities of Ukraine.
Проскуряков В. Футуристичні ідеї архітектора Ф. Кізлера в навчальному проектуванні львівської архітектурної школи (на прикладі діяльності кафедри дизайну архітектурного середовища) / Віктор Проскуряков, Олексій Проскуряков // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — Том 2. — № 4. — С. 154–163.