Measurement of SF6 using GC-ECD: a comparative study on the utilization of CO2-N2 mixture and CH4-Ar mixture as a make-up gas
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Для визначення гексафлюору сульфуру (SF6)
досліджено суміші 10% СО2-N2 і 5% СН4-Ar як допоміжного
газу в газовій хроматографії з детектором захоплення
електронів (ГХ-ДЕЗ). Встановлено, що 10% СО2-N2 можна
порівняти з 5 %CH4-Ar і така суміш може бути використана
як альтернатива.
Comparison of 10 % CO2-N2 and 5 % CH4-Ar gas mixture as a make-up of gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) for the measurement of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) was investigated. It was found that 10 % CO2-N2 shows the make-up characteristic comparable to 5 % CH4-Ar. Thus, 10 % CO2-N2 is considerable as an alternative to 5 % CH4-Ar.
Comparison of 10 % CO2-N2 and 5 % CH4-Ar gas mixture as a make-up of gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) for the measurement of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) was investigated. It was found that 10 % CO2-N2 shows the make-up characteristic comparable to 5 % CH4-Ar. Thus, 10 % CO2-N2 is considerable as an alternative to 5 % CH4-Ar.
вимірювання, SF6, парникові гази, ГХ- ДЕЗ, допоміжний газ, measurement, SF6, greenhouse gases, GC-ECD, make-up gas
Zuas O. Measurement of SF6 using GC-ECD: a comparative study on the utilization of CO2-N2 mixture and CH4-Ar mixture as a make-up gas / Oman Zuas, Harry Budiman, Nuryatini Hamim // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 11. — No 4. — P. 420–429.