Application of BIM in bridge construction

dc.citation.journalTitleСучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва
dc.citation.volumeІІ (44)
dc.contributor.affiliationIngenieurteam Nord GbR
dc.contributor.authorRomanovskyi, A.
dc.contributor.authorLisnyk, O.
dc.description.abstractThe spread of digital technologies in the field of engineering led to the invention of various methods for digitization processes. The use of Building Information Model (BIM) is already expanding to the application for infrastructure objects. Therefore, a need for the practical implementation of a BIM for each type of the specific objects is sufficient. In the current research, the main objective is to present an optimal technique for the application of BIM for built bridges. Based on the project documentation and field measurements of a bridge, a digital model must be created using Revit software. To investigate the achievements so far, some scientific articles and proposed technologies have been analyzed. How is BIM for infrastructure management already developed in many countries? What is a more detailed methodology called bridge information model (BrIM)? Another important question is how to digitize old objects in a simple and fast way. The procedures of data acquisition, georeferencing and modeling have been implemented and described. All successive steps from surveying an area to visualization and data transfer are presented in the study. The TLS and aerial photographs were merged and transferred into a point cloud, which served as a source for modeling. Revit software is used to create a bridge. Attribute data was taken from the project documentation, and the model of the newly built bridge on the old federal road B96 was transferred to a BIM. For the bridge on the new federal road B96, the inclination of the bridge body and the rotation around the center axis were modeled using an add-on for Revit called SOFiSTiK.
dc.identifier.citationRomanovskyi A. Application of BIM in bridge construction / A. Romanovskyi, O. Lisnyk // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol II (44). — P. 49–52.
dc.identifier.citationenRomanovskyi A. Application of BIM in bridge construction / A. Romanovskyi, O. Lisnyk // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol II (44). — P. 49–52.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofСучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва, 2022
dc.relation.ispartofModern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry, 2022
dc.relation.referencesBritish Standards Institution (2019). BS EN ISO 19650:
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dc.relation.referencesbuildings and civil engineering works, including
dc.relation.referencesbuilding information modelling – Information
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dc.relation.references(2016). Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der BMVI
dc.relation.referencesPilotprojekte zur Anwendung von Building Information
dc.relation.referencesModeling im Infrastrukturbau- Zwischenbericht.
dc.relation.referencesBundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur.
dc.relation.references(2021). Stufenplan zur Einführung von Building
dc.relation.referencesInformation Modeling (BIM). Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesBIM Wiki, 2021. Level of detail for BIM. Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesGleason, D. (2013, October). Laser scanning for an
dc.relation.referencesintegrated BIM. In Lake Constance 5D-Conference, 28–29. 3D modelling. (2021, April 8). In Wikipedia.
dc.relation.referencesHecht, H., & Jaud, Š. (2019). TUM OpenInfraPlatform:
dc.relation.referencesThe Open-Source BIM 76 Visualisation Software. In 31. Forum Bauinformatik: 11.–13. September 2019 in
dc.relation.referencesBerlin. Proceedings, 93. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
dc.relation.referencesenBritish Standards Institution (2019). BS EN ISO 19650:
dc.relation.referencesenOrganisation and digitisation of information about
dc.relation.referencesenbuildings and civil engineering works, including
dc.relation.referencesenbuilding information modelling – Information
dc.relation.referencesenmanagement using building information modelling,
dc.relation.referencesenLondon: BSI.
dc.relation.referencesenBuilding Information Modeling (2021, April 30). In Wikipedia.
dc.relation.referencesen 3D modelling. (2021, April 8). In Wikipedia.
dc.relation.referencesenPătrăucean, V., Armeni, I., Nahangi, M., Yeung, J.,
dc.relation.referencesenBrilakis, I., & Haas, C. (2015). State of research in
dc.relation.referencesenautomatic as-built modelling. Advanced Engineering
dc.relation.referencesenInformatics, 29(2), 162–171.
dc.relation.referencesenTrimble Solutions Corporation (2021). Bridge Information
dc.relation.referencesenModeling (BrIM) Brings Bridge Engineering to the
dc.relation.referencesenModern Era. Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesenHeinz, E., Medić, T., Holst, C., & Kuhlmann, H. (2018).
dc.relation.referencesenGenauigkeitsbeurteilung von Laserscans anhand
dc.relation.referencesenrealer Messobjekte. DVW e. V. (ed.): Terrestrisches
dc.relation.referencesenLaserscanning, 41–56.
dc.relation.referencesenLin, Y. C., Lee, H. Y., & Yang, I. T. (2016). Developing
dc.relation.referencesenas-built BIM model process management system for
dc.relation.referencesengeneral contractors: a case study. Journal of Civil
dc.relation.referencesenEngineering and Management, 22(5), 608–621.
dc.relation.referencesenAlmukhtar, A., Saeed, Z. O., Abanda, H., & Tah, J. H.
dc.relation.referencesen(2021). Reality capture of buildings using 3D laser
dc.relation.referencesenscanners. CivilEng, 2(1), 214–235.
dc.relation.referencesenCho A. Ten Minutes with the Godfathers of Bridge
dc.relation.referencesenInformation Modeling. 2009. Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesen article 8/12/2009.
dc.relation.referencesenChu, X., Zhou, Z. X., Xiang, X., Songlin, H. E., & Hou, X.
dc.relation.referencesen(2018). Monitoring of long-span bridge deformation
dc.relation.referencesenbased on 3D laser scanning. Instrumentation, Mesure,
dc.relation.referencesenMetrologie, 17(1), 113.
dc.relation.referencesenBorrmann, A., König, M., Braun, M., Elixmann, R.,
dc.relation.referencesenEschenbruch, K., Hausknecht, K., ... & Singer, D.
dc.relation.referencesen(2016). Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der BMVI
dc.relation.referencesenPilotprojekte zur Anwendung von Building Information
dc.relation.referencesenModeling im Infrastrukturbau- Zwischenbericht.
dc.relation.referencesenBundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur.
dc.relation.referencesen(2021). Stufenplan zur Einführung von Building
dc.relation.referencesenInformation Modeling (BIM). Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesenBIM Wiki, 2021. Level of detail for BIM. Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesenGleason, D. (2013, October). Laser scanning for an
dc.relation.referencesenintegrated BIM. In Lake Constance 5D-Conference, 28–29. 3D modelling. (2021, April 8). In Wikipedia.
dc.relation.referencesenHecht, H., & Jaud, Š. (2019). TUM OpenInfraPlatform:
dc.relation.referencesenThe Open-Source BIM 76 Visualisation Software. In 31. Forum Bauinformatik: 11.–13. September 2019 in
dc.relation.referencesenBerlin. Proceedings, 93. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
dc.rights.holder© Західне геодезичне товариство, 2022
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2022
dc.subject3D Modeling
dc.subjectterrestrial laser scanning
dc.subjectaerial imagery
dc.subjectengineering and construction
dc.titleApplication of BIM in bridge construction


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