Chemical Analysis and the Study of Quality Indicators of the Immunobiological Drug for Preventing and Treating Candidal Infections
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Встановлено, що такі показники якості як
вміст білка, вміст полісахариду, вміст фенолу та рН розробленого вакцинального розчину для ін’єкцій (ВРІ) "Кандидоцид"
на основі клітин грибів C. albicans та C. tropicalis, відповідають стандартним вимогам. Визначено, що за показником
прозорості та ступенем помутніння досліджуваний розчин є
прозорим, за ступенем забарвлення – безбарвний, за показником стерильності – стерильний. Період стерильності, визначений після першого відкриття, становить 8 год. Встановлено, що у розчині відсутні тверді частинки; ємність з
розчином герметична; об'єм ємності з розчином не менше 5,0
мл. Досліджуваний розчин є стабільним протягом 2 років
зберігання за температури 275–265 К.
Quality indicators such as protein content, polysaccharide content, phenol content, and pH of the developed vaccine solution for injection (VSI) “Candidocyde” based on cells of C. albicans and C. tropicalis fungi have been found to meet the standard requirements. It was determined that by the indicator of transparency and degree of turbidity the test solution is transparent, by the coloration degree it is colorless, by the sterility indicator it is sterile. The sterility period, determined after the first opening, is 8 hours. It was found that no solid particles were present in the solution; the container with the solution is hermetic; the volume of the container with a solution is not less than 5.0 ml. The test solution is stable for 2 years of storage at 275-265 K.
Quality indicators such as protein content, polysaccharide content, phenol content, and pH of the developed vaccine solution for injection (VSI) “Candidocyde” based on cells of C. albicans and C. tropicalis fungi have been found to meet the standard requirements. It was determined that by the indicator of transparency and degree of turbidity the test solution is transparent, by the coloration degree it is colorless, by the sterility indicator it is sterile. The sterility period, determined after the first opening, is 8 hours. It was found that no solid particles were present in the solution; the container with the solution is hermetic; the volume of the container with a solution is not less than 5.0 ml. The test solution is stable for 2 years of storage at 275-265 K.
вакцина, антиген, хімічний склад, білки, полісахариди, vaccine, antigen, chemical composition, proteins, polysaccharides
Chemical Analysis and the Study of Quality Indicators of the Immunobiological Drug for Preventing and Treating Candidal Infections / Mykola Rybalkin, Leonid Strelnikov, Oksana Strilets, Olha Kaliuzhnaia, Sergiy Kutsenko // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 14. — No 4. — P. 455–462.