Проблеми логістичного забезпечення безпеки споживання
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Визначено місце логістики в забезпеченні безпеки споживання, обґрунтовано її
роль у захисті короткострокових та довгострокових інтересів держави (зокрема на
засадах “холодної”, “зеленої” логістики тощо). Розкрито сутність безпеки логістики та
логістичного убезпечення споживання, яке має розглядатися в контексті сталого
розвитку. Встановлено ризики логістичного убезпечення споживання залежно від рівня
системної ієрархії, функціональних сфер, виду економічної діяльності, етапів
логістичного процесу; запропонованошляхи їх подолання.
In the context of globalization challenges, with the background of the internal crisis situation in Ukraine, issues of providing both the economy security and safety of consumption as a prerequisite for its development become more and more relevant. The problem is even more acute due to the slow pace of solving sustainable development issues, especially within the social and environmental constituencies, in particular due to economic instability. Under such conditions, business entities of various spheres of economic activity, their infrastructure branches rather isolated than consolidatedly seek to implement and follow the principles of sustainable development. The situation is even more complicated for activities that are developing rapidly with the use of new and up-to-date methods and technologies and that the underdeveloped or poorly developed institutional framework lacks. Consequently, the study of the means of providing the safety of consumption is actual for logistics, which, on the one hand, is directly related to the safety of consumption of goods supplied to the end user (whether a legal entity or individual). On the other hand, logistics as a kind of activity belongs to ecologically dangerous and threatening itself. Analysis of works devoted to determining the place of logistics in ensuring economic security of the state and economic entities, its impact on sustainable development, and solving the problems of green logistics showed that the issue of logistic maintenance of consumption does not lose its relevance because of the immanence of macro-environment in Ukraine, the unstable development of logistic processes in our country and the threats that arise as a consequence of the global challenges of our time. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of logistics in providing the safety of consumption, identify the appropriate risks and justify ways to overcome them. In the process of research, the importance of logistics in ensuring the safety of consumption, both in the lower level of the hierarchy of needs and within the concept of sustainable development, has been determined and grounded. It is proposed to consider the safety of logistics as the safety of all logistics processes that accompany the transfer of goods from manufacturer to consumer (storage, transportation, warehousing, etc.). While logistic security of consumption should be considered, firstly, in the context of promoting sustainable development. Secondly, logistics should contribute to securing all stages of the process of consumption: from choice-order-delivery to utilization. However, in any case, the security of logistics is the basis without which logistic security of consumption is impossible. The role of logistic in providing of consumption safety in defending the short-term and long-term interests of the state, in particular on the principles of “cold”, “green” (ecological) logistics, within the limits of various practices of supply chain management is substantiated. The risks of logistic maintenance of consumption depending on the level of the system hierarchy, functional spheres, type of economic activity, product category, stages of the logistic process are determined. Accordingly, the necessity to take into account the trends of logistics security development is grounded and the ways to overcome the corresponding threats in the field of logistic maintenance of consumption are suggested.
In the context of globalization challenges, with the background of the internal crisis situation in Ukraine, issues of providing both the economy security and safety of consumption as a prerequisite for its development become more and more relevant. The problem is even more acute due to the slow pace of solving sustainable development issues, especially within the social and environmental constituencies, in particular due to economic instability. Under such conditions, business entities of various spheres of economic activity, their infrastructure branches rather isolated than consolidatedly seek to implement and follow the principles of sustainable development. The situation is even more complicated for activities that are developing rapidly with the use of new and up-to-date methods and technologies and that the underdeveloped or poorly developed institutional framework lacks. Consequently, the study of the means of providing the safety of consumption is actual for logistics, which, on the one hand, is directly related to the safety of consumption of goods supplied to the end user (whether a legal entity or individual). On the other hand, logistics as a kind of activity belongs to ecologically dangerous and threatening itself. Analysis of works devoted to determining the place of logistics in ensuring economic security of the state and economic entities, its impact on sustainable development, and solving the problems of green logistics showed that the issue of logistic maintenance of consumption does not lose its relevance because of the immanence of macro-environment in Ukraine, the unstable development of logistic processes in our country and the threats that arise as a consequence of the global challenges of our time. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of logistics in providing the safety of consumption, identify the appropriate risks and justify ways to overcome them. In the process of research, the importance of logistics in ensuring the safety of consumption, both in the lower level of the hierarchy of needs and within the concept of sustainable development, has been determined and grounded. It is proposed to consider the safety of logistics as the safety of all logistics processes that accompany the transfer of goods from manufacturer to consumer (storage, transportation, warehousing, etc.). While logistic security of consumption should be considered, firstly, in the context of promoting sustainable development. Secondly, logistics should contribute to securing all stages of the process of consumption: from choice-order-delivery to utilization. However, in any case, the security of logistics is the basis without which logistic security of consumption is impossible. The role of logistic in providing of consumption safety in defending the short-term and long-term interests of the state, in particular on the principles of “cold”, “green” (ecological) logistics, within the limits of various practices of supply chain management is substantiated. The risks of logistic maintenance of consumption depending on the level of the system hierarchy, functional spheres, type of economic activity, product category, stages of the logistic process are determined. Accordingly, the necessity to take into account the trends of logistics security development is grounded and the ways to overcome the corresponding threats in the field of logistic maintenance of consumption are suggested.
безпека споживання, безпека логістики, логістичне забезпечення безпеки споживання, ризики логістичного убезпечення споживання, consumption safety, logistics security, logistic providing of consumption safety, risks of logistic maintenance of consumption
Антонюк К. І. Проблеми логістичного забезпечення безпеки споживання / К. І. Антонюк // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 892. — С. 3–9.