Житлова політика великих міст. Урбаністично-просторовий аспект
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Обґрунтовано підходи до формування житлової політики як узгодження дій і
рішень у просторовій організації та розвитку міст, підтверджена необхідність системних
заходів зусиллями держави, місцевих органів, громадян та інвесторів. Запропонована модель
просторових узгоджень, яка базується на моделі простору (людина – умови – функції –геометрія – час) і може служити методичним інструментом при обґрунтуванні як
житлової політики в цілому, так і конкретних проектів з житлового будівництва в містах
Housing policy is one of the most important in the development of cities, because the availability of housing is a fundamental human need. Analysis of research on housing construction in cities has led to the conclusion that a number of fundamentally important issues of housing policy and its elements are not reflected in the literature and create serious difficulties in improving relations in the housing sector. The article substantiates the model of housing policy for large cities of Ukraine with the disclosure of the spatial and urban aspect. Approaches to the formation of housing policy as a coordination of actions and decisions in the spatial organization and development of cities are identified, the need for systematic measures by the state, local authorities, citizens and investors is confirmed. Spatial coordination of policy is based on the model of space (man – conditions – functions – geometry – time), can serve as a methodological tool in justifying both housing policy in general and specific housing projects in cities. Based on the five-dimensional space model, the analysis of individual dimensions and their interactions was carried out, which made it possible to structure arrays of information on the state and dynamics of the housing situation, identify indicators of spatial assessment in the city and substantiate principles, macro characteristics, requirements and regulations of housing policy. The article solves the following tasks: analysis of the domestic situation and experience of European countries in relation to housing policy; approaches to improving the housing policy of large cities are substantiated; the model of substantiation of housing policy in the cities of Ukraine is offered. The object of the study was the spatial and urban aspect of housing policy of large cities, the subject of the study - the methodological tools for its justification.
Housing policy is one of the most important in the development of cities, because the availability of housing is a fundamental human need. Analysis of research on housing construction in cities has led to the conclusion that a number of fundamentally important issues of housing policy and its elements are not reflected in the literature and create serious difficulties in improving relations in the housing sector. The article substantiates the model of housing policy for large cities of Ukraine with the disclosure of the spatial and urban aspect. Approaches to the formation of housing policy as a coordination of actions and decisions in the spatial organization and development of cities are identified, the need for systematic measures by the state, local authorities, citizens and investors is confirmed. Spatial coordination of policy is based on the model of space (man – conditions – functions – geometry – time), can serve as a methodological tool in justifying both housing policy in general and specific housing projects in cities. Based on the five-dimensional space model, the analysis of individual dimensions and their interactions was carried out, which made it possible to structure arrays of information on the state and dynamics of the housing situation, identify indicators of spatial assessment in the city and substantiate principles, macro characteristics, requirements and regulations of housing policy. The article solves the following tasks: analysis of the domestic situation and experience of European countries in relation to housing policy; approaches to improving the housing policy of large cities are substantiated; the model of substantiation of housing policy in the cities of Ukraine is offered. The object of the study was the spatial and urban aspect of housing policy of large cities, the subject of the study - the methodological tools for its justification.
Габрель М. Житлова політика великих міст. Урбаністично-просторовий аспект / Микола Габрель // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — Том 2. — № 4. — С. 34–43.