Formation of sectorial model of Ukrainian economy at the post-war period
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
У статті досліджено трансформацію секторної моделі економіки України у 2001–2020 рр. та
формування нової структури секторної моделі у поствоєнний період. Секторна модель розвитку
національного господарства комплексно відображає організацію економічної системи за технологічною інтенсивністю й суспільними потребами в умовах постіндустріального суспільства,
враховує структурно-технологічні зміни національного господарства.
У ході дослідження сформовано гіпотезу: Україна постала перед завданням із формування
нової секторної моделі національної економіки з потужними вторинним (S2) і п’ятериковим (S5)
секторами, які посилять конкурентоспроможність країни на глобальному рівні у поствоєнний період.
Здійснено оцінювання структурних змін секторної моделі економіки України відповідно до
новітніх вимог постіндустріального суспільства в умовах нестабільності (2001–2020 рр.).
Розвитку національної економіки України відповідно до вимог постіндустріального суспільства
можливо досягти, сформувавши у післявоєнний період сучасну секторну модель, яка передбачає
зменшення частки первинного (S1) і третинного (S3) секторів зі зростанням часток вторинного
(S2) і п’ятерикового (S5) секторів, у яких зосереджено високотехнологічне виробництво.
Purpose of the article is the empirical research of the development of sectorial models of national economies at globalization and to provide some recommendations for transformation of sectorial model of Ukraine at the post-war period. The hypothesis is that Ukraine has a chose to form a new sectorial model of national economy with powerful Secondary (S2) and Quinary (S5) sectors that will push country to become global competitively in the terms of the post-industrial society development at the post-war period. The methods of scientific research were applied to research the economic models and the structural changes of countries: theoretical generalization (to systematize scientific research of sectorial model and to formulate the conclusions), empirical method and methods of statistical analysis (to determine the structure of sectorial model of national economies of the world; to compare the level of the national economies’ development in the world and Ukraine and the their national economies’ structure via specific sectors; to simulate the sectorіal model of the national economy of Ukraine). The development of Ukraine towards post-industrial society can be achieved by forming a modern sectorial model at postwar period. The model involves economic complexity, such as reducing the proportion of Primary (S1) and Tertiary (S3) sectors, and increasing proportion of the Secondary (S2) and Quinary (S5) sectors, which are concentrated on high-tech economic activities of material and non-material production. Development of Ukraine at the level of the countries with innovative economies involves the formation and development of sectorial model, which would be able to occupy strategic places in the global economy. The research highlights the elements of the methodological system of choosing and forming the sectorial model for national economy’s development at the conditions of post-war period, based on macro-forecasting of the country's development was carried out in accordance with strategic economic tasks. The obtained results impact to develop the recommendations for the formation and implementation of modern sectorial model of Ukrainian economy at the conditions of post-war period.
Purpose of the article is the empirical research of the development of sectorial models of national economies at globalization and to provide some recommendations for transformation of sectorial model of Ukraine at the post-war period. The hypothesis is that Ukraine has a chose to form a new sectorial model of national economy with powerful Secondary (S2) and Quinary (S5) sectors that will push country to become global competitively in the terms of the post-industrial society development at the post-war period. The methods of scientific research were applied to research the economic models and the structural changes of countries: theoretical generalization (to systematize scientific research of sectorial model and to formulate the conclusions), empirical method and methods of statistical analysis (to determine the structure of sectorial model of national economies of the world; to compare the level of the national economies’ development in the world and Ukraine and the their national economies’ structure via specific sectors; to simulate the sectorіal model of the national economy of Ukraine). The development of Ukraine towards post-industrial society can be achieved by forming a modern sectorial model at postwar period. The model involves economic complexity, such as reducing the proportion of Primary (S1) and Tertiary (S3) sectors, and increasing proportion of the Secondary (S2) and Quinary (S5) sectors, which are concentrated on high-tech economic activities of material and non-material production. Development of Ukraine at the level of the countries with innovative economies involves the formation and development of sectorial model, which would be able to occupy strategic places in the global economy. The research highlights the elements of the methodological system of choosing and forming the sectorial model for national economy’s development at the conditions of post-war period, based on macro-forecasting of the country's development was carried out in accordance with strategic economic tasks. The obtained results impact to develop the recommendations for the formation and implementation of modern sectorial model of Ukrainian economy at the conditions of post-war period.
Pyroh O. V. Formation of sectorial model of Ukrainian economy at the post-war period / O. V. Pyroh // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія “Проблеми економіки та управління”. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol 6. — No 2. — P. 90–99.