The stress singularity order in a composite wedge of functionally graded materials under antiplane deformation
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
У данiй роботi вивчається з’ясування порядку сингулярностi у багатоклинових системах, що мiстять елементи, виконанi з функцiонально градiєнтного матерiалу (ФГМ)
з кутовою градiєнтнiстю. Такi елементи запропоновано моделювати за допомогою
багатоклинового пакету, де модуль зсуву змiнюється вiд клина до клина згiдно з певною функцiональною залежнiстю (в статтi розглянуто лiнiйну, квадратичну та експоненцiальну залежностi). З’ясовано, що складена з 20 елементiв модельна область
забезпечує вiдносну похибку обчислення порядку сингулярностi поля напружень, яка
не перевищує 5%. Використовуючи моделювання ФГМ за допомогою багатоклинової
системи, вивчено вплив вставки з ФГМ з кутовою градiєнтнiстю на порядок сингулярностi у трикомпонентному композитному клинi. Виявлено низку закономiрност
In this paper, finding the order of singularity in multi-wedge systems containing elements made of functionally gradient material (FGM) with an angular gradient under antiplane deformation is studied. These elements are proposed to be modeled by means of multiwedge composite, where the shear modulus changes from wedge to wedge according to a certain functional dependence (in this article we consider the linear, quadratic, and exponential dependencies). It is found that the model region composed of 20 elements provides a relative error in the calculation of the stress field singularity order, which does not exceed 5%. Using the simulation of FGM by a multi-wedge system, the influence of an insert made of functionally graded material with an angular gradient on the singularity order in a three-component composite wedge has been studied. A number of regularities have been established.
In this paper, finding the order of singularity in multi-wedge systems containing elements made of functionally gradient material (FGM) with an angular gradient under antiplane deformation is studied. These elements are proposed to be modeled by means of multiwedge composite, where the shear modulus changes from wedge to wedge according to a certain functional dependence (in this article we consider the linear, quadratic, and exponential dependencies). It is found that the model region composed of 20 elements provides a relative error in the calculation of the stress field singularity order, which does not exceed 5%. Using the simulation of FGM by a multi-wedge system, the influence of an insert made of functionally graded material with an angular gradient on the singularity order in a three-component composite wedge has been studied. A number of regularities have been established.
оска задача, багатоклинова система, сингулярнiсть напружень, функцiонально градiєнтний матерiал, кутова градiєнтнiсть, antiplane problem, multi-wedge system, stress singularity, functionally graded material, angular gradient
Makhorkin M. I. The stress singularity order in a composite wedge of functionally graded materials under antiplane deformation / Makhorkin M. I., Skrypochka T. A., Torskyy A. R. // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 7. — No 1. — P. 39–47.