Consumer behavior in the scratch card market: a double-hurdle approach

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


This paper investigates how demographic and other forms of compulsive behaviour and personality are related to the buying frequency of Le Millionaire scratch cards. We employ cross-sectional micro-data obtained from our household drop-off survey with a sample size of 1007 observations. Consequently, we examine the double-hurdle model as an alternative to the Tobit model. The lognormal double-hurdle model is the best specification for the study according to the Vuong test. In essence, the “Big-Five” dimensions of personality traits, coupled with other factors such as age, gender, educational background, household income and marital status are found to play a sine qua non role in determining a consumer’s behaviour in the scratch card market.



gambling, Le Millionaire scratch cards, censored regression models


Jaunky V. Consumer behavior in the scratch card market: a double-hurdle approach / Vishal Jaunky, Bhooshan Ramchurn // Економіка і менеджмент : матеріали ІI Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених ЕМ-2011, 24–26 листопада 2011 р., Львів, Україна / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011. – C. 206–209. – (3-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки). – Bibliography: 9 titles.