The calculation of photoionization cross-section of negative hydrogen ions in the Born approximation
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Показано, що двоелектронна хвильова функцiя системи “атом водню + фотоелектрон” у борнiвському наближеннi забезпечує високу точнiсть розрахунку поперечного перерiзу процесу фотоiонiзацiї негативного iона водню. Розраховано частковi
поперечнi перерiзи, що вiдповiдають рiзним “ns-каналам реакцiї” у шкалi енергiй
фотоелектрона i шкалi довжин хвиль. Виконано порiвняння з результатами iнших
авторiв, одержаних iншими методами.
It is shown that the two-electron wave function of the system “hydrogen atom + photoelectron” in the Born approximation provides high accuracy of the photoionization process cross-section calculation of negative hydrogen ion. The partial cross-sections, which correspond to different “reaction ns-channels” in the scale of photoelectron energy and the scale of wavelengths are calculated. The comparisons with the results of other authors which obtained by other methods are performed.
It is shown that the two-electron wave function of the system “hydrogen atom + photoelectron” in the Born approximation provides high accuracy of the photoionization process cross-section calculation of negative hydrogen ion. The partial cross-sections, which correspond to different “reaction ns-channels” in the scale of photoelectron energy and the scale of wavelengths are calculated. The comparisons with the results of other authors which obtained by other methods are performed.
двоелектронна хвильова функцiя, борнiвське наближення, негативний iон водню, поперечний перерiз фотоiонiзацiї, two-electron wave function, Born approximation, negative hydrogen ion, photoionization cross-section
The calculation of photoionization cross-section of negative hydrogen ions in the Born approximation / Vavrukh M. V., Dzikovskyi D. V., Stelmakh O. M., Solovyan V. B. // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 7. — No 1. — P. 125–139.