Професійна мобільність персоналу як складова адаптаційної політики підприємства
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Висвітлено проблематику професійної мобільності через призму адаптаційної
політики підприємства та сучасних викликів. Виділено основні складові, види та
функції професійної мобільності. Наголошено на методологічно-технологічних аспектах
її дослідження в контексті адаптаційної політики підприємства. Підкреслено важливість
вартісних аспектів дослідження професійної мобільності. Подано висновки і пропозиції,
спрямовані на підвищення ефективності професійної мобільності підприємства.
In the article the range of problems of professional mobility is reflected through the prism of adaptation politics of enterprise and modern calls. Basic constituents, kinds and functions of professional mobility are distinguished. It is marked the methodologicallytechnological aspects of her research in the context of adaptation politics of enterprise. Importance of cost aspects of research of professional mobility is underline. Conclusions and suggestions sent to the increase of efficiency of professional mobility of enterprise are offered. Professional mobility can be examined as a separate function of adaptation in the narrow understanding of word, or as the proper mechanism of scho provides successful realization of adaptation policy of enterprise and his competitiveness in the conditions of changeable environment. Being the mechanism of socialpsychological adaptation, professional mobility at the same time comes forward the original indicator of professional adaptation of personality, determining the degree of adaptation to the new terms of labour. In the cut of enterprise mobility shows up both among professional and qualifying groups. Taking into account a variety and multidimensionalness of mobility the higher management of enterprise must with the aim of increase of efficiency of adaptation politics envisage the different forms of studies and development of personnel, that will help inprofl professional orientation. Efficiency of professional mobility is estimated through the prism of return from investments in development of personnel in a certain sentinel interval and it is the task of adaptation management of enterprise, as, as scientists notice justly, a “adaptation management – it the complex of measures not simply, but row of Mini Concept, what as sociate inter se and give a sinergistical effect from the conducted measures in relation to adaptation of personnel. Professional mobility is continuation of academic mobility during that corresponding educational competenses are formed, and taking of them to the level of professional skills is provided during practical activity of man. That employer must closely cooperate with educational establishments, thinking over really necessary to the competence for young specialists that will nurse labours to the market. Only through the synthesis of education, science and practice it is possible to attain effective professional mobility and high professional competence of workers. The problem has the integrated character, links different institutes, tangents to development of professional mobility and preparation professionally of mobile specialist and requires the decision both at the level of enterprise and educational establishments.
In the article the range of problems of professional mobility is reflected through the prism of adaptation politics of enterprise and modern calls. Basic constituents, kinds and functions of professional mobility are distinguished. It is marked the methodologicallytechnological aspects of her research in the context of adaptation politics of enterprise. Importance of cost aspects of research of professional mobility is underline. Conclusions and suggestions sent to the increase of efficiency of professional mobility of enterprise are offered. Professional mobility can be examined as a separate function of adaptation in the narrow understanding of word, or as the proper mechanism of scho provides successful realization of adaptation policy of enterprise and his competitiveness in the conditions of changeable environment. Being the mechanism of socialpsychological adaptation, professional mobility at the same time comes forward the original indicator of professional adaptation of personality, determining the degree of adaptation to the new terms of labour. In the cut of enterprise mobility shows up both among professional and qualifying groups. Taking into account a variety and multidimensionalness of mobility the higher management of enterprise must with the aim of increase of efficiency of adaptation politics envisage the different forms of studies and development of personnel, that will help inprofl professional orientation. Efficiency of professional mobility is estimated through the prism of return from investments in development of personnel in a certain sentinel interval and it is the task of adaptation management of enterprise, as, as scientists notice justly, a “adaptation management – it the complex of measures not simply, but row of Mini Concept, what as sociate inter se and give a sinergistical effect from the conducted measures in relation to adaptation of personnel. Professional mobility is continuation of academic mobility during that corresponding educational competenses are formed, and taking of them to the level of professional skills is provided during practical activity of man. That employer must closely cooperate with educational establishments, thinking over really necessary to the competence for young specialists that will nurse labours to the market. Only through the synthesis of education, science and practice it is possible to attain effective professional mobility and high professional competence of workers. The problem has the integrated character, links different institutes, tangents to development of professional mobility and preparation professionally of mobile specialist and requires the decision both at the level of enterprise and educational establishments.
професійна мобільність, адаптаційна політика, види професійної мобільності, професійна переорієнтація, компетенції, адаптаційний менеджмент, professional mobility, adaptation policy, types of professional mobility, professional pereorientaciya, jurisdictions, adaptation management
Захарчин Г. М. Професійна мобільність персоналу як складова адаптаційної політики підприємства / Г. М. Захарчин, С. О. Гладун // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 863. — С. 51–56.