Маркетингова оцінка детермінант регіональних сегментів світового ринку ресторанних послуг



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Видавництво Львівської політехніки


Досліджено світовий ринок ресторанних послуг та його найбільші регіональні сегменти, встановлено основні тенденції розвитку. Здійснено маркетингову оцінку основних детермінант регіональних сегментів світового ринку ресторанних послуг. Визначено рейтинг 25 країн за обсягами продажів у світовій ресторанній індустрії. Проаналізовано динаміку і якісні зміни кон’юнктури ринку ресторанних послуг в домінуючих країнах. Розглянуто чинники, що впливають на перспективи розвитку світового ринку ресторанних послуг в сучасних умовах.
The global market of restaurant services and its largest regional segments are researched. It is noted that in the current economic conditions the restaurant industry is becoming more dynamic and has a significant impact on the development of national economies. The dominant global trends of out-of-home dining and the consumption of readymade products impact the steady growth of the global restaurant industry by an average of over 7% annually. The level of development of restaurant business in the economy of any country is one of the important indicators of the quality of life of the population. It is shown that the complex environment of restaurant business is determined by the interaction and interdependence of the number of factors of external (economic, social, cultural, religious, political, etc.) and internal (technical, technological, financial, marketing, personnel) marketing environment. The marketing analyses of the main determinants of regional segments of the global market of restaurant services has been carried out. The ranking of 25 countries with the largest sales volume in the global restaurant industry is identified. United States remain the undisputed leader in the global market of restaurant services. China is ranked second with a big gap, with Japan closing top three. The top five countries in terms of sales in the global restaurant industry include India and Brazil, and the top ten ranking – Great Britain, Canada, South Korea, Spain, France. Important regional segments of the global market of restaurant services are markets in Australia, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, UAE, Malaysia, Mexico, Turkey. The dynamics and qualitative changes of the market situation of restaurant services in the dominant countries are analyzed. A comprehensive study of restaurant markets in the leading countries of the world has allowed to identify the most stable international trends in the restaurant business: healthy eating; use of local ingredients in the production of food and beverages; use of new information technologies in all areas of restaurant business; new forms of partnership of restaurant business with many other sectors of the economy, first of all, with trade and transport; increasing popularity of restaurant business. It is emphasized that the main trends of the development of the global market of restaurant services are further intensity of competition and the maximum democratization of the restaurant industry, unceasing marketing efforts to meet absolutely every customer, due to the peculiarities of the competition in the restaurant business. Marketing studies have found that the processes taking place in the restaurant business depend not only on changes within the intra-industry, but also on the level of implementation of socio-economic priorities in individual countries. The importance of such marketing research is having reliable information about all the changes in the global market of restaurant services, so restaurant businesses can respond promptly to them, and even create changes themselves, in order to more effectively fight the competition.



ринок ресторанних послуг, ресторанний бізнес, світовий ринок ресторанних послуг, регіональний сегмент, маркетинговий аналіз, рейтинг, кон’юнктура, тенденції розвитку ринку ресторанних послуг, market of restaurant services, restaurant business, global market of restaurant services, regional segment, marketing analysis of the market, rating, market conditions, trends of market development of restaurant services


Вовчанська О. М. Маркетингова оцінка детермінант регіональних сегментів світового ринку ресторанних послуг / О. М. Вовчанська, Л. О. Іванова // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 892. — С. 228–238.



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