Історичний спосіб дії та сучасні процеси ревіталізації давніх міст Японії (на прикладі Хагі, Ономічі та Омі Хачіман)


У статті розглянуто сучасні процеси і креативні стратегії ревіталізації давніх міст Японії: Хагі, Ономічі та Омі Хачіман. На цих прикладах виявлено пряму залежність між історичною моделлю управління і сучасною рушійною силою ревіталізації, кожного з міст, що дозволяє говорити про існування феномену їх сталого історичного способу дії, який зберігається і зараз.
The problem of preserving the historical memory of ancient historical cities is becoming particularly important today due to the strengthening globalization, which has become a driving force for the migration of people and resources to capitals and other large cities. In some small towns, this problem is successfully solved thanks to the efforts of local authorities or the active population, but in most cases, the desolation progresses. Japan is an example of a country where the process of reviving small historical cities is successful, using various, often non-traditional, creative methods and ideas. Therefore, we chose Japan to study the experience of reviving the historical city to further apply it in Ukraine. During the study of the processes and methods of the revitalization of ancient cities in Japan, the relationship between the current driving force of revitalization and the specifics of the local historical model of their management was revealed. The study was conducted on examples of the historical cities of Hagi, Onomichi and Omi Hachiman, located in different regions of the country. These examples reveal a direct relationship between the historical model of management and the modern driving force of the revitalization in every city. It allows us to speak about the existence of the phenomenon of their stable historical mode of action, which remains relevant even now. In the course of the study, it was found that the ratio of driving forces in the process of revitalization in the cities of Hagi, Onomichi and Omi Hachiman is fundamentally different. In Hagi's case, the role of the local administration is primary. In Onomichi, the power of local community associations, businesses, and individuals dominates. In the case of Omi Hachiman, an extremely interesting phenomenon can be traced – the local administration and the community work together to revitalize the city. The revitalization of a city can be successful regardless of who initiates it, but in Hagi, Onomichi and Omi Hachiman, there is a direct relationship between the current driving force of revitalization processes and the historical model of governance of these cities. This gives grounds to state the existence of the phenomenon of a sustainable historical mode of action in the cities of Japan, which remains relevant and is actively manifested even now. In particular, feudal castle towns, which in the past were under direct samurai rule, are now characterized by a top-down scheme of revitalization activities, where the main driving initiative belongs to the local administration (for example, in Hagi). Port and commercial cities with a historically independent management system are currently characterized by a bottom-up revitalization scheme, where the main initiative belongs to local communities and individuals (for example, in Onomichi). Historical cities of samurai rule with well-developed trade and, accordingly, a system of self-government, today are characterized by a mixed scheme of driving forces of revitalization with mutual initiatives of both local authorities and residents (for example, in Omi Hachiman).



Шевцова Г. Історичний спосіб дії та сучасні процеси ревіталізації давніх міст Японії (на прикладі Хагі, Ономічі та Омі Хачіман) / Галина Шевцова, Світлана Лінда // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — Том 2. — № 4. — С. 237–246.



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