Methods of creating cadastral plans for densely and irregularly built-up settlements depending on the real estate market value
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
The contemporary methods of designing cadastral plans for the densely and irregularly built-up settlements depending
on the real estate market value have been considered by the example of Kond residential quarter in the Kentron
administrative district of Yerevan city. Currently there is a need to increase the precision rate of cadastral plans creation
depending on the market value of one square meter per a given cadastral zone. For instance, the price of one square meter
for the first cadastral zone of the Yerevan city is equivalent to 825 dollars in Armenian drams, whereas the market value is
equivalent to 1500–2000 dollars in AMD. To meet the requirements of the mentioned market relations a surveying method
for cadastral plan creation has been developed, where high-resolution aerophotographs captured by the unmanned aerial
vehicles, have been used; via GPS rover receiver the basis of plan-height identification points have been designed,
aerophotographs have been processed through photogrammetric method resulting in 1:500 scale orthophotoplan of the site.
To create topographic and cadastral plans on a scale of 1:500, taking into account the complex conditions of the relief and
situation of the area, all the corners of the buildings and structures were indiscriminately coordinated, as they represent
irregular geometric figures. To create topographic and cadastral plans on a scale of 1:500, considering the complex relief
conditions and position of terrain, all the corners of buildings and structures without any exceptions were coordinated,
since they are irregular geometric figures. Digitization of the terrain was carried out by AutoCAD, and relief creation by
AutoCAD Clvil 3D software packages. Real estate cadastral case data were compared with the newly created digital 1:500
scale plan. The analytical data of the collated results indicated that there are some reasons of incompliance, for example,
when the land plot of the registered property is a common use area, but during the mapping, measurements were made
according to the demarcated areas, or there are registered objects in the cadastral plan, but they are not demarcated on the
site, smaller surface discrepancies have been caused by inaccurate measurement or as a result of incorrect tool orientation.
Petrosyan H. Methods of creating cadastral plans for densely and irregularly built-up settlements depending on the real estate market value / H. Petrosyan, P. Efendyan // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2023. — No II (46). — P. 119–126.