Управління ризиком у логістичній системі через систему страхового захисту
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Розглянуто страхування як метод зниження ризику, що полягає в перенесені
ризику на третю сторону – страхову компанію. Такі привабливі механізми компенсації
ризику, як страхування, в багатьох ситуаціях, з якими стикаються ланки логістичної
системи, не застосовуються. Це пов’язано як з неготовністю страхових компаній брати
на страхування окремі ризики, так і з відсутністю у більшості господарюючих об’єктів
фінансових можливостей страхувати свої ризики в повному обсязі. Страхування
логістичних ризиків – це цілий комплекс заходів по захисту бізнесу від будь-яких
можливих збитків пов’язаних з діяльністю підприємства (постачання, виробництво,
складування та дистрибуція).
The article deals with insurance as a method of reducing the risk, which is carried by the risk to a third party – the insurance company. Such attractive mechanisms of risk compensation as insurance, in many situations encountered by the links of the logistics system, are not applied. This is due both to the reluctance of insurance companies to take on insurance individual risks, and the lack of financial assets in most economic entities to insure their risks in full. Insurance of logistics risks is a complex of measures for protecting business from any possible losses related to the activity of the enterprise (supply, production, warehousing and distribution). In order to focus on the insurance market of specialized companies and the possibility of optimal choice of insurer’s package of services, it is necessary to systematize logistic risks to the functional branches of logistics. In order to identify the risk with which the subject is going to the insurance, certain features that he must have for insurance protection are defined: the risk should relate to future events; the risk should be imposed on certain objects; the risk is associated with a certain probability, the uncertainty of future events; the risk is usually related to the property interest (that is, the probable event should entail a certain level of material or financial losses). Risks that fall under the concept of insurance protection should have economic consequences – losses that can be determined in monetary terms, the size of which will be affected by the cost of the object and the probability of risk. Logistic risks characterize the possibility of occurrence of such events after the decisions taken, as a result of which the enterprise loses all or part of its material resources, products, goods, their consumer qualities, and therefore also has additional logistic costs. Logistic risks are directly related to the movement of the material flow and provide for the division of internal threats into functional and managerial. Logistic risks by the nature of occurrence are related at the micro level with the functional branches of logistics: supply, storage, transportation, production. At macro level, risk situations are conditioned by market conditions, demographic situation, geopolitical state, changes in the legal framework, etc. Risk management in logistics systems both at micro level and at macro level in conditions of rapid changes in the market should become strategic and planned. It is quite obvious that in the context of globalization processes in the economy, more and more business entities use risk transfer for logistics processes for outsourcing – insurance. To create an optimal insurance coverage program, a risk analysis should be carried out to identify and evaluate the risk; Assess the likelihood and cost of risk and the ability of the enterprise to reduce or prevent it; classify risk; choose the method of risk management, and hence the list of insurance products. In addition to financial compensation for losses in favor of insurance, there are also the following aspects: when the risks are insured, the company does not create insurance funds (no frozen capital) when planning costs; relatively quick compensation of losses allows to operate without interruption and in normal mode and not to interrupt production or commercial process; The issue of settling damages is mostly assumed by a third party, an insurer, which allows you to save time and money to resolve disputes.
The article deals with insurance as a method of reducing the risk, which is carried by the risk to a third party – the insurance company. Such attractive mechanisms of risk compensation as insurance, in many situations encountered by the links of the logistics system, are not applied. This is due both to the reluctance of insurance companies to take on insurance individual risks, and the lack of financial assets in most economic entities to insure their risks in full. Insurance of logistics risks is a complex of measures for protecting business from any possible losses related to the activity of the enterprise (supply, production, warehousing and distribution). In order to focus on the insurance market of specialized companies and the possibility of optimal choice of insurer’s package of services, it is necessary to systematize logistic risks to the functional branches of logistics. In order to identify the risk with which the subject is going to the insurance, certain features that he must have for insurance protection are defined: the risk should relate to future events; the risk should be imposed on certain objects; the risk is associated with a certain probability, the uncertainty of future events; the risk is usually related to the property interest (that is, the probable event should entail a certain level of material or financial losses). Risks that fall under the concept of insurance protection should have economic consequences – losses that can be determined in monetary terms, the size of which will be affected by the cost of the object and the probability of risk. Logistic risks characterize the possibility of occurrence of such events after the decisions taken, as a result of which the enterprise loses all or part of its material resources, products, goods, their consumer qualities, and therefore also has additional logistic costs. Logistic risks are directly related to the movement of the material flow and provide for the division of internal threats into functional and managerial. Logistic risks by the nature of occurrence are related at the micro level with the functional branches of logistics: supply, storage, transportation, production. At macro level, risk situations are conditioned by market conditions, demographic situation, geopolitical state, changes in the legal framework, etc. Risk management in logistics systems both at micro level and at macro level in conditions of rapid changes in the market should become strategic and planned. It is quite obvious that in the context of globalization processes in the economy, more and more business entities use risk transfer for logistics processes for outsourcing – insurance. To create an optimal insurance coverage program, a risk analysis should be carried out to identify and evaluate the risk; Assess the likelihood and cost of risk and the ability of the enterprise to reduce or prevent it; classify risk; choose the method of risk management, and hence the list of insurance products. In addition to financial compensation for losses in favor of insurance, there are also the following aspects: when the risks are insured, the company does not create insurance funds (no frozen capital) when planning costs; relatively quick compensation of losses allows to operate without interruption and in normal mode and not to interrupt production or commercial process; The issue of settling damages is mostly assumed by a third party, an insurer, which allows you to save time and money to resolve disputes.
логістична система, логістичні процеси, функціональні галузі логістики, управління ризиком, економічні наслідки ризику, страхування, страховий випадок, страховий захист, logistic system, logistic processes, functional branches of logistics, risk management, economic consequences of risk, insurance, insurance case, insurance protection
Рикованова І. С. Управління ризиком у логістичній системі через систему страхового захисту / І. С. Рикованова, І. П. Таранський, Д. М. Донець // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 892. — С. 246–255.