Вітрова електрогенерація: світовий досвід та перспективи розвитку в Україні
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Проаналізовано стан розвитку вітрових генерувальних потужностей Польщі як
приклад європейської практики реалізації вимог Директиви 2009/28/ЄС щодо
заохочення використання відновлюваних джерел енергії. Проаналізовано стан розвитку
вітрової електрогенерації в Україні в контексті підписання зобов’язання перед Енерге-
тичним Співтовариством та Національного плану дій з відновлюваної енергетики на
період до 2020 р. Запропоновано розглядати електроенергетичний ринок у двох площи-
нах: як інфраструктуру, що забезпечує функціонування всієї економіки країни, а також
як бізнес-процес з певними матеріальними, інформаційними, сервісними потоками, які
потребують оптимізації, наприклад, через бізнес-модель 2В2.
The aim of the research is to systematize and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of wind power generation, evaluation of wind power capacity in Poland, analysis of the creation and development of wind power generation Ukraine in the context of the signing of the political part of the Association Agreement Ukraine with the EU and accession to the Energy Union, the analysis of natural potential of Ukraine to create wind electricity generation capacity and opportunities justify the inclusion of wind power generation in the United energy system of Ukraine. The article analyzes aspects of wind power generation in the context of Ukraine infrastructures and business processes. Examined and summarized the advantages and disadvantages of wind power generation. The state of wind generating capacity in Poland as an example of European practice implementation of the Directive 2009/28 / EC on the promotion of renewable energy sources. It is noted that today the main factor is the location of wind power generation facilities and natural factors identified regions of Ukraine most suitable location for such facilities. The state of wind electricity in Ukraine in the context of signing commitments to the Energy Community and the National Action Plan for Renewable Energy for the period to 2020 revealed that today’s investment climate is not conducive to the implementation of the provisions of these documents and the reasons experts call this the gaps in forensic legal sphere, corruption at government officials and private business, noncompetitive organization of the sector. It is noted that the index of investment attractiveness of Ukraine in 2016 did not get even the neutral zone, but from 2011 there has been a positive trend (index of investment attractiveness reached the mark neutral zone). These causes unattractive investment climate in the power sector: the presence of 50 % standards in facilities built “green generation” to use domestic equipment, which is drawn by the lack of competition in the market for renewable electricity. In the analysis of recent changes in regulations, found that even the abolition of the said rules on domestic component of green power generation facilities, as well as bringing “green” tariff to the level of world average is not too contributes to the creation of wind generating facilities, due to failure state guarantees on immutability order to stimulate the development of “green” electricity generation capacity. Grounded perspective as a basic wind electricity the example of China and Australia. The above reasons are forced to consider the electricity market in two levels: as an infrastructure that ensures the functioning of the economy, and hence also its security and energy independence, as well as business process where there is a certain material, information, service flows that require optimization example through business model 2B2.
The aim of the research is to systematize and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of wind power generation, evaluation of wind power capacity in Poland, analysis of the creation and development of wind power generation Ukraine in the context of the signing of the political part of the Association Agreement Ukraine with the EU and accession to the Energy Union, the analysis of natural potential of Ukraine to create wind electricity generation capacity and opportunities justify the inclusion of wind power generation in the United energy system of Ukraine. The article analyzes aspects of wind power generation in the context of Ukraine infrastructures and business processes. Examined and summarized the advantages and disadvantages of wind power generation. The state of wind generating capacity in Poland as an example of European practice implementation of the Directive 2009/28 / EC on the promotion of renewable energy sources. It is noted that today the main factor is the location of wind power generation facilities and natural factors identified regions of Ukraine most suitable location for such facilities. The state of wind electricity in Ukraine in the context of signing commitments to the Energy Community and the National Action Plan for Renewable Energy for the period to 2020 revealed that today’s investment climate is not conducive to the implementation of the provisions of these documents and the reasons experts call this the gaps in forensic legal sphere, corruption at government officials and private business, noncompetitive organization of the sector. It is noted that the index of investment attractiveness of Ukraine in 2016 did not get even the neutral zone, but from 2011 there has been a positive trend (index of investment attractiveness reached the mark neutral zone). These causes unattractive investment climate in the power sector: the presence of 50 % standards in facilities built “green generation” to use domestic equipment, which is drawn by the lack of competition in the market for renewable electricity. In the analysis of recent changes in regulations, found that even the abolition of the said rules on domestic component of green power generation facilities, as well as bringing “green” tariff to the level of world average is not too contributes to the creation of wind generating facilities, due to failure state guarantees on immutability order to stimulate the development of “green” electricity generation capacity. Grounded perspective as a basic wind electricity the example of China and Australia. The above reasons are forced to consider the electricity market in two levels: as an infrastructure that ensures the functioning of the economy, and hence also its security and energy independence, as well as business process where there is a certain material, information, service flows that require optimization example through business model 2B2.
вітрова електрогенерація, об’єднана енергетична система, інвестиційний клімат, інфраструктура електроенергетичного ринку, енергобезпека, енергонезалежність, екологічна безпека, модель В2В, wind electricity, united energy system, investment climate, infrastructure electricity market, energy security, energy independence, environmental security, business model 2B2
Рикованова І. С. Вітрова електрогенерація: світовий досвід та перспективи розвитку в Україні / І. С. Рикованова, І. П. Таранський, Д. М. Донець // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 863. — С. 159–167.