Нові дерев’яні храми в структурі міських просторів Львова
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Розглядається роль дерев’яної храмової архітектури в структурі формування
міських просторів міста Львова в історичному аспекті. Перелічені деякі приклади давніх
дерев’яних храмів Львова (церков і костелів) на його передмістях, і їхня подальша доля у
післявоєнний час (40–60-т рр. ХХ ст.). Розглядаються новітні дерев’яні храми Львова, їх
роль та значення у формуванні вже існуючих міських просторів забудови.
The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the formation and location in the structure of urban spaces, modern wooden temple architecture, its harmonious coexistence with the existing residential and public development environment of Lviv. There is also a need to show the features of the material (wood) and its relief, namely texture as a component of the image and form perception that accentuate the temple building in the urban spatial structure of Lviv. Mass, space and surface are certain characteristics and ideas of architectural form that are also common for temple buildings, in particular wooden churches. The expressiveness of mass and space depends on the nature of the surface and its texture. The surface has always reflected the rational and romantic nature of the era and the architect’s idea. The most characteristic feature of considering the surface of an object is its texture. The peculiarity of the texture – surfaces of external walls in the architecture of wooden churches – testifies to the versatile creative potential of Ukrainian architectural and construction thought. The external surfaces of a church building in Ukrainian temple construction have always expressed their internal space and the proportions of masses and volumes of the entire architectural work, too. Wooden church architecture with a plastic solution of wall surfaces is also reflected in the originality of the texture, namely: in open log cabins of walls on all tiers, under the fence or canopy; structural elements like vertical beams for strengthening and connecting log cabins of walls; in the scuffing of walls with boards with slat or shingle. Plastic-decorative and tectonic elements of brackets and belts had their own architectural and structural style, which emphasized the spatial and tectonic richness of the formation and construction of Ukrainian wooden churches, as outstanding examples over time on a European and world scale and heritage. It is quite understandable and inherent that innovative ideas based on the foundation of tradition and artistic foundations preserve and continue the true essence and imagery of architectural work, namely a church building. That is why the sound and image of the newest wooden churches in the structure of urban development of the Lviv architectural environment, create a modern architectural and artistic identity. The image, material and tectonics of the surface texture and space, express the tradition and modernity of this image of the temple, in a rather inert and one-faced environment of residential and public development of Lviv.
The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the formation and location in the structure of urban spaces, modern wooden temple architecture, its harmonious coexistence with the existing residential and public development environment of Lviv. There is also a need to show the features of the material (wood) and its relief, namely texture as a component of the image and form perception that accentuate the temple building in the urban spatial structure of Lviv. Mass, space and surface are certain characteristics and ideas of architectural form that are also common for temple buildings, in particular wooden churches. The expressiveness of mass and space depends on the nature of the surface and its texture. The surface has always reflected the rational and romantic nature of the era and the architect’s idea. The most characteristic feature of considering the surface of an object is its texture. The peculiarity of the texture – surfaces of external walls in the architecture of wooden churches – testifies to the versatile creative potential of Ukrainian architectural and construction thought. The external surfaces of a church building in Ukrainian temple construction have always expressed their internal space and the proportions of masses and volumes of the entire architectural work, too. Wooden church architecture with a plastic solution of wall surfaces is also reflected in the originality of the texture, namely: in open log cabins of walls on all tiers, under the fence or canopy; structural elements like vertical beams for strengthening and connecting log cabins of walls; in the scuffing of walls with boards with slat or shingle. Plastic-decorative and tectonic elements of brackets and belts had their own architectural and structural style, which emphasized the spatial and tectonic richness of the formation and construction of Ukrainian wooden churches, as outstanding examples over time on a European and world scale and heritage. It is quite understandable and inherent that innovative ideas based on the foundation of tradition and artistic foundations preserve and continue the true essence and imagery of architectural work, namely a church building. That is why the sound and image of the newest wooden churches in the structure of urban development of the Lviv architectural environment, create a modern architectural and artistic identity. The image, material and tectonics of the surface texture and space, express the tradition and modernity of this image of the temple, in a rather inert and one-faced environment of residential and public development of Lviv.
Гнідець Р. Нові дерев’яні храми в структурі міських просторів Львова / Ростислав Гнідець, Максим Ясінський // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — Том 2. — № 4. — С. 59–66.